Scott Bennett. FAKE EXTREME RADICAL RIGHT PYRAMID. Globalists to release COVID2 into the general public as early as OCTOBER of 2023 in order to push for lockdowns in 2024 just like they did in 2020, they want to repeat it because it worked so well last time, they think they can reinstall Biden again. Ukraine is a scam.
How is online gaming and streaming doing on Twitch, YouTube, TikTok, etc? 182/ Streaming is tough because I only have 1.2 TB of bandwidth per month plus only a few terabytes of space. I'm usually juggling many projects, I've streamed, upload videos, publish a daily blog, etc. So, I'm always busy. I've been making videos since 1996. For all you meme masters, remember when Steve Urkel would say I'm falling and I can't get up, imagine Biden doing that. No. Better, the United States of America is falling so hard that BILLIONAIRES are running off into their BUNKERS. Damn RIP USA. Long live the lizard people.
Did the New CEO of Elon Musk's Twitter censor @DailyWireNews @dailywireplus @MattWalshBlog and is Twitter going woke now secretly? 188/ I didn't lie to Roy, I said many times I didn't want things like shirts at this time as I'm more in need for hard drives and many things in general. If you give me what I want, I'll return the favor. I don't shirts or anything apart from the core fundamentals of building. Facebook and other big tech social media platforms are still trying to encourage acts of violence against anybody who wrong thinks regardless of where you stand politically, culturally, religiously, economically, geographically, etc.
If I had money, I would sue @TeamYouTube for suspending my channels and for stealing and deleting my ten thousand plus videos, I didn't get third strikes, @YouTube lied about me in emails, on Twitter, and all over, they ignored/ghosted me. Too bad I have nobody interested. President Harrris Alex Jones is 5 miles from Facebook Mark Zuckerberg's house where they have dump trucks coming out of a tunnel, imagine what the other billionaire are building, is it robots, underground bunkers, submarines, tent bubble devices for digging, underground cities?
Mommy: "Billy, did you eat a cookie from the cookie jar?" Billy: "But so did Fred." This is a common rebuttal. When people are caught red-handed, they'll say, "HITLER." They'll point their fingers at others as if to justify bad actions cuz others did it too. But bad is bad ok?
212/ Not to say I'm rich cuz I aint no billionaire. Not to say I'm perfect cuz I got problems. Not to say I'm not sorry as mentioned in my SORRY ARTICLE, read all about it, not to say many things, don't get me started on so many things.
June | 2023
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Oatmeal Daily - 2023-06-01 - Thursday | Published in June of 2023
In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
08:32 PM
Cruising The News in Your Heart, Not Knowing a Thing
VID_20230601_202553 Cruising Your Heart to a Place You'd Never Go.mp4
You Got Your Headphones On But You Can't Even Hear a Thing
Twitter Tweets
How is online gaming and streaming doing on Twitch, YouTube, TikTok, etc? 182/ Streaming is tough because I only have 1.2 TB of bandwidth per month plus only a few terabytes of space. I'm usually juggling many projects, I've streamed, upload videos, publish a daily blog, etc. So, I'm always busy. I've been making videos since 1996.
01:56 PM
He's 80 and he made me an ORIGINAL OATMEAL SHIRT, bless his heart, but is ROY MERRICK trying to salvationarmyblakewebb me, is he trying to MANIPULATE me by insulting my projects, why is he mocking my foundation work in archiving my life, is Roy secretly Facebook Mark Zuckerberg?
02:01 PM
He's 80 and yet Mark Zuckerberg still looks pretty good, did they revert Facebook policy which previously allowed violent threats against people who WRONG THINK, who might be racist, who might be spreading misinformation, what does the NEW CEO of Twitter think about this?
02:17 PM
Ok, I will water the raspberries tonight. In the backyard, I watered small plants, flowers, in the raised wooden box and the cement box by the firewood, just those 2 places near the patio.
02:36 PM
The point is the left tried removing Trump for being too old, dumb, sick, or whatever. It is only logical to simply ask about the health of Biden whether he's 80 or any age. The point is not the falling in and of itself but more so all that money China, Ukraine, and others gave.
02:49 PM
Diablo 4 starring Oatmeal who is an unlockable character. He's also unfindable too.
02:58 PM
Mommy: "Billy, did you eat a cookie from the cookie jar?" Billy: "But so did Fred." This is a common rebuttal. When people are caught red-handed, they'll say, "HITLER." They'll point their fingers at others as if to justify bad actions cuz others did it too. But bad is bad ok?
