How To Start Really Learning

What is Learning? 

Learning is the acquisition of knowledge or skills through study, experience, or being taught. You probably want to learn something either for the sake of it or for a specific goal. Learning skills such as programming raises your human capital and makes you more employable. You may also want to learn because you want a hobby that you can do recreationally.

How to Learn?

This is a very broad question and I'd like to give you three small steps that will help you learn. 

1) Have A Goal In Mind

Personally, I wanted to learn singing. I decided to take lessons. At first, I wanted to sing like all those pop singers on the radio. However, my instructor asked me what goal I had in mind. To become a better singer of course! But how? First of all, I was way off-pitch. Second of all, I couldn't hit high notes. 

During my first lesson, I practiced breathing correctly. The following week, that was my goal: to breath correctly. The second week, I practiced hitting high notes. The third week, I practiced singing louder. 

Morale of the story is: pick a small goal for the time being and stick to it. Sometimes, if you want to move fast, you gotta go slow. Pick a small topic/section and focus on it until you're 80% satisfied. After that, move on.

2) Start Tiny

I told myself, I was going to read 100 pages a day and become extremely smart. When I couldn't finish my quota of 100 pages, I became really discouraged. 

Instead of having a large goal in mind, try providing yourself with a small system. For example, tell yourself that you'll read for 15 minutes a day. After you've cemented this habit, you can add on to it so that you might read 20 or even 30 minutes a day. Habits are powerful  and all you have to do is plant a small seed and consistently water it. 

3) Have Fun With It

I know we all want to become masters at something in the shortest amount of time. Instead of becoming fixated on the destination, have fun with the process. This will make it worthwhile and you'll less likely quit after a while. I know I've become so fixated on getting a result that the process wasn't enjoyable at all. Try to be happy with what you're doing. Mood, cognition, and memory are intertwined  so it's in your best interest to have the right mindset. 

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