[ScreenShot Saturday] My Gaming Updates (Jun 06)

Another week featuring Disgaea 5 and Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

Weekly updates on the games I play, fun stuff and the interesting screenshots I take. #ScreenshotSaturday is where I put a digest of my gaming through the week. (In GameDev scene, ScreenshotSaturday is a weekly event for developers to show their progress.)


Welcome again to the first #ScreenshotSaturday of June 2020! It seems someone liked the last week's post so I'm excited to write more about these two games this week! I played few hours of both Disgaea 5 and Metal Gear Solid V, though I spent more time on Splinterlands than other gaming stuff.

Speaking about blockchain games, I got to play Exode after winning a Starter Pack for the game. I spent few hours learning and trying it. Currently Exode only has the bare-bones right now but seems to the type to become enjoyable when by time it reaches the BETA stage.

Games I took Screenshots of this week:

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

I wrote about my progress in Ground Zeroes in my: "I finally played MGS V" aritcle. Basically I in the only mission of this short game, I found the first of the two targets, Chico. I received a Cassette Tape from him that should pin-point the other target, Paz's location.

I took me many hours to find where Paz is captured, and I was killed many times in the progress. Even now, when I know where she is, I still haven't made a plan to rescue her successfully.

What I'm the most interested in is the character of Paz. She seems to be a double agent with her own agenda. Snake/Big Boss has a bunch of Cassttes available at the start of the game, few of them are of her Dairy and Spy Log. From what I gathered from them, it seems she worked with Big Boss to destroy him... I think? I guess I'm in for a surprise at the game's ending!

Using their truck to destroy their base! It's not as a good of an idea as it sounds.

What a, unique, expression for a Selfie...!

Aaaaand I'm dead... Again!

I spent more time looking at the map than actually playing the game!!

Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengence

I spent most of my Disgaea time this week in Item World after I unlocked it and started enhancing some items. (I love the item: Imperial Seal, but it's the lowest level of its kind. It needed enhancement so bad!)

There's so much content in Disgaea 5 that I don't know where to start if not for the story (which introduces the game mechanics a bit by bit.) I'm sure there are many mechanics I miss on using or even misuse. I love the infinite potential in Disgaea franchise, and Disgaea 5 makes it even more infinite~

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Yeah, like 5000 years is too short! People live less than 100 years on earth y' know?!

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Hey! Isn't this Dinero from Disgaea 1?! Now he's a whole class? Interesting~

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My first Squad Attack, I almost played a whole chapter without using these moves!

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"Final Episode: [Spoiler] is the Killer!" Can't get enough of Seraphina's delusions~

So, that was my week!

I feel good about the articles I wrote this week. They're only four articles but two of them are about Megami Tensei franchise that I'm excited about recently (one is my fifth #ArcanaInPersona article featuring the sub-series: Persona.) Wish to get some news about Shin Megami Tensei V soon...

This week I cleaned a lot of unused applications games from my Laptop. I needed a space for a game I'm downloading. The interesting bit is that most of the things I deleted were games I never finished but haven't touched for two/three years! (Since 2017!) I should work more on finishing the things I start, but then again, games are meant to be enjoyed not to feel like a job... What do you think?

How was your week?

Do you have some screenshots or stories to share? Please post them in comments. I didn't receive a lot of comments on this post series so I hope you tell me if you like it.

All screenshots are taken from respective games by me.

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