03:06 PM
As director of the FBI, I would get local police to investigate the FBI, I would need to go into hiding or something. The FBI cannot really investigate itself. And you got to DE-federalize the FBI somehow down to state and local level jurisdictions and deal with it piece by piece.
03:10 PM
Waylon is god Amen @livemusic4me is an example of people who ignore issues, they focus on distractions, they don't know that they don't know. They don't want to know. They simply run around with talking points. That is why they are NPC SJW bot zombies with no originality.
My Twitter Bio
2023-06-01 - Thursday - 03:14 PM - My Social Media Log.
Oatmeal Joey Arnold @JoeyArnoldVN
Twitter: Twitter.com/JoeyArnoldVN
YouTube: YouTube.com/@Ojawall
Facebook: Facebook.com/JoeyArnoldVN
TikTok: TikTok.com/JoeyArnoldVN
Hive Blog: Hive.Blog/@JoeyArnoldVN
Backup: @JoeyArnoldVN1
READ MY ABOUT ME ON HIVE BLOG: https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/about
03:52 PM
Blockchain is more secure in counting ballot, it's like a calculator in live-time, that is if done correctly. In person voting is vulnerable to machines which didn't use blockchain tech.
Discord Server Invite Link:
Discord Drama
183/ Did OATMEAL JOEY ARNOLD lie to ROY MERRICK of the MEMES WORLD PRODUCTIONS on DISCORD like THE NEW CEO of TWITTER DID, does that mean nobody will order their OATMEAL SHIRTS on DISCORD. 184/ Is the Sacred Heart of Jesus of COOL KID OATMEAL a ruthless pig or worse, is he going blakewebb every single human coming his way, is that the Star Wars way into his soul, is there way to Tom Cruise yourself from the depths of this ET PHONE HOME ARNOLD ATTIC ADVENTURE? 185/ Who made the OATMEAL SHIRTS and will the NEW CEO ban it off Twitter, is this the beginning of a cult or a one hit wonder fad, can you tell me how to get to OATMEAL SESAME STREET? 186/ I do not have channel specialists. Not only that but YouTube deleted my over 10,000+ videos. And I am being IGNORED, GHOSTED, LIED ABOUT, ETC, by @Google @GooglePlay @googlechrome @googlemaps @googledevs @GoogleAI @googledrive @GoogleForEdu @googleanalytics @GoogleTrends. 187/ I was suspended off many websites including YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WordPress, Minds, etc. Was censored on SnapChat, TikTok, etc. So many websites. I'm the most banned oatmeal in the world thanks to @gmail @inboxbygmail @YouTube @TeamYouTube @YouTubeCreators. 188/ I didn't lie to Roy, I said many times I didn't want things like shirts at this time as I'm more in need for hard drives and many things in general. If you give me what I want, I'll return the favor. I don't shirts or anything apart from the core fundamentals of building. 189/ I'm not the Tates, I feel lied to. I know Roy isn't reading this. Roy is trying to tiffanycumbo me, plenty of Gooch grease fish in the sea, he is in his secret base at the GARLIC FARM. I have lists of what I need more. Roy doesn't care about that. Roy just wants to laugh. 190/ What do you think of the OATMEAL MERCH, what do you think of this OATMEAL SHIRT? Would you buy something like this or would you vietnamkathybike the Morgan Freeman BUMBALOE MAN back into the ARNOLD ATTIC Air Force Academy? How can I have a channel specialist without having a channel? 191/ Roy is not on the same page as me. He made me a shirt but he also makes memes of me pooping. He has a weird Fonnie Filden fetish which I find odd. WIll he 1992 Lego Fred on over into the sunset? Is this the end of the legacy of the Rage Against the Machine? 192/ BobbyPoffGaming#3781 messaged me on Discord, is he trying to BLAKEWEBB me into accepting President Harris and the Femboys, is he competition to Roy Merrick who might be MEXICAN TONY who lived across the street from me as my first friend ever, is this the origin of Billy? 193/ Bobby Poff Gaming can be found on Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/bobbypofgaming and he found me from Amouranth Discord server even as I'm offline or invisible which probably means he messages everybody which is ok in my book [UPDATE: or maybe not, I don't know, maybe he only messages some people] but it may not work and stuff. But anyways, he chats me up. 194/ Bobby asked me what kind of games I like. Should I be praying for DC or should I be playing Call of Duty? Wait, which DC? The one in Washington DC or the comics? Which call of duty, the one with the guns or the one where we save our children from billionaires in bunkers? 195/ How is streaming, Bobby asked me. Streaming is tough because I only have 1.2 TB of bandwidth per month plus only a few terabytes of space. I'm usually juggling many projects, I've streamed, upload videos, publish a daily blog, etc. 196/ So, I'm always busy. I've been making videos since 1996. So, I've been around for a while as the Secret Service Undertaker. So, Bobby asked me if I had a CHANNEL SPECIALIST. But how can I have one if I don't even have a channel as YouTube Vietnam Kathy Biked my 10K+ videos? 197/ Does Bobby even have the OATMEAL BALLS to suggest I get a CHANNEL SPECIALIST to help me work on CHANNELS THAT DOES NOT EXIST ANY LONGER thanks to the wonderful folks at @TeamYouTube who ASSAULTED AND ABUSED MY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, all over 10K+ plus of them, really?
