One of the conditions of acceptance of worship is halal earning!!!

in #self2 years ago


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.

Dear friends, today I will talk about something that is very important for us to know. "One of the conditions of acceptance of worship is halal earning". Because halal earnings, halal food is considered as a precondition for the acceptance of any worship. So we will share with you some important discussions about Halal earning and Halal food Inshallah this post is welcome and congratulations to all of you.


Earning Halal livelihood is one of the most important things in the life of a believer. Halal income has been stipulated as one of the conditions for the acceptance of that worship regardless of the physical, mental and financial aspects of Muslim life. So earning the halal and discarding the haraam is a believer's peace, success and success in this world and the hereafter. We will try to discuss a little about this halal earning, inshallah.


Definition of Halal: The literal meaning of Halal is lawful. That is, I have no restrictions to earn. The income that Islam i.e. Sharia allows us to earn is Halal income. Also, we ourselves understand to the extent that the money that I am earning or receiving is accepted through halal means or accepted through haram means, my mind knows. There is no self-satisfaction in taking haram and when we get halal earnings we have self-satisfaction and our mind towards it and the mind is very happy.


Injunction to know Halal and Haram: We are Muslims, we are our religion, Islam, our Lord is Allah Almighty, our Beloved is our Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. First of all in our religion of Islam I am commanded to know about Halal and Haram. That is, it is a duty to know about Halal and Haram. Another duty cannot be waived in any way. Therefore, Islam has asked us to know about halal and haram, so that as a result of this knowledge, we will never go against Islam in any matter, talk, work or whatever we do in our personal, family, society, state etc.


Importance of Halal Livelihood Earning: Halal Livelihood is a prerequisite for acceptance of worship. If you do not accept halal sustenance, your worship is not acceptable to Allah, so first of all we have to look at halal sustenance. We should never take haram sustenance without halal sustenance in any way whatsoever. So we have to earn halal sustenance at any cost, accept halal sustenance, encourage ourselves and others towards halal sustenance. So the importance of halal sustenance is immense. Therefore, when we sell something, we will not give less because if someone gives less to the mother, the less given will be haram. In this way, no matter how we transact, no matter how we earn money, it may be business, it may be work, it may be buying and selling. If there is a little haram in the halal earnings, then the entire earnings will be considered haram, even if I buy a shirt and the price is 500 taka, and if one taka of this 500 taka is haram and 499 taka is halal, then that If you worship wearing a shirt, worship will never be accepted. Therefore, we understand the importance of halal-haram ourselves, family members, relatives, neighbors, and everywhere, whenever we get the opportunity to inform and encourage everyone about halal and haram.
It is obligatory to accept Halal livelihood: In our religion of Islam, the Almighty Allah has ordered us to accept Haram livelihood in the Holy Qur'an. Apart from this, numerous hadiths of the beloved Prophet Muhammad have been urged to accept halal livelihood. Even the beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to encourage his lifestyle of halal sustenance and always asked everyone to be careful about the haram. We must always obey the great Allah and if we obey the great Allah then we have to earn the halal sustenance which the Qur'an has enjoined on the halal sustenance. Besides, if I follow the life style of my beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, then I will avoid haram earnings which have no value and try hard to accept halal earnings.


Worship is not accepted without halal livelihood: So if I want my worship to be accepted, want to please the Almighty Allah, want to get the intercession of the beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAW, then I must live by halal earning halal livelihood and haram at any cost. Otherwise, I will fall into great danger in the Hereafter, and that danger can never be saved by anything except faith and deeds. Since my earnings are not haram halal, not a single act of mine will be acceptable. May Allah Almighty not forgive me, be pleased and intercede for the beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW. So I will have nothing but regret.


Islam encourages halal livelihood: so first of all I am my earnings ,I do Halal, I adopt Halal means, I abandon Haram. When my livelihood is halal, I will be halal wherever I walk, where I deal, where I walk, where I speak, from the family to the lower level of society to the higher level and from the lower level to the higher level of the state. I will provide encouragement for sustenance inshallah. Importance and benefits of sustenance to everyone. Worship is not accepted without halal sustenance.


Encouraging the Prophet (PBUH) to Earn Halal Livelihood: In earning Halal Livelihood, my beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) gave his time from his childhood to his death to his family, to the Companions, to the statesmen, to all levels of people. He used to encourage earning halal sustenance and explained the benefits of halal sustenance and harmful aspects of guruji to everyone and encouraged renouncing haram and halal.
Ways of Halal Livelihood: We have to adopt every way to earn Halal livelihood. At any cost I must renounce the haram and become desperate to earn a halal livelihood. For this, first of all, religious knowledge is needed, what Islam has said about halal sustenance and haram sustenance, what Almighty Allah has said, what the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, has said in the hadith. After that, I should be satisfied with whatever I earn.


Let us all be determined to earn halal sustenance because without halal sustenance my life will be wasted, no worship will be accepted and I will have no self-satisfaction. Therefore, we will always encourage Halal livelihood, earn Halal livelihood, accept Halal livelihood, inshallah. Allah Hafez is ending here like today

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