How to Write Outstanding Product Description [The Best 11 Tips]

in #seolast year (edited)

How to write outstanding product description

Writing product descriptions is an art. This practice has its techniques and strategies to achieve a good piece of text. Besides, it is completely different to write reviews, critics, or even literature. Thus, taking into consideration some relevant aspects of each text type is fundamental to do it correctly.

Good product descriptions are a good starting point to develop your brand and can positively contribute to all user experiences by giving credibility to your store. In addition, this is one of the reasons why your store can rank higher, get more visitors and conversions.
Before we get started, here is a small table of contents to show you what you'll learn today:

Table of contents:

  • How to Write Outstanding Product Description
    • What is a product description?
    • What does an eCommerce product description do?
    • Why is a product description so important?
    • How to Write Great Product Descriptions?
      • Writing;
      • Answer important questions before writing
      • Focus on your ideal buyer
      • Tempt with social proof
      • Focus on benefits and features
      • Make your description scannable
      • Use influential words to boost persuasiveness
      • Optimize your copy for search engines
      • Answer questions
        • Use photos and video;
      • Tell a story
    • Product Description Template
    • Summary
    • FAQ

What is a Product Description?

As its name says, a product description seeks to describe a product so that the visitor can find out about all its characteristics.
When you write product descriptions, you should highlight the product features and outline all the benefits, even for the smallest ones.
But, is a product description just about using certain words, features, and benefits?
The answer is no.
A description is also a passionate story, a set of compelling reasons why the target audience, and general customers, should prefer a specific product.
A master product description writing gives extensive answers to customers’ questions, addressing all technical details and much more.
A good product description is also a series of elements that you must gather to display your product to your ideal customer and get more sales.
Speaking about these elements, a product description can consist of:

  • Writing;
  • Bullet points presenting product benefits;
  • Good images or photos;
  • Videos;
  • User-Generated Content;
  • User Reviews;
  • Even pain points.

What Does an eCommerce Product Description Do?

In a product description you must qualify, persuade and surface

Your product descriptions don’t intend to describe the content of your Shopify or eCommerce site only. Product descriptions are also there to provide other benefits, such as:

  • Qualify: They help website visitors quickly assess “is this for someone like me?”
  • Persuade: They provide compelling, customer-centered reasons to consider the product.
  • Surface: They use SEO keywords and natural search terms so that the page shows up in search engines or, for example, Amazon results.

Why Is a Product Description so Important?

In general terms, product pages with good product descriptions can:

  • boost conversions and trustworthiness,
  • strengthen your brand voice,
  • improve search engine optimization of your site.
But, besides that, it is fundamental you take into consideration everything that customers have to say about descriptions.

Listen to customers and what they have to say.


In general, buyers tend to focus on particular aspects of the information you are giving to them. When it comes to physical products, they put real attention to the images or photos. In the second place, the reviews of the product, ratings, and comparison charts.

How to Write Great Product Descriptions?

Persuasive product descriptions consider a lot of factors, from basic descriptions to using images and photos to enhance the content. Let’s have a look at some tips that will surely help you create compelling descriptions of your products.

Answer Important Questions Before Writing

As we’ve mentioned, writing great product descriptions is an art. And like every art, a well-written product description requires a clear outstanding of some aspects before starting.
Let's go through some questions you should ask yourself to help you with your product descriptions.

  • What tone should I use? Casual or formal language? Which are the words and concepts that gamers use?
  • How do I address my target buyer? Is it also emails and on the phone?
  • Who is the typical customer of my gaming online store?
  • Why do they need this product?
  • What problem is your product solving?
  • What does the target customer expect from my product?
  • Where will they use the product?
  • What additional information can I offer potential customers to improve their experience?
This list of questions addresses two perspectives of writing product questions: customer questions and product questions. Responding to product questions is relatively easy; you can describe the product title, specifications, and key product details.

However, responding to customer questions could be a bit complex. To write effective product descriptions, you need to know how to address your audience, and what kind of language you must use for epic product descriptions.

Answering some questions like “What problem does your product solve?” before you start writing will make it easier to know what features to highlight.

Note: When you write a product description, you have to head to the nitty-gritty of describing the product.

Focus on Your Ideal Potential Buyer to Write Product Descriptions

Create case studies and buyer personas to know what your potential customers want

In life, when you address everything, you address nothing. Here the story is not different. This is the key you should remember when you write a compelling product description for a specific market.

The best descriptions know exactly what kind of audience they are speaking to. They speak to them directly and personally.