03:47 PM
198/ You would have to be crazy to order a Roy Merrick shirt. You would have to be oatmeal. 199/ Evidence that everyone wants to order the Oatmeal Shirts, too bad Roy Merrick who was always online on Discord is suddenly gone out of nowhere, nobody knows what his minions did to him. Pat Murphy who knew Blake Webb wants a piece of the action. I didn't say pillow. 200/ I said action. Like the Power Rangers movie with that song, action boy now, action girl now. Bitboy cannot stop The Governor with MAPs. 201/ I go on Twitter to tell everybody YouTube deleted 3 of my channels, locked many of my 40+ channels, deleted my 10K+ videos, didn't even give me a 3rd strike on the last channel which I got several emails within the same minute it happened. 202/ YouTube said I was suspended. Then they sent me an email saying I was not suspended about a second later. And then a second after that, a 3rd email stating I was indeed terminated. 203/ On Twitter, YouTube lied about me many times. Now, YouTube is ghosting/ignoring my emails, tweets, etc. 204/ The Blake Webb Pillow was the same pillow Anakin Skywalker used in a wet dream on Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars. When is the pillow coming in the mail, Roy? Not that I need it. 205/ When my computers and hard drives all blow up, you'll never see or hear from me ever again. But at least I'll have my Roy Merrick merch which doesn't really help me long-term. Who did what with the Blake Webb Pillow? 206/ If Roy made an Oatmeal Memes World version of the famous Clues board game, a mystery game with characters, weapons, rooms, locations, and sent that in the mail, I would forgive him for not sending me hard drives and stuff that I actually need in real life. 207/ Am I just a POOPING FOUNDATIONALESS LEGLESS DOG POODLE to ROY MERRICK of the MEMES WORLD PRODUCTIONS on DISCORD, is that why he sends me silly things in the mail instead of sending me HARD DRIVES, COMPUTERS, DEVICES, etc, as seen on my AMAZON WISHLIST, etc? 210/ How can they watch it if YouTube deleted it? How can they watch it if YouTube stole them? I already have over a million views. Drunk Yoda does not know anything about Oatmeal Joey Arnold. He is a drunk loser who pretends to know stuff because his life sucks that badly. 211/ Drunk Yoda said I'm on disability, food stamps, Trump Biden Covid Lockdown bucks, Unemployment benefits, some of which I got years ago, but I'm not currently. I own 10% of a Bitcoin, I teach English. Janitor/housekeeping/dishwasher/landscaping/etc. Not to say I'm Trump.
212/ Not to say I'm rich cuz I aint no billionaire. Not to say I'm perfect cuz I got problems. Not to say I'm not sorry as mentioned in my SORRY ARTICLE, read all about it, not to say many things, don't get me started on so many things.
213/ I'm on disability and I murdered Blake Webb and Tiffany Cumbo with my Vietnam Kathy Bike pillow, limited Roy Merrick edition.
11:55 AM
If I had money, I would sue @TeamYouTube for suspending my channels and for stealing and deleting my ten thousand plus videos, I didn't get third strikes, @YouTube lied about me in emails, on Twitter, and all over, they ignored/ghosted me. Too bad I have nobody interested.
12:08 PM
America is falling kind of like Joe Biden is. Better question would be can we get back up?
01:24 PM
Is the NEW CEO of Twitter going to suspend me or delete this post if I simply comment on the difference between Jesus loving sinners while also encouraging them towards better choices?
01:29 PM
Whorey is a funny word but you aint one. I like what I see. Good work.
