They have a beautiful home with a view of St. Margaret's Bay, I love the glimpses of it through the trees when I'm out on their deck.
It was brutally cold today! The photos are deceiving, especially the ones I took in the house, the sun looks so bright but I went out to snap some shots and almost froze my fingers off. ('s -7...we all know what a wuss I have become, -7 is cold to me stop laughing at my patheticness my Canadian comrades!)
Marion is a few provinces away right now helping her Mother sell her house and won't be back for weeks still. Opa put on a dinner for us tonight, it was so good...mmm lasagne, caeser salad, I brought some buns...then after chips and oreo cookies while watching hockey, and building lego. I was on the chair nursing my food baby, reading a book and @eddiebowes was chillin' on his laptop.
Alas, I have nothing you can see of our food, or our fun. I always forget about my camera when the food and fun starts. So, you will have to settle for this: Opa tossing salad in the sunshine with @hendrix22's profile in the dark.
He has always lived in his Father's shadow...lololololol. (Sorry, it's late and I think I'm funny, this always happens to me late at night. I call it the Late Night Lulz. Bear with me, this torture is almost over.)
Give me a hell yeah if you think Opa should join the STEEM blockchain.
Ohh ! it's still -7 there. The weather is so warm and hot in my place. The highest temperature of today was above 30 degree celcius and it is just starting of warm days.
Haha! Happy plants .. I was wondering what you were going to unveil for a minute there, my hands were shaking a I scrolled down lol
Man I would love to have a nice deck like that, sit out in the evening and watch the sun go down .. aahh heaven .. maybe one day :D On another note it's a triple hell yeah from me!!
I feel I am so behind in you and your MIL blogs, though I know @marionbowes is dealing with family things like house sales and assisted living.
I am also SO sorry to hear about the loss of your dear rooster. I know they are just chickens and we (chicken keepers) deal with death quite often, but one does still feel for the little dears, especially when they go by the 'hands' of their comrades in feathers. I am lucky with my current two roosters because they are best buds. I think it is because they were hatched together and they are a bantam breed and also cochins are known for being sweethearts.
I also feel you on the cold view. Shots out our windows could be decpetive too to see the sun on the sea but when you are huddled inside with a broken generator and a wood stove you can't use, the cold is REAL. Thank goodness we have power again and now to get a new generator!
We had really warm temps yesterday 45 F but today back down to 18 F (sorry too lazy to convert to C we American's are so backwards in everything we are MILES behind canadians-not kilometers, get it? I know poor joke.)
Well, now I need another sip of coffee and to get back through your feed and see what I missed. I hope the print that I sent you is ok, I didn't get to proof it IRL before I had it shipped so I hope the colours turned out ok. I should have sent it framed, but am never sure if that is presumptious to choose a frame colour for someone else.
Here is to staying warm on cold Eastern coastal Winter days...We are a tough lot though, we sea side dwellers.
I figured you guys would have got this same cold snap, and I'm sooo glad to hear that you have your warmth back inside Toad Hall!!
How blessed that your roos are best friends...<3 I'll have to keep my eye out for cochins in the future...
The print is absolutely 100% perfect and no frame necessary I couldn't even imagine the shipping on that Lady!! You did such a great thing already, we have our spot picked out, right on the kitchen wall <3 <3
Oh wonderful, I am so glad you liked it. When I knew I wanted to send your MIL the print of my sailing piece she liked I just HAD to do something for you.
We are warm again, but Winter isn't over and I'm dreading it. The only good thing out of it is it has inspired me to paint this entire new series of work featuring robot/android women and I am really getting into it. Funny where inspiration come, non?
It's so nice that you can have a comfortable dinner with your father in law!
Sorry about the cold. We're about the same this morning but getting warmer. And at least all this cold air is pushing the next nor'easter low pressure area out to sea to the south of us!
@lyndsaybowes, Outstanding scenery indeed photo shots taken very close to St. Margaret's Bay. It's not cleared well, but best tried to give best zooming captures. Sky is a very clear seems sunny condition there.
