Twitter and Periscope

in #scientology7 years ago (edited)

Lo and behold! I am, within one day of coming to the Periscope platform to watch an episode of Jason Goodman's Crowd Source the Truth, in my attempt to use their Super Broadcaster, AND having absolutely no TOS violations (or any made known to me by either), BAM! I am PERMANENTLY BANNED from using this feature.

Gee. How could this come about? I'm a feckin' nobody in this little deteriorating body of meat in this particular Age of Madness brought on by the Central Banks, the homosexualization of the military, the dismantling by same all semblances of actual and real justice imparted by law to a supposed just end not for the system but for people. The system is only as good as the people performing their sworn duties to uphold it all. However, justice is now in the hands of corporations. Case and point -- this permanent ban service on Periscope with no real resolve in sight. Arbitrary, punitive. And with no strikes against me on any major platform, one has to wonder what in Hell is up? This should be a click-mouse solution. But, no. Now we're into this days. Someone is in the mix, behind the scenes. I know it as the day is long. I might even know who this person is. Which brings me to this.

In Scientology, one of the first courses studied is the subject of PTS (Potential Trouble Source) and the information why someone might suffer from chronic psychosomatic illness or emotionally down, but also the flip side of people bright, capable, able to solve difficulties in self and others because one now has to tools to spot the source of suppression rendering he, it, they powerless and at the end of the procedure, the suppressive factually as stated in the materials, will originate a positive communication to the PC.

Now, just because one has found one suppressive, THE suppressive on the case doesn't handle all suppressives on the planet. One meets all sorts of people, most good and decent, most who are themselves incredibly PTS but manage and do the best he/she can in the midst of incredible suppression by forces "greater than oneself." More on that later. What one does learn is the extent someone will go to fuck you up despite being PTS. Because, again, one is not talking about an all-knowing state here. One has the tools to spot suppression for himself and act accordingly. What is unknown is the length some bat shit crazy psycho triggered out of blue acquaintance will manufacture shit against you stemming from the other's completely irresponsibility to be that for all his shit. In this case I stayed at this cat's place for about a week having moved into a town to get established working in a country music band. This guy's from NYC and had some minor success working for some older time Nashville acts then fucked up on drugs and poof! Gone. Hey! I thought we had music in common and that made for agreements that musicians need to make because music (should) come first as it does me and that includes impeccable work for anyone I work for. Period.

I was put up in his younger son's room. He shared custody and limited visiting rights. I found out the hard way why. However, I always want to play shit and this guy had some very hot Danny Gatton shit down but I'm pretty sure he chose jealousy because when I play shit, I play it for real, in the moment and this guy can only play hot licks with an ego that didn't allow for "better." But there is no "better" as a bass player. I could play all through his shit, FORCE him if he's gonna be in my world, to bring ideas as in jam. No. Clammed up. All supposition. Anyway, I didn't realize this guy was a genuine psychotic. One has to experience someone dramatizing all the shit LRH expertly reveals including the condition of the guy's finances, cars, what kind of scams being pulled with multiple Obama phones illegally because he was found out to be a fraud in every working band situation he ever was in. Country music is all about bending over to get a gig. It's perverse, disgusting and the Funk ain't about that shit no fuckin' way. Not my funk, my creed, my ethical code, none of that.

So, I was given his son's room is some sort of propitiation because he knew musically I was boss -- trained, recorded, credentials better than most; not as good as some and I can name those names. That propitiation stemmed from what's called a "motivator" which is -- I know my shit, he doesn't. In his mind I shut him down, destroyed his ego, his game of superiority not demonstrated. My ability and his lack of it "worked" to where he believed I somehow "made him wrong" for being not trained up properly as a musician. Lack of hatting. Cat could play some shit but not enough to expand into new and ever changing shit in the market. That is the state of the art. Still I am not about making anyone wrong but he is, see? People must be RIGHT about their wrongnesses. Very touchy fellow. Rather than up his game he went after me. I'm now talking YEARS, anyway he could find me he would pounce. Nothing every came of these things but ....

The guy got into computer hacking. He got into it to get at me. Sound nuts? That's why Scientology training is so vital. Yes. You see these things depicted in films like Cape Fear. Characters are based in truth and my recent trouble with Periscope can only be attributed not do to one single TOS violation ever on any major platform (one minor one -- BANNED on Talk Bass probably because I forced an issue with one of the mods) but to someone who knows my pseudonyms, who got hired by Periscope because all these people are hackers, ties to governments and their billions -- he's a hacker, an unfathomable vendetta against me to get hired into a position of power enough to act on whim against whomever. There's tons of cases of censorship by corporations -- Jason Goodman's ability to live stream on YouTube was cut mid broadcast, never properly explained beyond a very generic "TOS violation" (same shit with me), David Seaman for talking about his evidence exposing John Podesta, Hillary Clinton as Luciferian pedophilies trafficking in children for sex, providing children for sex on a pay-to-play "donation" basis to the Clinton Foundation. In this manner has Bill Clinton corrupted the governments of the world by being Santa Claus to all the sex perverts with full protection of the world's justice systems and all law enforcement.

Anyway, so I was getting some response from someone at Periscope saying "the problem is known to 'our team'." Really? I'm that big a deal? What is this team business? How about a click of the mouse and a rational explanation as to this permanent ban? There seems to be no real intent to make this right. I mean, I went on their site two, three times, went to use super broadcast and up pops the message "permanently ineligible." No, I don't webcam my balls or the balls, tits or genitalia of anyone nor anything. Homie don' play that. How did this come about?

Answer: a person unbeknownst to me at this juncture. I am getting the idea there is no real interest in letting out the truth bomb their system is rigged against certain people. I believe rigged against me personally by someone who has to know me in some capacity. It is true the lower toned people will do everything possible -- feigning needs for praise, approval, sympathy, propitiation in the Goddamnests ways like silly cards and trinkets pretending affinity when all the while he/she wants to slit your throat and drink you dry. Society in general frowns on such things but the leftist homosexual agenda which is ALL major media platforms have not only been bought and paid for by billionaire sickos who want to play God at the people's expense but who've staffed key positions of power with FUCKING FAGS! Fl. Representative Tom Rooney just announced his "retirement" because some investigating on my part has discovered he just has some sort of unnatural love for all these children's organizations. He just has to be around children. Like a gnat to a dog's weiner, Rooney, Clinton, Weiner, Laura Silsby and too many other sicko sex criminals who did favors for Bill Clinton got rewarded with all the children he/she can stand. To speak out about that -- speak up for Scientology --speak against vast media censorship gets one "permanently ineligible" from broadcasting on a free site. Trust me, some of the folks who broadcast truly deserve to be thrown off for psychiatric rubbish in their glee of insanity to explain away in the most convoluted and complex terms why man is just a brain and nothing more -- except when questions are given as to when dreaming, who or what is looking at the pictures? What is that entity that is aware of awareness? Where in the brain? Crickets.