Is this the Best Time to Buy or Sell?

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Good morning Distinguished. I am convinced that this week has brought a lot of relief for us all as the prices of most cryptocurrencies are heading north.

For some it is a usual trend while for others its one of their worst nightmares.

What Might Be the Cause of a Downward Market?

Whatever be the cause of a declining market for cryptocurrencies, be it someone selling large chunk of a given digital asset and later buying it back or anything else.

There is one factor that almost always causes disruption in the market which is greed. Yes you heard me its greed! An usual level of it for that matter. Every investor (their size not withstanding) possesses a certain amount of it. That's while we want to collect a profit, advance ourselves in some great way or the like, do certain things that will keep us ahead of the pack in some way or the other. The problem then is we usually do this at the expensive of others which usually comes biting not only them but ourselves in some way.

Is Greed a Vice Altogether ?

The answer to this question is both yes and no! Based on the factor raised above, it is a vice. But its not a vice at some healthy level of it. Yes you heard me!
The famed billionaire investor Warren Buffet often time will say that a certain amount of greed is needed in business. This cannot be far from the truth.

The only problem here is like an addictive drug, having a little of it will sometimes make you want to have some more of it. Since we have an innate ability to grow whatever that is at our disposal, we either consciously or not grow it.

What is the cure to Greed?

Some of the most effective cures for greed are self restraint and self mastery.

Self Restraint

While this article do not aim at giving any investment advice and is not one, holding back sometimes has proven to be very effective when dealing with greed. I know this may sound absurd for some folks who are really 'addicted' to it.
But like any addiction, a solution can be formed through some gradual process. This can be practice on a smaller scale from time to time till meaningful progress is achieved.

Self Mystery

Self mastery is indeed both a science as well as an art. What were the occasions you spoke to yourself 'I know what I can do in this situation?' Or 'I know I can't do this on this very occasion'. That is self mastery outplaying itself.

What Are We to Do then?

Back to self mastery, what an individual is to do comes solely from them. Since each person is unique in themselves in several ways than one. Hence, this article will not proffer a one-size-fit-all solution.
The solution for everyone therefore lies within each a person.

Study yourself, how do you react to wealth creation or accumulation? What were your reactions when you were on straight wins week in week out? When your stock or property grew in value what were the first few activities that came to your mind? When it comes to investing, how do you like it? Do you like to hold for the long term in expectations of higher returns? Do you prefer buying to sell as soon as prices of the instrument go up? Do you prefer to invest in a few stocks/bonds/digital assets or would like a variety or more diversified instruments? Our success lie solely in answering these questions personally. Another thing is everyone can make or lose money in any given investment strategy.

Therefore, what one would do is really up to them. But if I were given the opportunity to indicate what would work, the answer still remains self mastery.

The Mastery of Self

The first rule to bare to heart is that self mastery is a lifelong education. That's the only known shortcut to it all.
That been said we are going to study a few laws that supports Self Mastery.

Law of Progress

This law states that a little done consistently over along period becomes a habit. Habit indulged in over and again becomes a lifestyle. Your lifestyle ultimately determines your future.
Put differently, everyone begins with a seed. Acorns produce giant oak trees.

How this Law May Profit One

  1. Patience: In applying the above law, one need be little more patient.

  2. Persistence: Agree that days will come win giving up will seem the only option.

The Law of Mean

This law states that you are as good as the least and top people in your cycle.

Check your results, when you walked will the top people in your field, you produced results similar to theirs. This goes if your cycle are average people filled.

As I conclude this article, the question that comes to mind is this the best to buy or sell ones digital assets?

A big thank you to sir @jantan for the writing inspiration he has infused in me though I've known him in a short while.

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Disclaimer: This article is NOT an investment advice. The services of professionals should be sought after where there is a need for one


Howdy there sir princewill! Great article with information and education. In the paragraph about Self Mastery, there is a mispelling of the title. You have Self Mystery which is also true. lol. Many of us are mystified about why we do the things we do!

Thanks for the mention also!

Hey, are you already investing in things besides crypto?

I am so sorry about that. Its an auto correct feature from my other keyboard app. Nonetheless, I take full responsibility for it. Forgive me please. I will pay extra attention on my writes from henceforth. Thanks for pointing this out to me

Oh that's fine, it's not a big deal, it was a minor mispelling and I thought it was a humorous one too. :)
Sometimes I even mispell words in my post subject titles which is unexcusable. lol. But it happens alot to one minds.

I see sir @janton. Thanks for your understanding

Of course, you are doing fine!

Yes! In Forex. I have not done much though save a $100 stacked somewhere in my trading account. I am still being schooled on how things work there. So not in a hurry to start trading. Thanks a lot. You sound so much like a mentor already. Thanks a lot for the access you've given me. I assure you it won't be misused nor abused. I sure will guard it jealously. I am blessed already having you show me around here

Well thank you for the kind words, I think most of us here are more than happy to help beginners. Especially since it is hard to grow your account when you are first starting out.
Good luck in your forex endeavors, I find it's quite complex for me but I'm not technical at all.

One thing to keep in mind is the length of your posts. I've talked to published authors on here and they tell me that studies show that after 800 words people start skipping and not reading, their patience runs out at about that length.

But in my experience, and I don't have any data to support it, but I think on steemit the attention span of people is even shorter. I'm trying to limit my posts to 500-600 words because I think they start tuning out and skimming after 400 or 500 words. lol. That's just my opinion. You can experiment.

There are exceptions such as the great meesterboom who is one of the best if not THE best creative writer on steemit with tremendously entertaining posts which seem short even if they're a thousand words or more.

I thought as much😂😂😂. I will always keep in mind the length factor. Thanks for the insight sir @janton

My pleasure but you can experiment and see if the length makes a difference in your responses like it does mind. You might attract a different type of reader who likes longer posts.

Up north it could go a bit below that. So, the lower mean temperature hovers around 12 degrees. Hammathan is actually my best season of the year. Its a period when I sleep well and soundly. Its caused by very dry and cold air coming from the Sahara desert that blows all the way down continental Africa. So countries/regions closer to the Sahara have an unfair share of the show 😂😂😂. Before now, places like Jos (the capital city of the State of Plateau in central or north central Nigeria) usually attracts tourists for its cold climate during Hammathan season. Folks around the temperate regions go there to 'winter'. Thanks for asking

Howdy sir princewill! Very interesting information, thank you. Have you been posting? Sorry, I haven't been to your blog for awhile. If I don't see someone's name I tend to forget to go to their blog!

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