The Vicious Cowardice of Homosexual "Islamists" at Twitter/Periscope

in #scientology7 years ago

L. Ron Hubbard's dissection of the homosexual and the prediction of their behavior -- assemble them in groups and one has the praetorian guards of Rome, the secret police of Stalinist Russia, Hitler's SS, CIA, FBI, Hollywood's elites and all tech companies of Google and Eric Schmidt (abruptly resigned close to the issue of President Trump's executive order regarding human trafficking), YouTube and Susan Wojcicki, Jack Dorsey or if not him his entire staff at Twitter and Periscope, Peter Thiel, Pierre Omidyar and Glenn Greenwald of the Intercept ( ... their cowardice masked in the bowels of corporate meeting rooms where psychobabble principles of psycho-operations (fucking with certain people while allowing and promoting persons and views exclusively to a specific agenda -- the globalist homosexual agenda run by the criminal billionaire class who, through their vast wealth, no taboo is forbidden. They'll put up the dough for these tech companies and "news" organizations as ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, CW, FOX (actually somewhat less but their bosses threaten some hosts to NOT touch subjects like Las Vegas shooting, Parkland shooting and always Pizzagate) to push narratives -- propaganda as news and information.

What other reason would these so-called communications companies censor, cut completely, delete, demonetize and however else certain people and their channels but to hide, hide, hide but hide within groups of other homosexuals as they prance about, sashaying about like flakes and pansies they are but are bodybuilders in many cases, thugs but must act within groups behind the scenes because none have the courage to act as strong individuals. Their power are pretentious, a mockery of actual power and integrity. These communications companies bellow how they stand as a platform for the free exchange of ideas but never. All pretense. All pretext to fuck with anyone's live stream like Susan Wojcicki does to David Seaman every live stream because he challenges the corporate contrived narratives meant to lay to rest any perpetrators of the most egregious crimes of serial rapes by a former president, the pay-to-play operations out of the Hillary Clinton Sec. State position buried still by these "communications" companies. Never mind the daily crimes against humanity Israel does against Gaza 24/7, melting the brains of mere toddlers for the "crime" of playing in the street. Never mind 9/11. Case closed. 19 hijack-offs acting out the plans of some Saudi in a cave. Yet Saudis OWN Vegas, media corporations, vast stretches of US land, import through the back door all sorts of islamist immigrants who are terror cells ready to kill on the orders of FBI harbored and protected Fethullah Gulen, a billionaire but also a documented and convicted (elsewhere, not in US, or course) international terrorist who is ALLOWED to open and run all these charter schools within the US. Now, isn't the Bush family in bed with the Saudis? Yes, they are. So, might that explain how Gulen got into the US, set up with lavish expensive houses and massive FBI protection? Yes. Would your average citizen, if he or she know of this arrangement; that Gulen is an international terrorist murdering untold numbers throughout the Mid East, Turkey, etc.? But allowed to roam free and FUNDED by Bush scams involving our tax dollars? Get out your guns and start shooting. That would be any rational person's answer to this hoodwinking. But we can't know because homos in "news" and "communications" all have perverted sex with each other as some sort of don't ask, don't tell secrets. They operate on secrets. As LRH says, NONE can stand the light of truth. So saith Christ Jesus. Their sins are their bonds. These are the bonds of madness -- a level of madness intended to bring out communism through a back door. A one world government run by homos, fags, thugs, rapists. All dignity lost, all integrity lost to the end of this fragile planet.


More facts. Less profanity please.

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