When you write the product description, you answer the questions of any potential customer as if you are having an honest conversation with them. In this conversation, it’s advisable to use powerful words that’ll influence your ideal buyer. Besides, a good practice is to use the term “you” to give customers the feeling of personalization.

Before starting to write, you need to pay attention to this relevant information about your ideal buyer.

  • Who is this buyer?
  • How old are they?
  • What words do they use?
  • What kind of humor do they appreciate?
  • What words do they hate?
  • What questions do they ask that you should answer?

Know your potential buyer to increase the conversion rates

Try to think in the language you would use if you were selling your product in a store, face-to-face. Now, incorporate that language into your site so you can have a similar conversation online that resonates more deeply.

Tempt with Social Proof

A good product page copy must include social proof

When the visitors of any eCommerce website are trying to decide which product to buy after checking all the technical specs and any product benefits, they generally look for suggestions about what to purchase.

70% of shoppers report that they trust online reviews. In this regard, positive and negative reviews are fundamental to build trust in your product. In general, consumers sway to buy a product with the highest number of positive reviews.

But there are other ways to sneak social proof into your product descriptions.

Using pictures is another great way to give social proof. Remember that “a picture is worth a thousand words.”

Pictures can be the final push when it comes to convincing customers.

But not any picture.

Firstly, an image of the person who gives a review can make your eCommerce sites more personal and reliable. This image may offer the answers to the queries that the buyer personas are doing.

Secondly, an image can show how the product looks and how the reviewer is using it.

Also, images can carry an extra impact because they can mark your product as popular. Also, this popularity must be supported by the phrase press favorite.

Most buyers are attracted to buying popular products. When it comes to your website, highlight the products that are customer favorites.

Focus on Benefits and Features

A good product description example should focus on the features and benefits of the product. In general terms, features should be a bit clearer, even mundane features. On the other hand, describing key benefits require good writing skills, creativity, and knowledge of your target buyer.

Anyway, make sure to use some positive adjectives that highlight them.

In the example below, you can see the description of a gaming controller informing that the device is “compatible with thousands of titles across the app store,” which has “new Hall effect magnetic triggers” and that “you can easily attach your iPhone to your Nimbus+.” These are good descriptions of features and benefits.

Features and benefits in a product description

Make Your Description Scannable

Is your web design doing an excellent job encouraging web visitors to know more and read your product descriptions?

Sorting your product descriptions with a scannable design makes them easier to read and more appealing to potential customers. It can even increase conversions.

Let’s take a look at some of the best areas you can focus on to make your description more scannable to users:

  • Use compelling headlines to entice your web visitor;
  • Use bullet points;
  • Include all the white space you can;
  • Increase your font size to promote readability.

Use Influential Words to Boost Persuasiveness

Words have the power of pushing people to have a specific opinion about a topic. And in the business world, it is no different. Words can release good feelings and boost the persuasiveness of your brand.

According to David Ogilvy, certain influential words can improve the persuasiveness of your product page copy.

Next, you have a list of power words you can use to boost your description and sell almost anything:

Examples of power words you can use to explain product benefits and connect with customers

Other powerful words you can use are the following:

  • Belief;
  • Happy;
  • Heart;
  • Magic;
  • Miracle;
  • Spectacular;
  • Stunning;
  • Triumph;
  • Wonderful.

At this point, it is relevant to know that using too many influential words can be harmful to your SEO traffic. An adequate product description shouldn’t contain spam of adjectives. Thus, be careful with text descriptions in this regard!

Here’s another excellent example of that in action:

Influential words to get more traffic to your website.jpg

You can notice the words “quickly,” “easily,” and “consistently” to describe the controller. But it also does a great job featuring the product benefits, such as getting a competitive advantage.

Optimize your Copy for Search Engines

The words you use don’t only hold sway over the buyer and describe product quality. They’re also crucial for SEO.

What’s more, some evidence shows that inserting keywords in products, especially in bullet points, increases search rankings.

Shopify suggests adding main keywords to four main places:

  • Page titles - product titles,
  • Meta descriptions,/li>
  • ALT tags,
  • A page’s body content (product descriptions).
  • Ideally, you would use the same keywords in your product description as you do in your meta description.

    Anyway, keep an eye on keyword stuffing and try to create good product benefits by using creative text. This can boost the search results of your page and even site functionality. Otherwise, always try to include keywords in headings and the body of the text, but don’t abuse them.

    Answer Questions

    Write copy including a FAQ section can increase sales

    Good descriptions of any online shop always try to answer customers' questions. Due to this, customers can learn everything about the product immediately and make the best purchase decision.

