Starting a new job as a Security Officer? What supplies and equipment will you need?

in #security7 years ago

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Getting started in the security industry as a new security officer can often mean buying much of your own duty gear and equipment. In this guide I will offer some suggestions and ideas to help make your start in the security industry a successful one.

While some companies may fully outfit their officers with all the gear they need, many will still find themselves responsible for purchasing the bulk of their duty gear on their own dime. This can mean spending a fair amount of money to get started as a new officer.

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Lets start off with the Uniform. Many companies will at the very least issue you a uniform shirt, pants and possibly a hat and outerwear. However once again the as a new officer you may need to purchase some of your own uniforms. It should go without saying that as a security officer your professional appearance and attitude are some of the most important things you carry.

Your uniform shirt should always be well fitting, clean, pressed and tucked neatly into your pants with a belt. Your pants as well should be clean, pressed and lint free. Well fitting, clean uniforms make your day more comfortable and your appearance more professional. Little things like clean comfortable undershirts and good socks can make long days and nights on post much nicer.

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Here are a few good brands for uniform pants and shirts:

5.11 Tactical Class A Uniform Shirt
Rothco BDU Style Uniform Shirt
Rothco BDU Style uniform pants
You will likely need a few other uniform items such as; gloves, hats, armor, ballistic vests, a badge, patches and more. For this article however, the only other uniform item I will detail a bit are boots. Good boots are probably on of the most important uniform items you will purchase. Even if you’re manning the security desk, your footwear will make a big impact on your day. I highly recommend wearing a good 8″ side zip boot. No cheap black tennis shoes or cheap work boots. If you spend any of your money on quality gear, GET GOOD BOOTS. I personally wear the 5.11 A.T.A.C available here. I have had my current pair for about 2 years and they are holding up very well. For the low price I’ll buy another pair of the same boots when I retire these to yard work duty.

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Next we will talk about duty belts. Your duty belt will allow you to carry and easily access the tools you may need to deploy quickly or frequently. Duty belts are most often worn over the top of an under-belt. The under belt is looped through the belt loops of your pants and then fastened to your outer (duty belt) using belt keepers. My favorite brand of keepers are Boston Leather. You can find them by clicking here. Common duty belt mounted items include; Keys, Hand Cuffs, Weapons, Flash Light, O.C. Spray, Radio, Extra Magazines and much more. The duty belt is a whole article of its own and most items you carry and how you carry them will be your personal preference. I have included a few links to some common items to give you some ideas.

Smith and Wesson Model 100 Hand Cuffs and Hand Cuff Cases.
Batons, ASP’s and Holders.
Stream Light Flash Lights and Flash Light Holders
Other important items you may carry in your pockets or on your uniform include:

A good Pen: I like the Fisher Space Pen. You can buy them (by clicking here)
A small note pad
Your cell phone. Modern smart phones are great for taking photos and videos as well as keeping notes and of course for communication.
Extra handcuff keys, backup batteries and your credentials; (ID, Certifications, Permits etc…)
Small first aid kit, CAT Tourniquet
Now I should also mention all those miscellaneous little items that can make life better on the job. Carrying a good backpack or work bag with some comfort items can come in handy. I carry a small backpack and either keep it in the car or if possible stored somewhere on post that I can access during my shift. I like to have some bottled water, dried fruit, nuts, candy, phone charger, small umbrella, rain poncho, a few magazines, a small first aid kit and other misc hygiene and personal items.

I can’t possibly mention all the items you may need in a new career as a Security Officer. There are many items like ballistic vests, body armor, firearms, Tasers and more that will all have to wait for another article. This was just a start to hopefully help you head in the right direction.

I hope you will find this article helpful. Starting a career as a Security Officer is an important undertaking. Your job can offer many rewarding and challenging situations. Continual training and constant vigilance are a necessity. Take pride in your job, be helpful and courteous, stay alert and stay safe!Security officer badge.png


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