in #self-esteem7 years ago

“Nothing is more important than how you feel and think about yourself ".
The 21st century belongs to those who are willing and ready to take the bull by the horn. The world is currently moving on a fast lane and only a person who have a healthy store of self-esteem will be able to succeed and make positive impact in the environment. Although, it could be said that some good number of young person have made progress in their educational pursuit, it is apparent that a greater majority has remain losers in struggle for self-esteem. Youths with good value and sense of self worth grow up to become independent and dependable adults. Presently, most youths are far from independence and inner instability. A firm belief that one is worthy of respect from others (self-esteem) and a belief in ones self and ones abilities (self-confidence) bring about independence. Look at critically,self-esteem and self-confidence emanate from the same source, and the same actions can give a boost to both. Unhealthy self-esteem emanate from within. To build and maintain a healthy self- esteem equally requires some inner exercise. According to Robert Kaplan,fulfillment doesn't come from clearing cardle others set for you,it come from clearing those you set for yourself ".it is about you and for you, you can attain great height if you are determine despite contrary opinion. Many things have been proposed to help people build and maintain a healthy esteem, it is hoped that some of the recommendations listed below will help to boost yourself-esteem. Choose a few that appeal to you and apply them.
THINK POSITIVELY: “For as he thinketh in his hearth so is he “prov 23:7 [KJV]. Everything begins in the mind. Change the pattern of your thoughts and you will begin to see and believe in the beauty that is in you will develop the “I can" attitude. You are what you think.
ACT POSITIVELY: Thoughts begets action. Action plays a key role in building your self-esteem. When you change what you do, you change what you are. Negative attitudes/thoughts can be destiny killers. Do a self-evaluation : self-discovery is the key to unlocking the door to your confidence, make effort to understand yourself. Evaluate your strength and weaknesses, understand your interests and passion. Keep a journal about yourself. Do yourself a favour , present yourself before a professional of self-discovery test. Self-understanding boosts self-confidence in no small measure. Do a SWOT analysis on your self by maximising your strenghts, work towards changing your bad habits/ weaknesses, take advantage of every opportunity and set up to overcome your threats.
SET A STANDARD TO YOURSELF: Do you have life principles? It is necessary to set a standard for yourself, otherwise, you will always be controlled by some outside influences. Keep yourself neat and presentable: when you scent nicely [thanks to soap and water] and decently dressed,you feel ready to face the world. Choose clothes that complement the structure of your body. Ensure to always dress to suit an occasion. Going for a wedding reception in a swimming outfit will make you feel inferior. It is not about price,it is about fitting and appropriateness. Take care of your hair and nails.IMG_20180309_184847_952.JPG
PREPARE AHEAD: you cannot feel confident when you do not trust your ability to do well at something. Can you believe in your ability to pass in an examination which you have failed to study? Will u believe in yourself to be successful I a job interview for which you do not have the basic requirements? Prepare yourself ahead of time.
Don't stop at preparing ahead of an eaxm,a job e.t.c,work at increasing your competence. Keep studying,keep practicing, don't ever stop. There is no end to studying.Aim at attaining excellence in all that you do.
QUIT COMPLAINING:Focus on getting solution for a challenge not on the challenge believing that your can find solution to boost your self confidence, remember you can do all things through Christ that strengthens you Phili4:13.regard every challenge as a motivating factor:Attitude is everything. See it as a problem, it pushes you down to depression point.
BEGIN WITH SMALL TASKS: Set small goals for yourself for a start.Achievements in little tasks will build your confidence to tryand succeed in bigger tasks.Stop procrastinating:procrastination is a killer of self confidence.Take action on that plan today and watch your confidence grow thereafter.
BE TRUE TO YOURSELF:Stop comparing yourselfe to are you strive to become the best to yourself we all need our own time to travel our distance. Remember, the tortoise,the hare,and the rabbit all made it to Noah's ark.
BE KIND TO YOURSELF: Handle mistakes and failures in a more positive ways,we all make mistakes, learn from your mistakes and move on with life.Build supportive relationships and spend more time with positive oriented individuals. Read and listen to motivational materials. Be greatful to God for life and for every experience. “For you are fearfully and wonderfully made"PS 139:14.Somehow, I can't believe that there are any height that can't scaled by a man who known the secrets of making dreams come true. This special secret,it seem to me, can be summarized in four C's. They are curiosity, confidence, Courage and constancy, and the greater of all is confidence. When you believe in a thing. Believe in all the way, implicity and unquestionably.IMG_20180309_185014_238.JPG
In conclusion, refer to the following inspiring quotes. “Confindence is the greater friend "- Lao Tzu, [A Chinese philosopher]. “People with high self-esteem are the most desired and desirable people In society"-Brian “But you a chosen generation, a royal priesthood and holy nation a peculiar people that ye should show forth the praises of him whom hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light ". 1peter 2:9.

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