Nature’s Solution to Aging Revealed

in #science6 years ago

A Patterned Mediterranean diet slows aging?

Researchers have uncovered a new link that supports a patterned Mediterranean diet as a means to prolong life according to a report in the March 2018 issue of The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences.

A Mediterranean salad
Source: Sumit Surai

Who wants to live forever?

Gerontology is the study of the aging process on several levels- scientific, sociocultural, psychological and cognitive. It is little wonder why the study of the aging has garnered support and interest from so many fields. For a long time, man has sought ways to a healthier and longer life. With the advances in medical health in recent times, it is achievable. But a solution to aging and the terminal illnesses that accompany advancing age has long since eluded science.

Several theories on multidisciplinary levels have been proposed to explain the aging process. Sociologists believe a link between aging and social interaction may exist. A high level of ‘activity’ or social well-being fosters life longetivity they say.


Source: Tomas Castelazo

Another theory proposed by sociologists is the disengagement theory. Apparently, at some point in life, there comes a delineation or separation between the older, dependent population and the younger independent population. While none of this separation is intentional, it encourages a withdrawal from society and disillusionment in the older ones, facilitating aging.
The environmentalist also has an explanation for aging and a theory of solution. The environmentalist believe the rising population, the physical, social and even psychological environment affects aging. When every condition in the environment is met, could the aging process be slowed?

Science proposes several biological theories to explain and solve aging. Cellular wear, tear and disuse over the years may accelerate cell death and hasten aging. There might be nothing man and science can do about it because in an extremely well coordinated, tightly controlled and independent fashion, the cells ‘kill’ themselves when they decide without asking our permission (because they obviously don’t need it) that it is time for them to go. This seemingly bizarre but important biological process is appropriately called programmed cell death or apoptosis.

The theories of damage accumulation, free radicals, and DNA damage explores aging at the molecular level, studying the effects of accumulated injuries to the cell and body, the damaging effects of the dangerous reactive oxygen species and accumulated damage and repair to the DNA over the course of a life accelerate the aging process.
After all these speculations, it is quite ironic the answer to our many questions and the solution to aging might lie in the simplest thing-- the food we eat.

An objective look at diet’s answer to the aging problem immediately presents some logic. Aren’t all the theories listed above affected by the kind of food we eat? Much has been made of the so-called anti-aging foods. Foods like olive oil, yoghurt, chocolate, nuts, blueberries and even wine. Yet, taking a closer look at these foods reveals a lot.

A Mediterranean based diet is typically composed of plant based foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts, using olive oil and canola oil in place of butter, use of herbs and spices rather than salt as a food spice, reduction of red meat intake, limiting fish and poultry intake to at least twice a week, reducing solitary means and instead eating with family and friends, taking red wine moderately and getting plenty of exercise.

A Mediterranean diet
Source: By G.steph.rocket

A Mediterranean diet fosters a healthy lifestyle as cardiovascular and cancer risk is remarkably reduced because the diet reduces the concentration of low density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol). A major portion of the diet is also rich in antioxidants, helping to eliminate free radicals and reduce the risk of cancer.
A close study of the Mediterranean diet from the psychological, sociological and biological approaches to aging makes it clear it answers the question listed by these gerontological fields in earlier paragraphs.


Source: National Cancer Institute, Public Domain
The sociological approach in the mediterranean diet

A Mediterranean based diet is not new. It is the positive results from strict adherence that is groundbreaking.Reasons for this favourable outcome on following a Mediterranean diet pattern still remains unclear.

Still interested in living longer and healthier lives?
You might need to include a Mediterranean diet in your plans.


Can a Mediterranean diet pattern slow aging?
Nutrition and healthy eating
Your anti-aging diet

Originally Published on STEEMNEWS.ONLINE


Mediterranean diet is interesting to try. All I need to do is a bit of motivation to follow this kind of diet to shed off some weight.

Me too. Lol.
And following its pattern is critical.

Yeah more like a life or death situation. I still couldnt resist the sight of chips or burgers with a lot of cheese.

lol, me too. But I'm taking charge this year, I pray.

Maybe we should search the answers in the Japan, they are the most long-lived nation in the world :)
But I still haven't tasted japanese food lol

Me too. You just gave me an idea. I have honestly always wondered.

To start, we could try sushi! haha

mediterranean diet is fantastic if what you eat is healthy and not full of junk pesticides and chemicals and hormones.
I am Lebanese (a small country in the middle east on the mediterranean sea) and i believe we have one of the most fantastic mediterranean cuisines. However i can tell you that what i was used to eat 10 to 15 years ago was much much tastier and healthier than what i could eat today. since what we are getting in our plates is the result of GMO and chemicals and other laboratory inventions. below how watermellon was in the past before the genetically modified version Vs the modern watermellon


True. The most important things are being phased away.

want to eat healthy ?? grow your own plants !!

I get when you say GMO you mean the modern version of directly selecting genes but humans have been genetically modifying food through selective breeding for millennia. The original version of watermelon was bitter and through selective breeding the version we eat today was created. Not everything that has been genetically altered is some form of frankenfood.

since is had been genetically altered it IS FRANKENFOOD even if it looks better, taste better and has "more" vitamins. On the other side we are growing fruits/vegetables/plants that havent been existing on earth and have been created by us humans ? never thought about NATURAL adaptation ?? probably something that did not exist was not supposed to exist !! SELECTIVE BREEDING is fine but nowadays we are also eating GMO made in laboratories (they produce the seed and start breed them)

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