I can see that what you like is the easy and calm life hehehe good for you. I also look forward to retire soon and go kitesurfing !!!
I can see that what you like is the easy and calm life hehehe good for you. I also look forward to retire soon and go kitesurfing !!!
KiteSurfing...you touch on an interesting subject. I've been wondering about the =/- of using a kite as a sail for a boat.
In PARTICULAR....suppose one were to build a flying wing (perhaps)...very lightweight, with solar cells a battery, and a folding prop....fairly good sized...ten or twenty foot wingspan...launch..but keep it tethered...radio control...when it's up high enough..shut off the prop and let it PULL the boat...
found this...
looks interesting..but wired blocked me because I had an ad blocker
nothing is interesting enough to endure their ads...they're snowflakes..