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RE: Dear Spinning Ball Earth Believer

in #science6 years ago

Hi Eric, I have seen some of your stuff. All of the "proofs" you have presented are flawed. In each one is a misrepresentation or an outright lie. So the only question is whether it is possible for someone to present so many lies and misrepresentations without being a liar. I don't see how.


hi uvas. I have seen all your posts. you never prove anything. but you constantly claim victory.

i don't think you are actually interesting in proving anything, but in appearances.

you attack people's character, but fail at scientific method.

Hi back, you rock headed parrot. What are you parroting today?

(looks up at sun traveling straight across the sky)

tuckpointing my porch. loving my dogs. taking care of the woman. loving life.

i've done what i can to get people to think for themselves.

how's trying to get them to not think going for you? i truly hope you fail in this quest... but whatever, we each choose how we live.

the light doesn't ask the darkness to leave, its very presence makes the darkness disappear ; )

Ok...I will think about the sun travelling straight through the sky and wonder how that could possibly work on a flat earth.

Oh wait, it can't.

oh look. The darkness is trying to spread. I wonder what you'll do when the truth is out. pretend you never did this I suppose.

Oh, look...avoiding reality. Good luck with that.

i live in it. i have my eyes open. you just ponder what you been shown. you take what you are given.

i decide for myself what it means. you let them tell you what it means.

pretty amazing that you think exactly the same thing on every topic as MSM.

but then, that is why i called you a parrot to begin with.

you're right i am a stone. i've built my house on a rock. you have yours in sand.

i am centered in the light of existence. i know this is all a dream.

I think I see how the sun moves in a straight line across the sky every day. The standard model explains this simply and elegantly.

The flat earth explanation?

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