Your Future Success Now: Finding The Lost Key… I³

in #self-help8 years ago

Your Future Success Now

Finding The Lost Key… I³

By Rodney Josephson

Table of Contents

  1. About the Author

  2. I³ Connectedness

  3. The Tools for Success

  4. Thinking from Your Future’s Past – Your Success is in the Rear View Mirror

  5. Defining Your Mission

  6. Just the Beginning

“Uncovering the ultimate code to build your foundation to life success…” Rodney.

Dear Reader,

This is a powerful mini-book and tool kit that will provide you with ability to find the key to put you back on your feet and reach the highest goals you can imagine.

Read on to find out what I mean by our connectedness to find the key to your future success. Unlock the door with the “how to” tools, which will lead you to the rebuilding of your foundation by defining the keys to success; and writing your mission statement, so you may start on your new journey… to the ultimate success.

About the Author

My life is as colorful as the light spectrum – full of experiences that most people would not experience in 10 lifetimes. There have been ups and downs in my life that would make the fastest roller coaster look like a sleeping baby in comparison. During my younger years I was exposed to various techniques, tools, concepts, trainers, educators, and other professionals that have contributed to my development and successes in my life. Those successes were based on some key concepts and tools that were somewhat handled in my successes but lacked clarity to the actual foundation of life that I needed and that many others need too. That foundation of life is crucial to the success of our species. The future of our race is hinging upon it. For without those key elements we will be doomed as a species. A revolution is on the horizon, perhaps not in the actual war and killing type – more in the thinking and conceptual type…

My goal is to provide you with those keys, the fabric, to build your success. Those crucial elements must be thought out, defined, and engraved in your life’s mission. Because 99.99% of all humans don’t have a Mission Statement, we can see the reason why the human race is as it is. Certainly one can write a mission statement with greed and dishonesty in mind – the question will remain is that beneficial to our success? I believe you can answer that with a definite NO, it is not beneficial to our success.

What we have failed to achieve so far is to find a better way to improve human development since we are focused on ”take two aspirin and call me in the morning” technique. We are usually attempting to patch the roof but it ends up leaking again. That is the business world and the medical profession in support of it. The solution is quite simple: do what you need to do to fix the issue to stop it from happening again (proactively).

I have built many new businesses. I have had many great successes. I have had many great opportunities in my life. Many were hit and misses. What my point is - is this: If you want to start on the best footing or foundation, would it not be advantageous to know what that footing is and how to use it to define your future successes? Would it not be beneficial to know what those key elements are before your start your journey to life success in a short and clear approach? If you want to have a roller coaster ride, perhaps falling out, then stop reading now. But if you want to define your future life with the keys to it then please read on. Remember, there are no shortcuts, no pills, and no help for you if you sit and do nothing about your life and future. You have to act. You have to work on it. You need to do a lot to define those goals and work out how you will do it – working with others is a part of it – but you are your savior. Only you can do it, I can’t do it for you. I only provide you with the keys to unlocking your door to your success. It is you, who is responsible to use the keys to start up your engine and drive off into the sunset…you have the right to achieve success. And, by the way, who says you cannot predict the future?

First things first

Exercise: What do you believe is the backbone of the foundation to life success? What specifically is it? Use a piece of paper and brainstorm what that is… Take five minutes to do so.

What did you come up with? Ok, now we will continue with my story and have defining exercises…

I³ Connectedness

You will now read a glimpse of my life over the last 40 or so years. Various topics and situations are used that are true and touching.

I feel…

Today was a rainy, dismal day… I felt a bit down. I know that you, like me, know we all have those moments in our lives that make us think about the things that cause us worry and concern. You, the reader, probably do not know me in the sense that we met face to face. But, I believe different. I believe I know you. I believe I know that I feel you, how your life is in various contexts and I believe you really do know me too. I feel I know how you experience pain and fear of certain things such as loss of a loved one, loss of a job, loss of something precious. I know because I am human too. I am a part of you - a brother, a sister, a mother, a father, a cousin and so on. I do care for you.

I know how you feel when someone dies –my identical twin brother died in front of me in a hit and run accident. I know what it means to lose someone who is close.

I feel the pain of those who suffered from terminal illness… I know how AIDS can affect you, your family, and your friends… I know because my brother died from AIDS.

