in #sem3 years ago



Search Engine Optimisation might sound like a mouthful, but once you understand

how search engines work you'll be on your way to becoming SEO confident. Learn

how to develop an adaptable SEO plan, identify the most effective keywords, and

which tools can help you measure what matters.

  1. Intro to search engine optimisation (SEO)

Key Learnings

Understanding how search engines work can help your business improve its online

presence. This video explains: * what search engine optimisation is * how search

engines understand your website * what they value most.



Welcome to our introduction to search engine optimisation, also known as SEO.

In this video we’ll explain what SEO is, how search engines understand your

website, and what they value most. Because when search engines understand

your content, it will be shown to many more potential customers.

Every day, millions of people search online, for everything from airline tickets to

zoos. That means there are millions of opportunities for businesses to appear in

front of potential customers.

Let’s say you own a small farm and want to expand by selling your produce online.

SEO helps search engines understand better what you have to offer. That means,

when someone searches using a word or phrase related to your business, like, say,

heirloom tomatoes, you’re more likely to appear in their results.

When a search engine returns results some of them are paid advertisements. The

rest are unpaid results that the search engines believe are relevant to the phrase

entered into the search box. These are referred to as “organic results.”

Search engines have formulas, or algorithms, that help them order the list of

results. The search engines constantly scour the web for new content and try to

make sense of it.

Where your website appears in these results is affected by the words you use on

your site (fresh farm produce, for example) as well as other factors—such as how

many websites link to yours.

Does this seem confusing? How’s this: Think of a search engine like a

matchmaker. The goal? To find the searcher exactly what she is looking for on the


But how does this work?

To present the best possible results, the engines look for as much information as

possible about websites.

They might look at how popular sites are, or what other people or sites are saying

about them.

They might consider words on web pages or keywords in the code of a page to

better understand the topic.

Each of these components will help search engines find the best match for your


Search engines can now also consider the searcher’s geographic location. A

search from the UK will display a localised set of search results.

Chances are, the same search originating from France will show different results.

And, with the explosion of mobile usage, search engines now consider the devices

people use when they perform a search.

But just like a matchmaker who’s been in business for years gets better and better,

search formulas evolve and add more and more information along the way.

Are you wondering what you can do to make your site attractive to search

engines? We’ll touch more on this in other videos, but here’s a good starting point.

What search engines value most is unique, engaging, relevant content because

their job is to find and show the most useful stuff.

So there we have it. Search is a simple thing to use, and many of us use it every

day. But what’s happening behind the scenes is constantly changing. To

effectively promote your website online, you’ve got to keep tabs on what search

engines value most—and make sure your website gives it to them.

As we move along, we’ll tell you more about how search engines work and help

you create a strategy for improving SEO in order to achieve your business goals.

  1. The importance of an SEO plan

Key Learnings

In this step-by-step process to create an SEO plan for your website, you'll learn

how to: * develop * prioritise * adjust the plan to best suit your goals.


Hi there!

Once you have a good grasp of search engine optimisation (SEO), you are ready to

optimise your website. Just follow this step-by-step process to create an SEO plan,

and learn how to develop, prioritise and adjust the plan to best suit your goals.

Let’s say you want to reach new customers for your fresh-from-the-farm fruit and

veg online delivery service.

Your first step should be keyword research—that means finding out what your

potential customers are searching for.

Are they looking for organic produce? Weekly fresh vegetable deliveries?

By the way, if you want to learn more about keyword research, check out our

lesson about choosing keywords to focus on.

Next, consider related topics. Are vegetarian diets popular? Do requests for

gazpacho recipes come up?

This will help make your keywords more specific and a better match to what your

customers are looking for. You should do this at least once a year as part of your

SEO plan.

Once you’ve identified good keywords, take a look at how you’re doing in search

results for those words.

How many of these words and phrases bring up your website on a search engine?

Are there specific topics that don’t bring much traffic to your site?

This info will help you figure out what’s working for you and what’s not. If a

popular phrase like “fresh farm vegetables” isn’t pointing customers to your site,

you can address those missing pieces in your SEO plan.

Once you’ve discovered gaps in your SEO performance, your next step is to think

about how to fix them. Maybe none of the content on your site mentions that you

can arrange regular seasonal deliveries.

Is no one linking to your site? Perhaps you can invite food bloggers to check out

your farm in the hopes that they’ll mention you in a future blog post. Make a list of

anything you think might improve your SEO performance.

OK, so now you have quite a to-do list. Don’t worry. It’s just time to prioritise.