    A good way of answering questions is by creating a FAQ section where potential buyers can read about what they are looking for.

    The FAQ section can talk about the best features of the product and have a bulleted format. Additionally, it can briefly describe products by giving a few tips in this regard. A short answer is an excellent way to highlight some specific points.

    Three or four questions do an excellent job in this sense.

    Think of questions a specific audience might potentially be asking themselves about your product and try to answer them indirectly in this section. The FAQ section can also be a list of the most common questions your customer service receives from hesitant shoppers.

    Use Photos and Videos

    Write a persuasive copy involves using good images and videos

    Don’t underestimate the power of using photos and videos instead of descriptive words. It is logical that when you think about product description, you think about the text. But that's not all. Product images, photos, and videos are fundamental to conversions.

    According to a great case study developed by, using images to visualize features and benefits increase revenues by 17%.

    Just imagine. You are a customer willing to buy an indie game, but you’re not sure about the gameplay, the graphics, or anything about the game. You want to see the sprites, the characters’ design, the performance, etc.

    Be sure to present the product from different angles and show how it can be used in various ways or situations.

    Photos and videos are crucial for the marketing copy of your eCommerce website!

    Keep in mind that the images’ alt texts you use should be optimized for SEO.

    Adding keywords in alt descriptions is a good way to improve SEO

    What are alt-texts?

    Alt texts (alternative texts), or alt descriptions, describe an image’s content or function on a page

    Tell a Story

    Mafia 2 great product description by g2a

    Describing a product is not so far away from telling a story. People want to know whether the product they are buying is for them or not. A product’s story can be the last push people need.

    Think about something that will spark customers’ imagination. Besides, you can respond to some questions in the form of a short story.

    • What’s unique about it?
    • How is this particular product made?
    • How did it get its name?

    The purpose of success stories is that the customer feels emotionally connected to your product. Remember that people make purchase decisions based on their feelings, on how they imagine the product in their possession.

    When it comes to gaming, describing the game’s plot is a good way to make the player get into its atmosphere. Illustrating any detail relevant to the story is fundamental to make people interested.

    It can be just one or two short paragraphs consisting of a few sentences. It should be enough to make your buyer persona fall in love with the product if done right.

    Product Description Template

    Marketers often claim that there’s one best way to create a good product description. However, we think that creativity goes beyond any limits. Thus, there are even dozens of ways to write a product description that will steal the heart of your target audience.
    If you’re not sure how to do it or you’re stuck, here you have a good example of a simple product template you can use as an inspiration.

    Product Description Template (4 steps):

    • Tell the customer why they need the product.
    • Mention the product benefit of the product feature.
    • Provide a recommendation.
    • Include a call to action.

    Continuing with the product we used in a previous section, let's take a look at this description product copy.

    A keyboard and a mouse are not enough when you want to gain a competitive edge over your in-game opponents. Gear up with the gamepad XYZ and outperform your rivals! Use multiple buttons simultaneously, aim with impeccable precision and reach the level of the pros!

    How to Write Outstanding Product Description - Summary

    Writing product descriptions that sell any product is not so hard but requires considering the material we have shared and the main points we have mentioned in this article.

    To begin writing, check all the recommendations and make sure you are correctly integrating all of them. Build a plan, a bulleted list of all the features and benefits you want to address, and develop them one by one.

    Please do not forget that your final description must solve the customer’s most significant pain point and mention the bonus points. Otherwise, remember to include related keywords and insert product reviews. These are an excellent complement to your descriptions.

    You can always use an SEO tool to check these keywords and density.

    Writing outstanding product description for your company

    Thanks for reading this blog post. Suppose you need to write some good product description that describes, with big words, your product, besides generating SEO traffic in a similar way. In that case, you need a specialized agency like video game marketing agency.

    Share your questions or a lasting impression, and we do the job for you. Just use the contact form you can find below, or send us a message. We'll be happy to read it.


    How do you write a product description statement?

    Take into consideration the following points:

    • Define your buyer persona;
    • Use features and benefits to motivate purchases;
    • Reflect your brand's tone of voice;
    • Create scannability through bullet points;
    • Use influential words to enhance persuasiveness
    • Optimize your copy for SEO;
    • Use mixed media and images.

    How do you write a captivating product description?

    • Writing a captivating product description is like writing a short story.
    • Use images and try to connect with the customers.
    • Answer their questions in their language and express the product’s benefits.

    What is Product Description Writing?

    It is a marketing copy practice that involves writing descriptions of different products concerning their features and benefits. The idea of this practice is to boost the conversion rate and get a good position in Google or other search engines.

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