Beautiful plants touch my spirit very well. Close captures brightness. Best #seewhatisee blogging. Have a wonderful day.
oho! this is awesome. Thanks for sharing your kind information. Keep it up dear @lyndsaybowes
Ohh ! it's still -7 there. The weather is so warm and hot in my place. The highest temperature of today was above 30 degree celcius and it is just starting of warm days.
Haha! Happy plants .. I was wondering what you were going to unveil for a minute there, my hands were shaking a I scrolled down lol
Man I would love to have a nice deck like that, sit out in the evening and watch the sun go down .. aahh heaven .. maybe one day :D On another note it's a triple hell yeah from me!!
LOL to the shaking hands!! AHHAHAHAHAAA!! Love that :) :)
And I will be sure to let Opa know theres another hell yeah!! :) :) :) Just a matter of time now ...
I feel I am so behind in you and your MIL blogs, though I know @marionbowes is dealing with family things like house sales and assisted living.
I am also SO sorry to hear about the loss of your dear rooster. I know they are just chickens and we (chicken keepers) deal with death quite often, but one does still feel for the little dears, especially when they go by the 'hands' of their comrades in feathers. I am lucky with my current two roosters because they are best buds. I think it is because they were hatched together and they are a bantam breed and also cochins are known for being sweethearts.
I also feel you on the cold view. Shots out our windows could be decpetive too to see the sun on the sea but when you are huddled inside with a broken generator and a wood stove you can't use, the cold is REAL. Thank goodness we have power again and now to get a new generator!
We had really warm temps yesterday 45 F but today back down to 18 F (sorry too lazy to convert to C we American's are so backwards in everything we are MILES behind canadians-not kilometers, get it? I know poor joke.)
Well, now I need another sip of coffee and to get back through your feed and see what I missed. I hope the print that I sent you is ok, I didn't get to proof it IRL before I had it shipped so I hope the colours turned out ok. I should have sent it framed, but am never sure if that is presumptious to choose a frame colour for someone else.
Here is to staying warm on cold Eastern coastal Winter days...We are a tough lot though, we sea side dwellers.
I figured you guys would have got this same cold snap, and I'm sooo glad to hear that you have your warmth back inside Toad Hall!!
How blessed that your roos are best friends...<3 I'll have to keep my eye out for cochins in the future...
The print is absolutely 100% perfect and no frame necessary I couldn't even imagine the shipping on that Lady!! You did such a great thing already, we have our spot picked out, right on the kitchen wall <3 <3
Oh wonderful, I am so glad you liked it. When I knew I wanted to send your MIL the print of my sailing piece she liked I just HAD to do something for you.
We are warm again, but Winter isn't over and I'm dreading it. The only good thing out of it is it has inspired me to paint this entire new series of work featuring robot/android women and I am really getting into it. Funny where inspiration come, non?
You stay warm and safe .
Also, is @hendrix22 growing a beard as badass as Smokie's? 😁
Oooh yeah, like Father like Son :) LOLOLOL!! Smokie was Brendan's chick lololol <3 <3
wow that's a great place and nice photography....
Hell yeah!
(Wait? Aren't we supposed to be saying that? Why am I the only one?)
Hell yeah Opa should join Steemit!
YAY !!! I'm working on it, thanks for reading the small print Michael xo!!
What would he write about? How to fix a Dodge Ram?
Hey now...he could comment on our posts! Upvote and have a STEEM wallet <3 All good things xoxo
It's so nice that you can have a comfortable dinner with your father in law!
Sorry about the cold. We're about the same this morning but getting warmer. And at least all this cold air is pushing the next nor'easter low pressure area out to sea to the south of us!
@lyndsaybowes, Outstanding scenery indeed photo shots taken very close to St. Margaret's Bay. It's not cleared well, but best tried to give best zooming captures. Sky is a very clear seems sunny condition there.
Beautiful plants touch my spirit very well. Close captures brightness. Best #seewhatisee blogging. Have a wonderful day.