I know how some people can treat you as garbage and use language that can have ever lasting effects on your feelings… I know how you feel when you are discriminated against…the hatred and negative things people can do and say to you… I know how it is because I was extremely overweight as a child, and I have lived in foreign countries….

I know how you feel when your best friend dies, because many of mine have…

I feel for you when you lose your pet… I have lost many of them…

I feel for you when your traumas in your life have caused you to do many things that have hurt you and others… I know because I abused alcohol and drugs before…

I feel for you when you lose your job, when you are looked down upon - thought of as second-class, unworthy… I know because I have had the same experiences…

I feel for you when you lose your marriage, your girlfriend or boyfriend… I have divorced twice…

I feel your loneliness in life with no sole mate… because I am lonely too, so lonely that sometimes I just want to sleep and hope it is different the next day.

I feel for you when you have lost all of your possessions, your home, your material things…I know because I have too.

I feel for you when you just want it to all go away – to hide and hope it was just a dream, a nightmare, but you wake up and it gets even worse … I know because I have had the same dreams and nightmares too…It’s called reality.

The feelings, I know, are so strong and overwhelming that you just want to cry, hoping it will all be better… I know because I experience those things too.

I feel I am missing something, something I should share with you… something that is the core of us…

Exercise: Using a new piece of paper, what do you now believe is the backbone of the foundation to life success? What specifically is it? Use a piece of paper and brainstorm what that is… Take 3 minutes to do so.

I understand…

I understand how it is today. I understand the pressures you have at home – the kids, your brothers or sisters, your parents, stepparents, grandparents… I know those pressures because I have had them too.

Understanding your fears and concerns is very important. Because they are all caused by people around us- our friends and colleagues, our neighbors, and acquaintances. I understand because I have the same fears and concerns too.

I understand the stresses that you have at school and work. All the pressures they push on you to perform better, to achieve higher results…

I understand that society expects you to play the game, or pay the consequences…

I understand… you are I, and I am you… I do understand you…

I understand that we have differences in many ways, but we do feel as fellow humans, and we do understand each other because we have shared many things and experiences together in our lives… understanding all of those things that we share is not so important here, because the message I have is more crucial and important than all those details – all those other experiences of pain and joy…

When I look in your eyes I do understand… you. I see your feelings, your pains, your desires, and your needs… I see your inner most thoughts, I feel your feelings, and I hear your cries for appreciation and respect. I look into your eyes and see the innocence of a child, a newborn. The pure core of a young life that has grown up with challenges of different magnitudes that restrict your ability to feel good about your life…Perhaps some people may believe all is fine and dandy in their lives – if that is the case, then I respect them and all the best to them. I do believe that the majority of us have some detail or part of our life that makes us hurt inside, even if they say it is not so. I know because I understand…

I understand that I am missing something… something that is the fabric of society yet it is missing in our daily lives, especially our public ones…

Exercise: Using a new piece of paper, what do you now believe is the backbone of the foundation to life success based on the readings and your thought now? What specifically is it? Take 2 minutes to do so.


I know your feelings and I understand you. How I know those things is because I have experienced so many things in my life that I can feel and see your experiences too. We are actually connected. We can see the future if we really want to. We are a part of each other, it just does not seem that we are… The more aware we are the more connected we become to each other and to all…

I can go on and on… but that is not why we are here. The reason why we are here is a very simple and a powerful one. One that can bring you back to your feet. Take you to new ground. Make you feel better. Lift you up to feel how it is to be whole again; like a pure newborn baby… three words that can make all the bad go away and give you the energy to start again… what I want to tell you, my dearest reader, is that I love you. I really do. I believe it is the best thing to say to you now - that love is the secret code. The code of love is connected to all of us. It’s the glue; it’s the fabric; it’s the dark matter - the invisible vibration that emits in our universe. There may be new literature published today with ideas of how to succeed, but they forgot the foundation of humanity… of life… love.

When you see in the eyes of a young child the love that is there, the feeling that is there, the warmth that is there and the energy that comes from it - just makes me feel so wonderful. That is the key to success. That is the energy to drive success. It’s pure, it’s real, and it is available if we want it. My life has been successful and it has had disasters as well. But the love that you could share and can share could do a lot more good for us than you can imagine. All that power is available just for the investment of some time to write your mission…. My life could have been tremendously better if I was shown love and loved more in return. All the hardships in my life gave me the gift and the ability to truly love all life and to share that with all. My life was a sacrifice to give humanity this message.

