como a veces adaptarce a la sociedad sin ser igual que ellos, no te has preguntado eso?/ how to adapt to society without being the same as them. Have not you asked yourself that question?

in #se7 years ago

Buenas soy una chica que le gusta saber de las cosas, saber como interactuar con las personas que piensan distinto en esta sociedad hay muchas forma de como discriminar a la persona, nunca te has preguntado si tu lo has echo? saber que causas daño esas persona con solo juzgarlo, a veces lo hacemos sin saber pero te has preguntado quien te juzga a ti? son muchas cosas que a veces no comprendemos preferimos hacer daño sin saber de donde viene y como es? solo miramos lo que nos enseña la sociedad a juzgar sin conocer, por eso es que Dios fue juzgado sin ser conocido por su sociedad. Pero la vida me a enseñado que no dependo de una sociedad que dependo de mi misma entonces te digo a ti si tu que me esta leyendo se tu mismo saca todo lo que quieres ser sin que nadie te detenga, tu pones tu limites y a donde llegaras, no seas igual que ellos una copia barata, se tu mismo siendo muy diferente a tu sociedad has lo que nunca has echo por miedo a que te juzguen y da tu el primer paso en todo los sentido se tu Sùper hèroe, no cambias para nadie,solo para ti mismo.
"Si no te gusta algo, Cambialo. Si no lo puedes cambiar, cambia tu actitud"/ Good I am a girl that likes to know about things, know how to interact with people who think differently in this society there are many ways to discriminate against the person, you have never asked yourself if you have done it? know what causes those people harm by just judging, sometimes we do it without knowing but you have asked who is judging you? are many things that sometimes we do not understand, we prefer to do harm without knowing where it comes from and how it is? we only look at what society teaches us to judge without knowing, that is why God was judged without being known by his society. But life has taught me that I do not depend on a society that I depend on myself so I tell you if you are reading me, you yourself take out everything you want to be without anyone stopping you, you set your limits and where you will arrive , do not be like them a cheap copy, be yourself being very different from your society do what you have never done for fear of being judged and give you the first step in all the sense of your Super Hero, do not change for anyone , only for yourself.
"If you do not like something, change it, if you can not change it, change your attitude"


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