SEC-S20W2 - How to Prepare Yourself for Programming?

in #sec20w2sergeyk8 hours ago (edited)

It is a thing of joy for me to participate in this week's steemit engagement challenge, with the topic "How to prepare for programming", hosted by @sergeyk. I am passionate about this topic because I am here to learn.

In this post, I will share how I can prepare myself for programming, and I believe I will share something interesting in the end.


What should you have done before to become a programmer in the future

The following are the things I should have done before to become a programmer in the future;

1. Since programming is about exhibiting systematic and logical thoughts, the first thing I should have done is develop these kinds of thoughts by acquiring a foundation in logic and problem-solving. These can be done through mathematics and puzzles.

2. I needed to understand how the system works; what I mean is the computer itself and its operating system. I should have acquainted myself with the basics by familiarizing myself with programming languages such as Python, CSS, HTML, and JAVA.

3. I also needed to get myself familiar with the programming visual aids, or visual studio code such as Git.

4. I should have Acquainted myself with algorithms and data structures before now to become a programmer.

Then finally, I should have practiced more often and also updated myself by taking online courses and physical courses. Then, I should have been involved in the developers' community and seen how software developers are upgrading daily.

Name a famous one before or find some simple online game(logic or puzzle). Using her example, explain how she can help a future programmer.



I chose the block puzzle Wood Blast, which is a wood puzzle sudoku game. It is designed to give its players a mix of mental stimulation and entertainment.

It helps in keeping my mind sharp. In this game, I will apply my logic and systematic skills to fix jigsaw puzzles with special broken patterns. Similar to programming, I need to apply logic and systematic skills.

In this game, I am given desperate shapes of the blocks to fix in the right positions, and completing the entire image shows success in the level. Similarly, with programming, codes need to be fixed or written properly.

The Game has wooden blocks with a 10×10 grid, and I have to clear the block by forming a complete row and column. A small mistake can lead to failure similarly with programming, a small mistake can lead to failure.

This game enhances my thinking ability, that is, how to think logically and systematically.

The puzzle of wolf, goat, and cabbage solution

1. The man would first transport only the goat to the second river bank in his boat since he could carry just one thing at a time. This would mean leaving the wolf and the Cabbage on the first river bank, and we know the wolf doesn't eat cabbage.

2. In step two, the man would return to the first river back alone. Leaving the goat all by himself on the second river bank. This step is necessary since he has to carry one thing at a time.

3. In step three, the man transports cabbage from the first river bank to the second bank, leaving the wolf alone on the first bank. On reaching the second river bank, he places the cabbage there and takes the goat back with him to the first river bank. This step is necessary so the goat will not eat cabbage.

4. In step four, the man leaves the goat on the first river bank and takes the wolf with him to the second river bank. This time, the wolf and cabbage are on the second river bank without supervision, and we know the wolf can't eat cabbage. Then he returns alone to the first river bank.

5. The final step. On getting to the first river bank, the bank takes the goat with him back to the second river bank. Now, all three things are on the second river bank under the supervision of the man.

The puzzle of two men, and two boys with a boat.

In this puzzle, the boat can only transport two boys at a time, or a man at a time. Not a man and a boy, or two men.

1. In step one, I would have the two boys cross themselves to the other side of the river. When they get there, one of the boys will stay in the second bank while the other will take the boat and cross to the first bank where the Adults are.

2. In step two, the boy, getting to the Adults, will give the boat to one of the adults and stay with the other in the first bank. One adult, this time, will cross to the second bank of the river using the boat. When the adult gets there he will give the boat to the boy who was already on the second bank of the river. Then the boy will take the boat and cross to the first bank of the river. We now have one adult crossed.

3. In step three, when the boy gets to the first bank of the river, the other boy who was on the first bank of the river with one adult will join him, and the two boys will again Cross to the second bank of the river. When they get to the second bank, one of the boys will stay there with one adult who is already here, while the other boy will cross back with the boat to the first bank of the river.

4. In step four, when the boy gets to the first bank of the river, he hands the boat to the one adult who was left and stays in the first bank. One adult will use the boat and cross to the second bank of the river, and when he gets to the second bank of the river, he hands the boat to a boy who was already there with the other adult, and the boy crosses to the first bank of the river using the boat. We now have the two adults on the second bank of the river.

5. In step five, when the boy gets to the first bank of the River, the other boy, who was left alone, joins this boy on the boat, and the two boys cross back to the second bank of the river. We now have the two boys and the two men on the second bank of the river.

The puzzle, two men and one boat

In the puzzle, the two men realize that one boat they see can't contain them at the same time, but they all manage to cross the river using the boat. How?

I will start by saying if one man uses the boat to cross to the other part of the shore, there won't be a helper who would take the boat to the other man, so they have to manage and cross simultaneously. Therefore, one man Will grab the edge of the boat, while the other man also holds the other edge of the boat, and both of them float to the other part of the river with the help of the boat.

The Maze: solve the last three and share in your post. If 8, 9, and 10 do not work, solve 7, 8, and 9. But the score will be less by (0.1) with each level.

8th level


9th level


10th level


Hour of Code - Minecraft Voyage Aquatic: solve the last four stages and share in your post.

9th level




10th level




11th level




12th level

I was given a certificate


Did you learn to code

A calculator has only a +1 operation and 0 on the scoreboard. To get 100 on the scoreboard, I have to perform the +1 operation 100 times, and whenever I press +1, the number on the scoreboard increases by 1 until I get to 100, and when I perform the +1 operation a hundred times, the scoreboard will appear 100. Therefore I will press +1 repeatedly up to 100 times.

To get to a hundred quickly, I will begin by pressing +1, then press it up to 5 times to have +5; when I have +5, I will double it by pressing '×2' to have 10, 20, 30, 40. And when I have 40, I will press '+1' to 10 times to have 50. I will use '×2' once again to have 100.

Find something similar to and Write about it, solve three problems from there (similarly to p.3 and p.4)

I searched for sites similar to and I found rodocodo and registered. The site helps me to enhances my logical and systematic thoughts. I failed severally before I was able to complete the 4 levels.



Level 2


Level 3


Level 4


I invite;


Thank you!


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

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