Senator Ed Markey lies to the nation.
Speaking on the steps of the Supreme Court earlier today, Ed Markey (D-MA) told this whopper: "The [Supreme] Court is broken."
No, the High Court is not broken. No, it does not require the addition of four more Biden appointees to fix what isn't broken.
Sometimes the Supreme Court rules in ways favored by Democrats, and at other times in ways favored by Republicans. That will likely continue to be the case, regardless of the number of Supreme Court Justices. But Markey & Friends' attempt to "pack the court" is strictly a partisan affair, a reaction to the fact that the Court currently leans in a more conservative direction than it did a few years ago.
This is an unwarranted attack on one of the premier institutions of American democracy. No, there's nothing sacred about a nine-member Court. But this is not an attempt to improve the Court's functioning. Rather it is an effort to shift leftwards the Court's current ideological make-up.
Markey's attack on the Supreme Court, so reminiscent of FDR's attempt to pack the court in 1937, must be resisted by Democrats as well as Republicans, as was FDR's failed effort almost a century ago.