Now you have the basis to continue to higher levels of thought and feeling. You have to know that someone does love you so that you can carry on to be successful again or even more successful. You will always know this in difficult times and in good times. You can spread the love too, to help others in need…

We have seen many reasons why and how we are connected to each other. That connection of love, the fabric that holds us together, is our foundation – our stepping-stone to higher levels – to success.

Now I will show you how this will benefit you and help you to succeed.

The Tools for Success…

“The fabric of life: Love”.

Now that we have seen that you and I (we) are connected, I want you to take any present situation you have that is causing you challenges in your life. If it is a job loss, divorce, a death in the family, a drug problem; perhaps you want to start a new business or a combination of them or all of them – what ever, just start and do the following:

Now that you know I love you and care for you, take a piece of paper and write Rodney LOVES ME, if you want to you can perhaps write it inside a heart like a mind map…

“Rodney Loves Me”

Then ask yourself, “Who else has loved me in my past?” Make a list:

  1. “Rodney Loves Me”
  2. Mary loved me…
  3. John…
  4. My dog Bart loved me…
  5. My cat…
  6. My plant …
    etc ….

It is irrelevant if the persons or animals are not with you now or what ever the case may be. They did love you and that is most important and that will always be the case.

Now write who loves me presently going in the opposite direction from the bottom of the paper to the top:

  1. etc…
  2. My pet fish spike loves me…
  3. My friend Frank loves me…
  4. “Rodney Loves Me”

Now, finally write who will love me in the future starting from the bottom of the page:

  1. etc…
  2. All people will love me
  3. My grand children
  4. All living and non-living people and things will love me…
  5. My dog Bart will love me…
  6. Mary will love me…
  7. “Rodney Will Love Me”

Now that you know now someone does love you, we will engrave that information or code in your mind in another exercise in some detail. I would just like to remind you that when you have that LOVE inside you, it is your secret weapon, your core mechanism to succeed. Why or how you ask is that possible? When you really do care by showing love and respect to all things - you show the energy of attraction - the energy that people respect in such a way that is pure and clean; the energy that is life – that is human. The real thing is to truly love all. You may have learned that to be successful you have to wear pinstriped suits, be aggressive and take advantage of people. Yes, some people will respect you in fear of being fired or threatened, but it is not the real thing. Now that if you have love and you wear nice clothes and are kind? You will still get your way and they will LOVE you for it…

Just imagine love in what ever context that comes into your mind… now I would like you to imagine at this moment all that love you thought of before, I love you as just a reminder. What ever or who ever comes to mind is fine - even many persons, past or present … let your mind work… When you have it in your mind, I would like you to see that picture - the feeling, the associations to that love and make them more intense… more colorful… brighter… bigger… closer… enjoy that love…

  1. What can you hear things in that movie or picture? What are the sounds, the voices, or the noises? Are people talking? Singing? Imagine the beautiful sounds and vibrations of all that activity… can you increase one element and lower another? For instance make the birds sing louder? Or hear your loved one saying I love you in a sweet meaningful way? Change things, make them to make you feel really loved…. Hold on to what you feel is the best combination by anchoring it on your body somewhere.

  2. What can you see in your movie or picture? What are the elements, the colors, and the attributes of the scene? Can you move around in the scene? Interact with anyone or thing differently? See yourself in different positions such as sitting, standing, etc. can you get closer, move away, touch or fly? Can you make it an experience that is like the Fourth of July fireworks display of love? Can you brighten, darken, blur, and intensify the images? Make them clear? Can you change the size, shape, and color of certain things? Are you associated or looking at yourself? Experiment to find the best then anchor it on your body…

  3. What can you feel in your picture or movie? Can you intensify the feelings? Are they internal or external? Is there pressure, texture? What are the temperature, the humidity, moisture, location, size, and other dimensions? Change them to experience different things. Attempt to reach climatic experiences… What about your heart rate, pulse rate, breathing rate? Can you change them? Hold those feelings and anchor it.

