ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #12 – How The Mathematical Proof of Ancient Culture on Planet Mars Is Found In Earth's Pyramid Structures!

in #science8 years ago (edited)

As I mentioned in a previous post, I have encountered Light Ships on more than one occasion quite close up. To fully appreciate how I came to do this actually requires an exploration of maths and more precisely what we call 'sacred geometry'. In this post I am going to give you life changing information that will demonstrate without a doubt that Ancient Cultures visited Planet Mars and I will also show why Sacred Geometry is perhaps the original language of life everywhere.

mars cydonia

My introduction to Sacred Geometry

Prior to 2002 I had never even heard of sacred geometry. I did know about the 'golden mean' and 'golden ratio' and how these had been used by famous artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci to create their masterpieces - however, I was totally unaware of their involvement in the creation of the many ancient temples and pyramids. I was also unaware of the way that the phi constant is found in the human body in countless places, in our DNA and in pretty much every natural phenomena that I know of on Earth. That all changed though when I came to read a book on the subject by Robert Lawlor (who, incidentally, was a founder of the Auroville community in India) called 'Sacred Geometry'.

flower of life

In a couple of hours my mind become like a glowing ball of energy as I slotted into place hundreds of answers to hundreds of questions that I had held since I was a child about our planet - Suddenly I understood vast swaths of human history in a new way and I felt balanced in a way I never dreamed possible. I actually experienced what some might call 'kundalini awakening' and in my case I activated psychic abilities which enabled me to communicate and experience beyond our 3rd Dimension. But I am getting ahead of myself here, these topics require a huge amount of background information to understand and there is nothing to be gained by me jumping ahead. Some of you will already know what I am explaining here, but that will be a tiny minority.

In short, what you need to know is that a form of maths exists which has been known by people on earth for 1000s of years and yet which is not taught in schools generally today. This form of maths is considered very special and so sacred in fact that for a long period it was only taught to initiates in secret societies - it is known to be very powerful and to connect us in to spirit and the energies of the universe. I did not know this when I learned about the topic initially, but I learned quickly!

Shedding light on our own planet's ancient past

There are several books and some videos that I recommend to anyone who intends to study these topics, but there is one in particular that is head and shoulders above the rest since it's implications are so huge. In truth, I find it difficult to think of any videos I have watched (out of many 1000s) that come close to the importance of this one. A retired US military veteran called Carl Munck decoded a form of maths that he proved was clearly used by the creators of pretty much all of the ancient monuments on Earth - including the many pyramids, Stonehenge and numerous others in America and beyond. Not only did he find a new (to us) form of maths, but he showed that all of these old monuments and structures were built by beings who all shared the same understandings and system of planning and design. He essentially showed that our view of history is highly flawed and far from being disparate and disconnected cultures on Earth who never communicated until relatively recently - it is the case that at some distant time the beings on Earth were traveling the full span of Earth's surface and were creating structures that we ourselves today are currently technologically incapable of making!

Our ancestors were NOT DUMB

If anything, I think of the level of intelligence and spiritual understanding of humanity as having gone through a trajectory similar to a ski jump, where it began very high up and then progressively got less and less as we degraded ourselves through loss of integrity, love and personal power. I do not feel we evolved from cavemen at all, I am fairly sure that we devolved INTO cavemen and have since recovered to some extent.

Carl Munck's 'The code'

Carl's video is quite long and quite slow and until recently was only available in a format on Youtube which had a terrible sound quality. Since I have the ability to clean up sound as a sound engineer, I went ahead and did that and reuploaded the video to my channel, so it can now be enjoyed much more and we can learn the important message in comfort. Before we get to the video though, I just want to explain something about Mars.

The structures on Mars are placed in relation to the Pleiadian Star System


It may come as a surprise to you to learn that there are apparently pyramids on Mars and part of the reason for that surprise is that when this was learned years ago, it was claimed to have been debunked. The debunkers said that the evidence only extended to some photos from NASA from high above Mars' surface and that the objects that can be seen in the photos just 'looked like' pyramids and were similar to the Sphynx in Egypt, but were not actually anything more than natural rock formations. As a result, this very significant issue has been largely forgotten about in the collective consciousness and mass media. However, several diligent researchers have highlighted that the locations of these structures on Mars precisely matches the locations of the Pleiadean Star system!

This alone should be cause for huge interest, since there is very little chance, in a randomly constructed natural landscape, that such large objects would be located so precisely in a way that reflects an entire star system - unless the structures were made by sentient beings. Carl Munck's genius is that he demonstrates how the location of objects on earth are directly connected to the number patterns that are encoded into the structures' shapes themselves - once we know how to decode the maths. HIS CODE ALSO APPLIES TO THE OBJECTS ON MARS!

