Off with their heads!!!
I had some ass hole male ducks. Three would go after one female. It was bad, so I killed them. I literally stop chopping wood went and captured two males. Cut their heads off, dressed them out. Cleaned them up, put their body parts in the fridge. Burned the evidence. Then went back to chopping wood. LOL
For real though, I had to many males. I just got tired of it.
I got blood splatter all over my shirt and skirt. Some managed to get on my face. I blame my machete for nut being sharp enough, also the Gerber company for picking weak steel when making it. 👎 The freaking thing has giant chips out of it, from using it like your suppose too. 😒
I took only the breast and legs.
I have done that and won’t do that shit again! It’s bull shit because you don’t even eat anything else but the breast and legs. “But it gives it flavor”, then the person’s who wants it plucked can do it them selfs! I have spices and seasonings that do just fine, thank you very much!
I thought, I might as well get some Learning time in too. But one kid wasn’t interested and took off. At least I know one won’t starve. 😕 It could also be that the kid is left handed, but sometimes amma dexterous ( alright I have done talk to text like six freaking times, I have tried the hard way and it just won’t freaking spell!😠 I hope you know what I mean ).
Me taking the breast off, breaking the collar bone was the hardest part.
After I took off the breast and legs, we put them in baggies until it was time for dinner.
I actually forgot to take a picture of the soup 😣
It was Quinoa, chicken broth, bay leafs, and poultry seasoning. I later added carrots and celery, might as well. I had them and they where not being used.
Here is proof it was me:
Kinda a befitting shirt isn’t it. Kids got weirded out that I was taking a selfie with dead ducks. I told them people need proof that I am real. Still got strange looks, I don’t take photos of myself anyways. So that is strange all together.
Well that was my day, how was yours?
Life in Alaska
A couple months ago, our Grandma killed a couple of our roosters with her 22. They were getting aggressive and tearing up the hens with their spurs putting holes in their backs. After almost losing two hens as a result Grandma got pist and shot them. It was funny watching Grandma enter the chicken house with the gun. She wasn't messing around!
Roosters, toms and drakes are some of the biggest ass holes!
I bashed mine on the head with a stick they beheaded them. Kinda like a fish club.
Hubby told me a story of a an ass hole rooster he had as a kid. The rooster went after the kids and his mom hit it with a shovel. The story goes it never walked the same way again.
It must be mating season, i often see two or more ducks go after singular females... Sometimes, in the water the males can even drown the female when mating with it...
Just like elephants i suppose - Hormonal rush bought on by the seasons.
Well..... looks like you did good, may as well eat em.
Thing is I have way more females so I don’t get the excitement. They have attempted to down a few females. They needed to die.
Yes we did eat them and they were good. 😊
Oh crap I'm too late on this one (7 days). Anyway this is hilarious! I was talking to hubby @iamstan about it and said, huh, just like you.
We had way too many roosters as well and they were just too cocky for the ladies. Making them bleed and lose lots of feathers. I killed them and left one. Then this last one was too aggressive making the ladies' combs bleed and attacking our little ones. We tried to hold him more often (as suggested by a post in backyardchickens forum) but it's jut not going to work. So I skinned him too.
NOPE, I don't pluck either LOL. We have spices for the flavor.
😂 LOL yep spices work great!