01:32 PM
I hate violence towards dogs. In the Wizard of Oz, the witch threatens to get Dorothy's dog. John Wick is seeking revenge for the death of his dog. Nintendo's Super Mario Bros had a dog called Yoshi my main man or pet. Like don't mess with Yoshi who was also a boy in TMNT III.
04:34 PM
Is Ed Krassenstein PURPOSELY talking about irrelevant things while saying people think it's relevant? What is relevant is not the Hunter Biden drugs but more so all that money the Biden Crime Family got from China, Ukraine, etc. The point is pay to play, follow the money.
04:57 PM
Not a strong finish but this is truly insightful from the IMMORTAL Robin Williams.
05:03 PM
For all you meme masters, remember when Steve Urkel would say I'm falling and I can't get up, imagine Biden doing that. No. Better, the United States of America is falling so hard that BILLIONAIRES are running off into their BUNKERS. Damn RIP USA. Long live the lizard people.
05:11 PM
That Star Wars Girl is on Alex Stein on the Blaze today. Anna is now a hot blue Star Wars alien. PUT A RIBBON ON ME AND ONE ON ANNA TOO. Hashtag DiabloIV.
05:23 PM
Skynet LGBTQIA Bitboy Biden falling down taking America with him. Do we ignore this, Happy Pride to Budlight Disney Target? I want to know why Psyop is trending.
07:13 PM
HELL YEAH. I MEAN NO. HERE IS WHAT I SEE. Did the NEW CEO of TWITTER do this to the Daily Wire? Never mind Facebook attacking Alex Jones.
07:20 PM
Hey baby, I love potatoes, let's do it.
07:48 PM
Get a better door system. The Tri-Met bus doors in Oregon do not do this, just get door sensors, problem solved. So, it's more an engineering issue that can be fixed. But many school buses are using old technology that is like 80 years old.
11:54 PM
@Antonio, where is the strip where all the restaurants are, you mean in District 2 or somewhere else? If you're on Facebook, if I saw your face then I might remember. WSE as in Wall Street English? I think I visited that place. I visited other English centers. I worked at some. I was at the Leaf Pagoda. I don't think I know about EGM. I taught at New Star, Tan Van Foreign Language Center, a high school near the airport in Tan Binh, etc.
Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc
Fear 804
2023-06-01 - Thursday - 02:01 AM - Fear The Walking Dead 804
Morgan went to put down his walker son or something. He could not find him. Morgan kills his zombie son to save his daughter. The mom, Grace, got bit.
11:00 AM
11:14 AM
Did the New CEO of Elon Musk's Twitter censor @DailyWireNews @dailywireplus @MattWalshBlog and is Twitter going woke now secretly?
12:00 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Thursday 6/1/23 • News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars
01:18 PM
President Harrris Alex Jones is 5 miles from Facebook Mark Zuckerberg's house where they have dump trucks coming out of a tunnel, imagine what the other billionaire are building, is it robots, underground bunkers, submarines, tent bubble devices for digging, underground cities?
03:58 PM
Facebook said as seen in the screenshot you could commit acts of violence against those "Covered in the Dangerous Individuals and Organizations policy." Why did Facebook remove this policy recently?
04:36 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Thursday 6/1/23 • News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars
04:40 PM
Asking for a friend, who is at the top of this fictional extreme far-right wet dream the left has in number four of this photo diagram, who is in this group that is above Hitler's Nazis, what does that even mean?
04:45 PM
05:17 PM
Facebook said you cannot say nice things about Infowars Alex Jones but you can call for acts of violence, threats unto death even. They later expanded that to people under the @facebook @Meta Dangerous Individuals and Organizations policy.
05:29 PM
Facebook and other big tech social media platforms are still trying to encourage acts of violence against anybody who wrong thinks regardless of where you stand politically, culturally, religiously, economically, geographically, etc. What did the new CEO of Twitter do to the Daily Wire? Should @elonmusk fire the new CEO over this?
05:40 PM
Why did Facebook say this? Does Twitter and YouTube have similar policies to go after the Daily Wire, Infowars Alex Jones, Steven Crowder, Tim Pool, Trump, Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Valuetainment, Andrew Tate, PragerU, Chrissie Mayr, The Blaze, OAN, etc?
07:16 PM
What is worse, what Twitter's new CEO did to Daily Wire or what Facebook did to Infowars Alex Jones?
07:27 PM
Owen Shroyer asked if Kevin McCarthy was a pressure point to the globalists who may shut down our power in the name of the CLIMATE CHANGE SCAM?
07:36 PM
Scott Bennett on Alex Jones.
