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RE: Why Were Dinosaurs So BIG? The Truth About Black Holes and Other "Physics" Fairy Tales

in #science9 years ago

Your "facts" are all wrong. So its not surprising your conclusions are wrong.
Yes, relataivity has been proven - both special and the preditions of general relativity. The muon flux at the surface of the Earth is just one of many proofs of special relativity; but every particle accelerator in the world demonstrates it.
General relativity (responsible for gravitational lensing) has been demonstrated multiple times in multiple ways, and lenses around even dead stars which no longer have plasma. General relativity time dilation is a critical part of the calculations which allow GPS to work (because the satellites are higher in the gravity well, their clocks run slightly faster, and the distance combined with the precise time is needed to calculate your position.

And that's just with your first crazy point, I'm not even going to bother with the rest.


Thanks a lot for this very reasonable comment! Scientific facts can (and should) be proved. And for what steemir says to be proven, I am looking forward to the proofs...

Thanks for joining the conversation wizwom, I was hoping someone would come in spouting the popular fictions! You won't bother with the rest because you really don't have anything but what was drummed into you, a bunch of theories that are flawed and don't fit real data... theories that you probably never ever thought to question, and are clearly still defending, although I don't know why, other than maybe some cognitive dissonance, or you have some stake in it being true.
Relativity has parts that match reality, that doesn't mean it has been is still a theory isn't it? Isaac Newton has equations that work too! You drop an apple and it falls to the ground, so Newton must have figured it all out right? Ridiculous. Does that mean that Newton figured everything out because he predicted a few things. I said that right in the article, that parts do work, but other parts are completely flawed. Here's some proof of what I was saying in the article, you can reason it all out, do the math, and apologize after it sinks in.

  1. show me one picture of gravitation lensing occurring and prove that it isn't refraction... you can't because there are none.. in fact the pictures they say are lenses have refracted light coming from them with colors split into a spectrum, whereas if there were gravitation lensing occurring the light would remain intact and not be split into a spectrum of its subfrequencies...the space would be bent so no refraction would occur. Not to mention that if gravitational lensing were true, we would see rings of stars around every major body if light bent according to gravity. You may see slight bending close to stars and planets all of which have plasma or gas around them... plasma doesn't have to be lit up to be plasma, it is the most abundant form of matter in the universe! So you say there is bending around a "dead" star, and yet somehow all the plasma got evacuated, no more plasma around this star, no gas particles, and you can prove that? If it is a star, isn't it made of gas? Did all the gas solidify when it died? Come on. Here's a great video for you, Exposing the Myth of Gravitational lensing. Mathmetically gravitational lensing is identical to refraction of light through the atmosphere, be it plasma or just uncharged gas particles.
  • As for GPS proving special and general relativity that is also another myth... the same data proves that it is just an absolute frame with the an appearance of relativity. Here's someone to explain the flaws in what Einstein and Feynman proposed and why GPS does not prove relativity, that there is something else going on.. in fact the GPS system proves that relativity does not work!
  • Another great EU video, a must watch explains how the universe doesn't exist in time, that time exists in the universe... and if time exists in the universe, Einstein's relativity theory is wrong; there are no ripples in space time. There are no 4 dimensions, only 3... and this can be proven rather simply....enjoy:

    All I can say is that it is a really sad world we live in when 99.99999% of people think something as crazy as Einstein's theores are true, and think the actual truth is "crazy"! The good thing is that everything is still open to be discovered... it may not be the fairy tale you were taught, it will be something far better.

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