What is the Meaning of SEO?
When most internet users Google something, they see a list of all the websites that have the particular information they need. There is always a particular number stating how many results the browser has found for you. Have you not wondered why a certain site ends up a the top of your search?
There is a reason why it is the first thing you see. It is high on the search engine ranking for a reason. For obvious reasons, it is not because the indexing is in alphabetical or sequential order. It also is not because someone is secretly posting one website over the other. For the record, there is no secret search engine agent. There is something such as a search engine optimizer (SEO) though. How does it work, you ask?
Basically, it is customizing your website and web content with the right keywords in order for you to rank high when the indexing is done by those search engines. Search engine optimization services bring out the best in getting websites ranked on the first page of Yahoo.
Though you may not appear to be the most successful retailing store in the neighborhood, being at the top of those search engines will pay off soon. Your search engine ranking is similar to your success rate online. It is exactly how TV commercials work. Here is an article I would suggest to read https://www.contenthow.com/guest-posting/ranking-small-websites after this. It's top notch and shares some really cool nuggets about SEO and guest posting.
The more people see soda commercials, the more it is implanted in their minds that they need to buy and drink that cold bottle of carbonated goodness. It is a simple equation, really. Why would people want to go to the fourth or tenth page of the browser when they could get what they want on the first click? You can have the better or the best product and not get sales if you are hard to find. More visitors equates to more popularity. More popularity will result in more money.
Whatever you are selling or promoting, the key here is that you have to make it convenient for the people. Unlike when you are dealing with them face to face in your store, where you can still win them over with your sales talk or your pretty face, the moment you bore or annoy customers online, they are gone in a blink of an eye. So you have to make the necessary adjustments to make sure that what your online customers see is only nothing but the best of what you can offer.
So do not feel discriminated against when you see your website on the fifth page of your browser because you may not be doing things right. Now that you know about that SEO thing, you can better your chances and up that search engine ranking soon. Do it soon and do it now.
Once you make your website search engine optimized, you will just have to wait for those comments and orders to pour in. So keep in mind the importance of having a high search engine ranking all times when you are advertising or promoting your stuff online. Because being at the top matters. People want only the best.
Five Simple Steps to Twitter Optimization
All types of internet marketers and home based business owners are wondering how Twitter plays into Google's search engine ranking. The five steps listed below should clarify some of the common misunderstandings in addition to offering some simple pointers you can implement when optimizing your tweeting.
- Account and Usernames
The username you decide to use should have relevance to your company or brand and your followers should be able to easily remember it since its attached to the end of your Twitter URL. Your account name shows up directly after your username and can be the same or different. Decide on an account name which not only promotes your company but also you as an individual and leader.
- Bio information
There are two different ways to tackle this area. On one hand you could include only the most keyword-rich verbiage as a means to maximize optimization. This strategy is more obviously used since you are only given 160 characters, however, it's often less personal and down-to-earth. By contrast, other marketers choose the more personal route without the keyword stuffing. These descriptions are often more effective in relating to the reader, however, lack the potential for optimization.
- Tweeting
The first several characters, or the "lead-in", in any tweet hold more weight in relevancy. Several studies show that this text carries more significance to search engines since it determines the tweet's title tag. Count on the first thirty to fourty characters influencing the "lead-in". Keep in mind that you desperately need to balance the keyword density with conversational verbiage so it retains a personal touch.
- Your "Re-tweetability"
Since Twitter only allows for 140 characters, it's often difficult to include your message along with the "RT" and username text in the case of re-tweets. Remember that re-tweets will feature some of the most recent usernames who have also re-tweeted the message. Viral tweets that spread like reproducing fruit flies should be no more than 120 characters to allow for several re-tweets.
- Spread the word
Disperse your profile URL as widely as possible. Common ways of doing this are writing social media articles or press releases so that people will come across your company or brand when learning about the growing industry. YouTube videos that offer news or instructional content are also key for spreading your twitter information as a byproduct.
Overall, the key to successful twitter optimization is using keywords in all the right places as well as spreading the word about your URL. Doing these the right way will lead to the maximum amount of followers possible!
Good post. SEO is a very intense area but when it comes to ranking websites it is highly important. I have written several articles about SEO here
Thank You,
Spencer Coffman
Spencer Coffman's Articles