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in #self4 years ago

Self publishing books

First time I heard about this, I thought it was some sort of automatic publishing where you put in your knowledge then the book comes out from the other hand but it turns out there is a lot of hard work involved.

First of all everything is created twice, once in the mind as thought and then twice in the physical, the infestation. The mindset behind books is that because of the many pages (most books have hundreds) we are constantly dismissing the thought of writing that book.

On average (my own facts) a normal human being with or without spirit knowledge goes through the year picking up almost a 1000 topics of inspiration from which to write, sing, act or a combination of a display of projections of their talents. The inner man is always seeking to be expressed or to express themselves. Themselves? Yes, the inner man has many sides to him, he is not always the same nor is he always a man but you do have dictatorship over him because he is you. So when that book idea comes in on a daily you keep brushing it off, thinking "it's not my thing, if I write I'll be like this or that, I don't have the resources, or wielding a pen and writing has mad spiritual implications". My dear, draw your breath and hold up a double dose of middle fingers to those thoughts! They are not you, if you are looking for belief, I believe in you, so much that I can actually back you up and show you the way. Here is the way, warming up to your own heart. As much different as the faces of your spirit man so are you. When the moon changes phases so do the water balance in your body through blood works, lymphatic fluids, white blood cells in the marrow, your breathing. These moon phases influence how you think and act sometimes because of the intense focus on certain part of you like the heart or the brain or the calf. Wonder why sometimes out of the blue or red, you feel like working out then you tell yourself you'll work out tomorrow? Then tomorrow comes you feel very different? Tell me that's just life right? Well no it's not and so you should stop (yes this is unsolicited advice) you should stop doing that to yourself, it's killing gains.

Just to boost your confidence, the writing that you read is more about the writer than you but you pick up on the relative because of the reason you picked the reading. So when you get that idea to write, write so you inspire the masses who are stuck in places they shouldn't be all because of one week or one month they don't want to spend writing a book page by page if they must. "I'm too busy they say"

So from the battle is half won when you appreciate your own talents by approving the thought. After approving the thought, you send it off, forget about it, as with all good things, you must let it go (yes must) so that if it's beautiful enough it will always come back every so often so easily so lovingly, or harshly depending on the motivation you need. The point here is that the energy investment in thought is not too much, the thought dismissed into the vortex connects to all the energies that are related to it and comes back to you with even more energy. That's how people go to extremes, that's how people become who they become becomes of the energies accumulated. Even if you do not like the energy,putting it on paper is most certainly one way to let it go and not bother your present life but in so doing you create another world within your world that you get to keep this other thought from coming back and turning your life into directions you'd rather take elsewhere. It's nothing bad, it's you! No one else can be you no matter how hard they try, only you can be you not even your inner man can be you. No matter what the world has made of you, only you can be to express you in the ways you'd express you if you decide to, no one can copy you enough to be you or limit you enough to be you. You are so unique, I love you, it's actually my honour to love you because I'll probably not get another chance to love you but through this way.

After the thought comes back with more energy as you decide what to do with it because if you don't it takes you over. It takes you shopping, watching stuff, talking stuff, it takes you into deeper thoughts to let you know how deep it went to come back. Thoughts are very powerful, when they come through as books,songs or some other expression, it's best to adhere, if you don't then the thought takes you over because it is you and it's easily one of the inner man's faces.

There's a battle, between the chosen platform of expression and the thought, halfway the thought seem to disappear or too much of it comes forth that it overwhelms you but careful observation will have you relate to the water works changing as the moon phases change. So? So just write, worry about editing later and brush off your pragmatic human monkey brain that's always selling you short and just express yourself.

After you are done doing that, compile your work. If you do not trust your language skills to have no typos(misspellings) amongst other grammatic errors,theres tools you can use such as proof readers. Proofreading your writing is a crucial step in your writing,every book needs to be perfect but only according to the author and editors specifications.

After editing out whatever errors have found their way into your work, now you can start with the real work. You are probably thinking that the writing was the real work but no. You hear them urging you and telling you not to judge a book by it's cover because much like human beings, books are much more beautiful beyond the cover. He k, the book can be cover-less and still put your whole library to shame every single time. So the cover is very important for it to connect to the right readers wether they are just discovering their love for reading or they are looking for more seasoning to their reading affairs. It is very crucial that at least 1 % of the design yells out what the book is about, you won't really want to read a Bible that looks like a spell book now would you. That's just ironic but the design must reasonably gravitate towards the writing. Although there is ways that writers and authors make this books so unique that you cannot in your wildest dreams guess what the book is about. But by all means design what your heart call you to design because it's all you expressing you and the life that you experience or imagine.

With your books designed there's nothing much left except making sure all the book data is legit, such as copyrights and all that (I just really wanted to get you pumped up so you get the idea of writing into you started so you awaken the beast within you)

Next is deciding how you want to sell your book, online, offline, in bookstores or to a very selected few, it's all depending on your appetite for the reasons you write. The pricing has to come in at some point if it's not the main motivation to write. Most people think money motivations when someone is writing but more than that books can be very liberating, sets your mind free from unnecessary attachments and burdens that need heavy numbers to let go of. Every ink drop counts, every letter every page is an investment into the energy you'd like to put out as the readers recreate your characters or writing according to their impressions. So then you'll probably need a launch team to launch your book right? Or you can just do it with a couple of hundreds of thousands of truly fitting audience from your platforms, you do have some platform right? Ok that doesn't really matter, thought is king that's why when thought comes to play the script is fucked. So at this point you have done so much, gone through so much exploration of yourself and other possibilities you probably feel like writing another one or perhaps you've ditched that anxiety effects. Congratulations. You are a writer, author, editor, content creator and all you dream yourself to be.

Still want more of the self publishing school? I got you!



Supreme love and light

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Bless up!

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