Went Berry Picking and Found the Unicorn of Berries 🦄
I have found a great way to find berries Alaska! All thanks to Alaskan veteran berry pickers. Use satilite maps! Look for the marshes, blogs and permafrost areas.
Yes these are all my photos
This is the place we went, a permafrost marsh.
We found;
The fanciful unicorn of berries.
Tastes like a sweet cranberry. These are our very first ones, ever! Seriously! It was super exciting to find!
Lived here in Alaska for a long time and have never seen one or tasted one, of corse as soon as I found out it was okay we each had one. I was told it’s “Arctic Gold”.
Have no taste, but are a great filler.
Salmon berries
Blueberries and salmonbarries with my basket, I just love my basket!
My boys helping pick, though one was more interested in putting them in their mouth then the bag
My girl picking blueberries/bog berries
Hint: there are more then 10
We walked deeper into the marsh and I started to smell rot. Then found this dude.
The kids and I started to get thirsty so we headed back towards the spring.
It’s located off the side of the highway, it’s free so we didn’t have to drive 20 mins to get a drink from a gas station.
This water tastes amazing! Lots of locals depend on this water supply. We did for a year 😊
Well that was just one trip, to one spot. We already have other spots planed 💗
Here is my proof of berries. By the way the salmon berries are very juicy. LOL
• All photos and content are our own. Please do not use any part of this post without our expressed permission. Thanks for not being a dick •
Have to add that this was strapped to my back.

My grandma was worried about bears. You can see my sling on my chest. I had it ready to swing forward if need be.
Now THAT's the way to berry pick! Those bears like the berries too.
Yes they do! We have been pushed off a patch by the jaws snapping/lip smacking of a bear.
Best to leave them too it, for sure. Bears do NOT share well!
BTW, Carry the heaviest rifle you have next time you go.
My husband (@alaskatactical ) build me this gun. He is a gun smith, he wouldn’t let me go out empty or light.
Cool, I do a little gunsmithing myself! Not like he does, just for me, but I enjoy it! I am sure he picked the perfect Rifle for you!
Be Safe, and enjoy the berries! I am following his account here too, has been fun.
BTW, what did he chamber it for?
I know, I am nosey, but I love guns, and this is a nice looking Rifle!
Love the spring! Glad you have those berries in plastic, they like that smell, so containing it is wise! :)
Salmon berries are sooo good! They have lots in Valdez :)
I have heard that, I also heard they are different too. Different in size and flavor, even how they grow.
yes they are different for sure. They grow in big bushes like raspberries there. They are huge and come in a variety of colors including the salmon color, yellow, red, pink. I never was too sure if they are in fact different plants because I have heard both.
Yeah they are diffent. These salmonbarries got individually. Literally one on each plant.
All we have to deal with is an occasional black bear when we're out picking wild berries. They're not quite as bad as the big bears you have to deal with.
We have black ones and brown. Brownies have been more aggressive this year 😕
Great find! I bet those types of berries can be a real moral booster for anyone on the trail. I suppose the bears go crazy for them or are they too interested in the salmon this time of year? Not sure.
How are you going to now use them?
It can be a moral blooster period! Moral has been low as of late, so berry season is an awesome way to distract and be constructive at the same time.
I don’t know how the bears will fair 😢 With salmon streams depleated to almost nothing I am sure they are starving. We have already had bear attacks.
One man went missing for three days, he came home prepped for dinner and went for a walk. The Alaska State Troopers(👎) didn’t do anything to find him, he wasn’t a person of interest or in danger. Some volunteer search and rescue people went looking at his last known location and got mauled by a brown bear. The troopers went out to find the bear but didn’t find it, but found the missing mans body. Supposedly to make it more dramatic the mate of the man was pregnant. Can we say hello go fund me accounts. 😒 seems like everyone now adays has a go fund me account, a new form of street begged. The sadder and more detailed the story the more money. Sorry that’s a pet peeve.
Anyways, a few weeks later the troopers gunned down another bear. It has been sketchy, they keep saying a bear. But locals are saying it was a mama with cubs, that they seen it in the area of the shooting.
Bears have been pushing their way into towns more and more. I wouldn’t be surprised if I end up with a bear eating one of my goats this year. It’s bad!
I was planning on eating them raw, but not sure. The salmon berries are very soft and won’t last long. So we may eat those in our oat meal, bugs and all. Lol
People going mising, bear attacks and the migration of bears will probably increase if the food is scarce, gotta keep on your guard more too i suppose...
Go fund me = yeah ive noticed the rise of this 'E-Begging'... Fair enough if someone wants to donate, but i would say content merits donation and upvotes....
Eyes open and keep safe.