It’s natural to want to tackle the items that will give you the biggest bang first, but

be realistic. Adding an entire section about sustainable farming methods to your

site might require hiring a programmer to help, which might cost a fair bit. In the

short term, you could post a quick article about the topic on your blog.

The next step? Give yourself a deadline for each task so you’re working through

your SEO plan steadily throughout the year.

OK, once you’ve set this plan in motion, don’t just forget about it.

Your SEO plan will change over time. But how do you know when it needs

updating? One easy way is to check in when you’re making other changes in your

business, like introducing a new product or redesigning your website.

Also remember that search engines release new features and improve their

algorithms. For example, many have made adjustments because so many people

now search on mobiles.

Finally, adjust your plan when something isn’t working. Is there a web page that’s

not getting much organic traffic? It may need a refresher.

Are you attracting visitors to your site but not making sales? Perhaps you need

stronger calls to action.

Review your results regularly and shift focus to the areas that need help.

And that’s how you build an SEO plan.

Let’s recap. Start with keyword research to understand what your customers are

looking for, then use that info to assess your successes and failures.

Brainstorm solutions to improve your weak spots, and prioritise them.

And never be afraid to redo your SEO plan based on changes in your world and the

world of search engines.

Be sure to check out our lesson explaining the SEO process. That has more helpful

information to get your plan in motion.

  1. The SEO process

Key Learnings

This video explains the SEO process and the steps you need to take in order to

optimise your website, including: * discovering what words or phrases people use

to search for your products or services * improving the content on your site.


Hey there!

In this video we’ll explain why search engine optimisation is an ongoing process,

and the steps you’ll need to take to reach your goals. Such as discovering what

words and phrases people use to search for your products or services, and

improving the content on your site.

There is no shortcut for search engine optimisation (SEO), which helps you

improve your website’s visibility to people who are searching for products or

services like yours.

The first step is called keyword research: discovering what words or phrases

people are looking for when they are searching for products and services related

to your business.

Let’s say you have a small farm and have begun a fresh fruit and veg delivery

service. Once you know what people are searching for—maybe vegetarian recipes

or sustainable produce—you can optimise your content and offerings to better

match what they are looking for.

That might mean posting a weekly recipe or writing a blog about life on the farm.

The work of SEO is never done, because trends come and go, users can change

their behavior, and search engines evolve over time. Your job is to consider how

changes will impact your site and what you need to do to continue to attract

unpaid (organic) traffic.

Here are 4 quick tips on how to stay up-to-date on search.

1: Learn how search engines work.

Many have blogs that offer updates on new features, algorithm changes and

suggestions on how to better optimise your website.

2: Keep an eye on changes and monitor how they affect your website.

For instance, you might read that the major search engines made a change that

improves users’ experience on mobile search results. If your website isn’t

optimized for mobile devices you’d probably want to update your website to be

more mobile-friendly.

3: Find inspiration from other websites.

Do they offer free shipping? Are they active on social networks? Do they regularly

update their website with photos? Adopt the practices that will work for your own


And finally, 4: Talk to your customers. They have the best insights on what content

your site is missing, features that are needed, or products they are looking for.

Even the way your customers describe your products can be a form of keyword

research—they likely use those same terms to search.

And there you have it: the ongoing SEO process. It’s simply understanding what

visitors want, creating and sharing the content they’re searching for and being

willing to change tactics when necessary.

  1. How to choose keywords

Key Learnings

Choosing keywords is the cornerstone of successful search engine optimisation.

In this video, we'll discuss: * why you need to do keyword research * the difference

between short tail and long tail keywords * what to consider when selecting




In this video we’ll discuss what to consider when selecting keywords, so that you

can reach your SEO goals and benefit your business.

Choosing keywords is the foundation of successful search engine optimisation.

Why do you need to do keyword research? Here’s an example:

Suppose someone is looking for fresh berries. What might they search for? It

could be simply berries, or it could be strawberries, blackberries, blueberries or


If you sell fresh berries, you need to know the terms people use most often when

searching. Ideally, you’ll match your website content to what people are actually

looking for. If you don’t, there could be a disconnect: visitors to your site could be

looking for one thing while you are talking about another.

There are three things you should consider when choosing the keywords for your

SEO plan.

First, frequency, or the number of times a word is searched for. Obviously, you

want to include the terms that people search for most often in relation to your

products. Just keep in mind that it may be difficult to differentiate your business

on highly searched-for terms.

That brings us to our second consideration: Competition. If you have a large,

established website, you may be able to appear on the search engine results for

high-volume, highly competitive keywords, like fruit and veg.

But new sites have big opportunities too: if you’re just getting started, look for

keywords that have a bit less competition.

