Scientology's Time is Overdue

in #scientology7 years ago (edited)

The rising interest in alien life from outer space, AI and digital money, technologies to solve the problems the old systems of fiat currency, the rackets of Wall Street and Central Banks, their criminality that has resulted in global charity fraud, massive rise in child sex trafficking, ritualistic torture and murder of newborns born strictly for this purpose by deranged women because of the pay-to-play rackets whose players have bought off all politicians, law enforcement and military officials; Fukushima Daiichi and the horrible and toxic nuclear power industry, ecological collapse, chem trails, rising health care prices -- these problems we can no longer endure. It might appear the only solution to them is nuclear war to "clear things out" but that, as are all wars, are for profits. That certain class has built bunkers that will shield them for a 1000 years, completely comfortable and safe from fallout.

But these people are the same people who brought these formidable messes on for profit but control. Controlling their fellow man is the game of the age. The media no longer reports news nor facts. They're loudspeakers for the propagandists. The "reporting" is strictly to manufacture consent for or against anyone and anything told to manufacture. We've read how Dwight Eisenhower is a war hero as example when after Germany's surrender he went on a campaign to starve millions of German military prisoners to death! Our troops themselves, sent in to fight in foreign wars, were sold a bill of goods as revealed in Maj. Gen. S. D. Butler's "War is a Racket." We're never told the actual state of the economy, the complete rigging of markets -- housing, healthcare to name a few. The media is all about manufacturing consent long since I and my parents were born. Long before that. They exist to shield power, the power class from having their crimes exposed some mentioned above. Life is dangerous now. Everywhere. Justice no longer exists for those outside of the establishment rich. We've had political candidates undermined because of pay outs and lies of omission by the mainstream media.

Look at the long list the media has vilified -- Adolph Hitler but never the Rothschilds; Donald Trump to a point of actual demonstrable madness and derangement done to mask the crimes of then running mate Hillary Clinton. The anti-Trump attitude is still prevalent in media to a point of politicising against Trump at once very benign awards shows like the Oscars and Grammys for what purpose is never looked into beyond the continued protection of actual global criminals as the Clintons, Obama, James Comey just now making their way into the mainstream but at the same time shut off by the mainstream in their continued, concerted effort to protect Bill and Hillary Clinton and their massive charity fraud. Media continues to give the Bush crime family passes on child sex trafficking rings operating out of the Reagan White House; Iran Contra, 9/11 and the ensuing illegal invasion of the sovereign country of Iraq -- over Saddam Hussein's effort to get Iraq out of the IMF and Federal reserve system. We know 9/11 media narrative was rigged and understood beforehand evidenced by a BCC reporter speaking about the fall of Tower 7 as it was still standing -- then imploding as if on cue.

None in the media have been taken to task who gave them the narrative(s) because they are identical one to another, word for word on events of this nature as recently as the Las Vegas shooting that left 58 US citizens dead. One shooter, then swept under the rug.

The same goes for L. Ron Hubbard, the subjects of Dianetics and Scientology, the ONLY religious organization targeted, vilified constantly, over and over again to ensure Hubbard and the Church are forever thought ill of. Scientology and Dianetics are the only actual sciences of the mind and spirit of man. The product of Church services is a totally freed being. Courts across the planet who've investigated properly the Church of Scientology but more so the texts themselves have found nothing wrong; that the Church of Scientology is precisely what it says and does precisely as stated when good faith efforts are put into the application because the gist of Scientology is application putting the health of the mind and spirit into the hands of where they belong -- to you and me.

This is essentially peer-to-peer healing. It is a precursor to crypto currencies designed for users to do transactions peer to peer without middlemen who are a tax but whom give nothing back in exchange for these enforced taxes. Crypto currencies are designed to rise up along side the banks as they fail to save humanity from mass starvation as we see in Venezuela because of the central banks and IMF as described in John Perkins' "Confessions of an Economic Hitman."

The signs of life as we knew it that they are indeed collapsing are everywhere. The quality of life for many have diminished in a fraudulent economy based upon debt where most who financed their houses, their cars and schooling don't really own any of it. The crash of 2008 brought on incalculable pain and suffering throughout the globe. A greater economic collapse is right around the corner as reported today on sites like Business Insider, Zero Hedge, Keiser Report and many others. Because the pain is so great for a nearly and completely displaced youth market there is a rise in opioid abuse and subsequent deaths.

But pain as a mechanism of the mind and how it impinges on a person to drag him or her down into sadness, hopelessness never was investigated by the very entities who claimed to be the final authority on the mind -- psychiatry. Psychiatry is the planet's greatest force for bad, degradation and depravity -- a pseudo-science not based in any actual logics -- not built on any axioms but is in fact an operation whose existence is strictly through government subsidies. they work in conjunction with the pseudo-science producing mind strangling drugs -- drugs also financed by government grants but designed not in any actual science but are made to do one thing -- drive a person down to where he is easily controlled and forever in the hands of them complete with the stigma of "mentally ill." Psychiatry is a system of stigma, extortion, extrapolation and was invented initially to do away with political enemies -- the enemies of communism which are the free people of Earth.

Enough of the phony and calculated vitriol against the Church of Scientology, the materials and certainly the ceaseless vilification of L. Ron Hubbard, the greatest friend to mankind man has ever had. Scientology works! And in their use might one see for himself the trappings of this culture and universe labeled as "normal" but which subvert a person's ability to choose, to know, to inspect, to apply but to win against these traps. If the media ever did a proper inspection of Scientology, they would have to admit the Church is doing nothing wrong and that the technology works to rid a person of unwanted negative emotions and irrationalities psychiatry to this day has no explanation for except "brain chemicals."

As are with the rise of decentralized money, the blockchain to counter the massively corrupt banking systems, the rise of AI, Scientology applied religious philosophy must rise as well, empowering the well intentioned and capable to build a future without the ills of current power across all spectrums of life on Earth.

Robert Marcus


Are you aware that they own Narconon Fresh Start? Have you seen the coursebooks where they teach people to bully other people and cause them emotional breakdowns?

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