07:55 PM
Globalists to release COVID2 into the general public as early as OCTOBER of 2023 in order to push for lockdowns in 2024 just like they did in 2020, they want to repeat it because it worked so well last time, they think they can reinstall Biden again. Ukraine is a scam.
08:11 PM
Scott Bennett.
Here is a list of what I'm watching
Fear 804
2023-06-01 - Thursday - 02:01 AM - Fear The Walking Dead 804
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Thursday 6/1/23 • News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars
04:36 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Thursday 6/1/23 • News, Reports & Analysis • Infowars
08:59 PM
Timcast IRL - Jamie Foxx Reportedly PARALYZED After Vaccine, Family CONTRADICTS Report w/Sara Higdon
Timestamps: All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Daily Oatmeal Post. Welcome to the Oatmeal Daily with your host, Oatmeal Joey Arnold. That's me. I'm Oatmeal Joey. Each day, I publish these entries, posts, articles, web pages, stories, etc, to websites, etc. This is mostly a personal blog, diary, journal, or autobiography. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. However, the template here is mostly that of a boring log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 10:30 AM. Forget dreams. Breakfast, 11:00 AM. Watered backyard raised garden bed and rhubarb in the front by the backyard. Digging, weeding, with the big shovel, around the backyard patio by where the boat was and around where the RV was. They went St. Helens yesterday. Lunch, 01:20 PM. Muscle or body spasm or something on the right upper side of my body, my right chest or breast. Could be simply related to muscles as I did some tough shoveling earlier today. I took a nap for around an hour waiting for the spasm or whatever to go away. I was awake for a few minutes as the spasm continued. I woke up after about an hour around 06:49 PM for some dinner. More at 8. Food log: Breakfast: cereal, last of the first of two boxes, last of the one of two jugs of milk plus some of the second, 11:00 AM. Coffee, 12:00 PM. Lunch: soup with rice and beans, 01:20 PM. Dinner: some chips from that bag on the table out there, a few bites, cheese, and bagel toast, 06:49 PM. Egg salad, 08:00 PM. ChinhPham0228: 2023-06-01 - Thursday - 09:30 PM. 1. People sell on weekends. They don't want to be the last one to sell. Intel. It looks like Intel sales might be down. Dell went up. HP went down. TSMC: Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited. Intel is going down. AMD, NVIDIA, and TSMC are rising. Apple uses TSMC chips. Apple uses TSMC's 5nm process for the A14 Bionic processors and M1 processors that go into the iPhone 12 smartphone, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro and other Apple products. Apple A14 Bionic was designed by Apple and manufactured by TSMC. Some or all Apple chips were manufactured by TSMC. It looks like most if not all Intel chips were manufactured by Intel. But it looks like Intel sales are down recently. Japan went up, 1950s. China. Russia. We will be off tomorrow. We will cancel class tomorrow. Supernatural. Brain is going faster than your mouth. Supernatural is an American dark fantasy drama television series. It deals with like urban legends or something. I don't know if there are like super heroes in the show or vampires or anything crazy in the show. They had 15 seasons. I have not watched this show yet. He is a spellbinder like Tony Robbins. 90 seconds.
Thank you for checking me out. My diary is usually published daily, my journal is not copyrighted, my blog is syndicated or MIRRORED to different websites. Feel free to share my content, it's fair use, transformative. Unlike EVIL GOOGLE YOUTUBE I'm not going to delete your 10K+ videos. Please Google search for my FIND ME and SEARCH ME PAGES in order to find me in the future when I'm once again permanently and forever suspended, banned, terminated, removed, erased, eradicated, kicked off, big tech social media platforms, networks, websites, apps, like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, SnapChat, Discord, etc. Try searching for keywords like my main username (since 2014) which is @ JOEYARNOLDVN and daily blog posts URL web links are simply the date. For example, today is Sunday, the last day of April of 2023. So, the main domain name (website) I post my blog to is https://hive.blog/ and you just have to add my username @joeyarnoldvn/ and then the date which today is 2023-04-30 and put those three things together being the DOMAIN, USERNAME, and the DATE. That will help you find me when websites die. Some websites will not include the at symbol (@) in the URL. In other words, URL web links can vary. EXPERIMENT with different KEYWORDS, SEARCH ENGINES, ETC, in order to find my content in the future. Feel free to steal my content. But please don't then sue me for my own content. Feel free to clip me. Download my content while you still can as I may be banned again. I've been kicked off the Internet many times over the years since at least 2010 or longer.