Only a small number of keywords have very high search volume. But there’s a large

number that have low search volume.

This is what’s called the “long tail” of SEO.

While the keyword strawberries might have a lot of competition, a term like get

organic strawberries delivered in Cornwall would be an example of a long tail

keyword that might give you more immediate SEO results.

For a small business, the long tail is often where you will find your SEO

opportunities. It typically takes a website lots of time and focused efforts to

appear in the results on searches for popular generic keywords. However, smaller

websites may get good rankings for long tail keywords with less effort.

Finally, and most importantly, the third consideration is relevance. The keywords

you select should closely match what you actually offer. If someone comes to

your site looking for strawberries but you only sell raspberries, they’re just going to


Make sure your chosen keywords match the intent of the people who are


How? One option is to use Google Search Console to see which pages appear in

search and get clicks. (Stay tuned for our Google Search Console video.)

Through all your SEO efforts, remember the golden rule: Your site's content should

be made for your human visitors, not for search engines.

Don't add extra keywords or variations of keywords to your pages. Repeating them

unnecessarily is called "keyword stuffing" and is against search engines'


So that’s what you need to consider when selecting keywords: frequency,

competition and relevance. Keeping these things in mind will set you on the right

track for successful SEO.

  1. Setting realistic SEO goals

Key Learnings

Setting realistic goals for organic traffic and assessing them with measurements

that matter will help you strengthen your SEO strategy. In this video, you'll learn: *

how to define success * how to select measurements that matter * what tools can



Hey there!

Does search engine optimisation seem intimidating to you? One way to tackle SEO

is to set clear goals, then measure your progress each step of the way.

In this video we’ll talk about why it’s important to set SEO goals. We’ll look at how

you should define success, how to decide what to measure, and what tools can


When you set SEO goals, you can measure, track and report on the results. You’ll

know which efforts are succeeding—and which aren’t. And then you can adjust

things to make it work better.

Let’s start by identifying your SEO goals. What are you trying to achieve online?

How do you define success?

Imagine you own a small farm. You probably want to sell fruits and vegetables to

as many new customers as possible. And you’d like to build relationships with

existing customers through good content—and hope they eventually return to buy

more fruits and vegetables.

You’ve just identified three business goals:

Conversions: Turning website visitors into paying customers.

Engagement: Persuading people to interact with the content on your site.

Acquisition: Getting new customers.

Setting SEO goals gives you something to measure to help you better understand

how your site is—or isn’t—performing.

So how do you find out if you’re hitting the mark? Some measurements matter

more than others.

For example, it’s exciting to be number one in search engine rankings, but it’s not a

guarantee of success.

Here’s why: Let’s say your farm website is the first result when someone searches

“vegetable gardens.” You’re getting a lot of visitors to your site—but not an

increase in sales.

Maybe that’s because people searching for “vegetable gardens” want to plant a

garden, not buy your fruits and veg. The lesson? Don’t waste effort on keywords

that aren’t relevant to what you do.

So, if being number one isn’t your goal, what is? Let’s come up with a few other

ways you might measure success. Remember those goals you set above? Look at


You can measure conversions by tracking the number of visitors who come to

your website and buy fruits and vegetables; or tracking a smaller action that can

lead to a sale, like signing up for your email newsletter.

You can measure acquisition and reach by tracking the number of times your

business appears in search results—your “impressions”—and how often people

click through to visit your site.

And, you can measure engagement by tracking what content your visitors read and

interact with, such as leaving comments, or how many visitors become your fans

on social media networks.

So how do you track all these things?

Analytics tools and webmaster tools provided by search engines can give you this

information—often for free. Most major search engines like Bing, Google or

Yandex offer tools like these. They’re basically a collection of reports and services

that help you track and monitor your website’s visibility in search.

Tools like these tell you which keywords bring up your website in the search

results, which web pages they link to, and how many visitors click the links to visit

your site. This is valuable information if your goal is to attract customers

searching for certain terms.

Analytics tools can also be used to better understand visitor behavior. They can

answer questions like:

How many organic visitors become customers?

Which web pages or content on your site turn visitors into paying customers?

Which content isn’t performing well?

Armed with this information you can adjust your SEO strategy to do better (or

evaluate the performance of an SEO agency, if you’ve hired one to help you).

To sum up:

To understand how your site is performing in organic search results and how it

benefits your business, set SEO goals.

To measure the success—or see where you need improvement—track your

performance in various areas. Once your goals are clear and you have tracking

tools in place, you’re well on your way to success with SEO

to be continued in the next article......

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