Evil enveloping the rulers and kings.
Operation Northwoods was a good enough motive to kill Kennedy, along with his speech about the secret cabal running the government and his rejection of the Bay of Pigs invasion. Any group of people, the joint chiefs in this case, who would kill Americans in a false flag operation to sway public opinion wouldn't hesitate to assassinate an outsider like Trump.
Our government, as well as the governments of the Islamic world, the EU, Russia, China, the rest of Asia, S. and Central America and the entire world are headed by power hungry jackals. The lust for power is like the lust for money or illicit sex. It corrupts the soul and the appetite that drives in us insatiable.
We're finished in this nation. If the election process is corrupted, what else do we have? Revolution? I seriously doubt it. The only generation with the pride and honor remaining in this country is on its last legs. Revolutions are undertaken and carried out by young men.