  4. What can you smell in your picture or movie? What is the smell of love? Can you change it? Intensify it? Is aromatic? Tangy? Sweet? Really enjoy it and anchor it…

  5. What can you taste in your picture or movie? What is the unique taste of love? Sour, sweet, or tangy? Can you intensify it? Find the best for you and anchor it…

  6. Now I would like you to take those experiences and put them all together in your picture or movie. Enjoy all of those qualities and attributes mixing in the love you share with all… when you have reached the climax, anchor it. Hug someone. Spread it around. Tell someone…you have the power now to put your self back on the road to success, the power to attract people, the power to care, the power to achieve your desire to live and care for others, and your loved ones…

Now you have the tool to carry on and the key to spread the love to others… It will spread and spread… You have learned the true key to the fabric of humankind – the fabric of all life, the basis to succeed….

Thinking from Your Future’s Past – Your Success is in the Rear view Mirror

“I generally operate in the future’s past…imagining the past is in font of me as I am driving or walking to update and hold true to principles of my success. You really can chew gum and walk at the same time…” Rodney.

A challenging thought to think from the future to your past? Well, it is in a way but it is very possible to do so. The reason why the majority of us do not think that way is because we are taught to think about time as going forward. We are stuck in that mode of thinking. We may also think that it is not good to dwell on the past - to carry that baggage with you to the present day. Well, you have that baggage so what can you do with it? Learn from it! You have that resource – it’s a treasure for future engagements so that you know better what to do and not to do. The other issue is the present time: how do I use the now to my advantage? The easiest answer is ACT! Do it now! What do I do you might ask? Well, you have the tools, you have the past resources, and you have the future. You use your ability to go to the future now to access your past. You can see, feel, hear, smell, and taste anything and everything your mind can imagine from the future to the past! If you can see the past you can see the future, right? If you can use your present time now to see your past’s learning events to define your future plans now - then all you need to do is work on thinking from your Future’s past! That is why we have to define our mission and engrave it on wood or stone: You have to do it yourself, only you.

Periodically throughout the day, you should exist in the future’s present time looking back to the past, experiencing the moments and pleasures of success that you have defined in your mission statement. This will become automatic and very easy to do after a few days through exercise or repetition. Your mind is a powerful tool: you have the right to use all that power to achieve the wildest dreams possible…. By employing these techniques, your life will improve dramatically, your colleagues, family, siblings, and friends will also notice the change…You can visit any time, any place, any experience you want to in your time line! You can make it the best dream ever come true! The best movie ever! It is all up to you. You will have the possibility to travel anywhere and in any direction just as easy as doing the things you usually do. This will be your track to your goals and to the success you so desire….

Defining Your Mission

The next step is for long-term love…to the stepping-stone from this life to the next…. The outcomes of your life need to include this key. What you are actually doing is looking back from the future to your present time and even the past, as you were a baby. By doing so, you will engrave your life’s mission as a blueprint in your mind as a line to follow for your present to future success… I will explain mine as a model to follow and then you write down your own in your own words with a pen, pencil, or what ever….

I imagine I am at my funeral (or written on my grave stone) that people discuss specific qualities or traits that I would like them to talk about, experience etc when I was alive… for example: Rodney loved all living things; he showed his love to all and everyone loved him for his caring for all life forms… imagine this in your mind in a picture, a movie, an epic, with all the colors, sounds, lights, fireworks – what ever you want! I then select the qualities I want and put those key components down as an anchor to achieve my success…

Look from that future point back to the past, through all the successes of love you have experienced with friends, family, animals, plans, insects, all things… keep going all the way back like going back in time: you see, feel, hear, smell, taste the experiences all the way back to your birth… It is as though you are going opposite, or against the flow of time - and you have the power to go anywhere you want to in it, not flowing with it.

Now imagine that you are at…

My Mission


Just the Beginning

We now know we are connected, were loved and will be loved. You have the ultimate tool to love and be a success in your life. You can use this same technique to add other qualities such as success, being honorable or what ever you want to put in your mission statement. To add the final touch, you should use a wooden plaque and brand your mission with a tool to engrave the keys to your success…you can hang it on the wall, read it, touch it, look at it every day and feel proud that your piece of art is your future reality in the present time…

You have the keys now for your future success. Just remember, the thought of love and the expression of love is energy - it’s a vibration, it’s the fabric of life- use it to bring humanity to higher levels never seen before.

I love you,

Rodney Josephson

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