in #scriptures6 years ago

My Study

I myself am a person that loves to read, but when I turned 14 and became a teacher in my church I found that just reading your scriptures everyday is not enough to gain the immense amount of knowledge each book holds. So I started to take down notes on things I didn't understand and ask my dad about them until finally I just put down notes about how I felt while reading and started going to different scriptures to cross reference and get a better understanding of what I was reading. So I decided to share ways to study scriptures while giving an analysis on scriptures and what I have learned from them, As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I decided I wanted to start with my analysis of the Book of Mormon, this is a book that my church uses in correlation with the Bible as it is another testament of Jesus Christ and like the Bible is a record of the dealings of the people with one another and God through prophets which he called on the American Continent, so I am going start at the beginning.

1 Nephi 1



This book starts with Nephi the son Lehi addressing us, he begins by telling us who he is and that he is making a record of the learning of his people the Jews, he testifies that this book is true and that it is written by his own hand, he then gives us the time this books starts, where he is and the situation he is in, then he moves on to his father and in the the next couple of versus explains the vision his father has of God and how the Lord tells his father that Jerusalem will be destroyed and many should be kill or taken captive into Babylon and that many more great and marvelous things where also shown unto him, he then continues to say he will not make a full account of the things of his father but will make an abridgment of them on the plates he will make, he then continues to tell of how his father testified of the things he saw to the Jews and that they were angry with him and sought to take away his life, but Quote" I Nephi will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen,"

Critical ANALYSIS with Commentary

Now that the you have a brief understanding of what this chapter is about I would like to go into a bit more depth and look at specific versus and doctrines they teach.

I love the first verse of this chapter, for me it allows us to see what kind of a person Nephi was. I would like to go through the verse.
" I, Nephi having been born of goodly parents, therefore having been taught somewhat in the knowledge of my father;"
Let's have a look at this line, for me this explains his parents and how they acted to their children, they taught them and as he said," Goodly" it show that Nephi respected and loved his parents.
"and having seen many afflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favoured of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and mysteries of God, therefore I make a record of my proceedings in my days."
This last line tells me what kind of a relationship Nephi had with God, as it says he saw many afflictions yet because he knew of the goodness and mysteries of God he was able to follow his commandments and teachings.

The following verses from verse five to fifteen is the vision his father had of God, in these verses we read about how Lehi saw the Father and his son and the twelve apostles of the Lord, after he reads from the book of prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem, we then read of how Lehi praises God for his mercy and of how if you come unto the Father he will not let you perish.

The last verse for me gives the Doctrine of this chapter. It reads as follows:
" 20: And when the Jews heard these things they were angry with him; yea, even as with the prophets of old, whom they had cast out, and stoned, and slain; and they also sought his life, that they might take it away. But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance. " the Doctrine I get out of this verse is that the Lord will be with those that have faith in him and he will deliver them from the hands of their enemies.

Thank you for reading, and please if you have any question ask and if you are looking for more information on this Book or on the Church, go to

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