This is such a vast subject that I could easily create an entire series of posts on this alone, but for now I will just leave you to watch the video.

What do you think? Got Comments or Info to add?

Write your comments in the section below for all to see, thanks!

From the heart and with love,
Ura Soul

Posts in this Series

  1. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #1 - US Air Force & CIA Contractor ('Blackbird' Spy Plane Inventor) Confirms Roswell UFO Crash & US Mil. Deals with & Shares Tech with ETs.
  2. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #2 - U.S. Colonel Exposed Roswell ET Crash inc. Survivors. U.S. Uses ET Technology and so do WE in our Computers!
  3. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #3 - Many Pro & High Ranking Witnesses Testify to ET/UFO Interactions on Earth & A Corporate, Un-Constitutional Coverup (2 hour video)
  4. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #4 - TOP Apollo NASA Engineer States an ET Race is Working with NASA + Describes Nazi Infiltration of NASA
  5. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #5 - BUILD YOUR OWN 'UFO'? - PUBLISHED PATENTS For Top Secret Flying Vehicles + US Air Force Design Whistleblower Speaks
  6. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #6 – One of my own close encounters with a plasma lightship as seen in mexican documentary & confirmed by NASA
  7. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #7 – HUMAN OR NOT? A Detailed, Visual Presentation of MANY Top Secret Military Vehicles - Spanning 60 Years.
  8. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #8 – US Air Force Whistleblower: An E.T. was Shot & Killed at a US Military Base; Plus, His Encounter With a Massive UFO.
  9. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #9 – US Military Whistleblower Speaks About Complex Interactions with ET Races During the Famous RAF Bentwaters (Rendelsham Forest) Case in Britain.
  10. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #10 – NASA Found ET Extraterrestrial Structures on the Moon – US Whistleblower – Sgt. Karl Wolfe
  11. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #11 – Is this tiny skeleton found in the Atacama region of Chile really an ET Being?
  12. ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #12 – The Mathematical Proof of Ancient Society on Planet Mars Is Found In Earth's Pyramid Structures!

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Reading your stuff reminds my of the spiritscience series, if you haven't seen that series give it a look on youtube. Thanks for staring =]

Yes, I am aware of them - we cover similar topics, though I tend to understand the topics in a different way. ;)
You are welcome!

Excellent post. I completely disagree about where UFO's and alien life comes from though. They come from other dimensions, outer space Is just a fiction created by Freemasons. There Is no evidence for It whatsoever. All NASA and satellite footage Is CGI.

Whether you think the Earth is flat or round, the stars and planets are observable from it. Ad hominem insults do not add credibility to you.

That text was from another post, I pasted It by accident, It was removed straight away. apologies. If you look at my post It has already been edited.

The stars are observable but they're just lights they're not terra firma places you can land on.

I REALLY don't want to turn this comments section into a flat earth thread - not because I am attempting to censor any information, but because there are already so many threads on the subject and the topic of this thread I have created is almost unheard of. I would appreciate if you would let it's own topic organically evolve.

Flat Earth Is being ridiculed, censored and flooded with disinformation, websites like the flat earth society and the Infinite plane shills. Your content wont be because It fits their agenda, please at least watch both videos below and listen to what Wernher Von Braun said at the end of his life. peace.

Important Info 1 minute 20 seconds In to the video.

Thanks - yes, I am aware of this topic - though I am not scholar in the ancient tablets etc.
I understand human origins to be quite different to that which is commonly projected by the annunaki version and feel that the claims made by some regarding the origins of humanity in relation to annunaki are generally based on judgements that are not fully representative of the truth of the situation.

I don't have any steem power to upvote this or I would! Good work. Solid info.

No problem, but i think a vote still counts even with no SP doesn't it? maybe not. Anyway, injoy!

This post gets a 0.03 % upvote thanks to @ura-soul - Hail Eris !

This post has received a 16.70 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @ura-soul.

Our black-op manned space program....

The other place in our system which is unusually interesting is Ganymede, Jupiter's largest moon.

Human origins, the real version:

On Facebook:

On Youtube:

On Amazon:

15-minute intro to the basic idea of the Ganymede hypothesis:

My understanding is that most planets host some kind of life forms, it's just that some of them are non-physical and human minds assume that all life forms must be physical since that is all they have known so far. Magnetics and Plasma certainly are key in the manifestation of forms in the cosmos, yes. :)

The people and animals on Mars are physical enough, living mostly underground and coming out for a half hour or so of sun and vitamin D around noon. Simplest case is a google search on "squirrel on mars", little ground squirrel lying there sunning himself...

it can be notoriously problematic to use 2D images to prove such things as this, since 2D images often appear to show something that simply doesn't exist when viewed 3 dimensionally. I agree that some of the images from mars do appear to show interesting forms, but I do not personally accept them as proof of anything other than that it would be good to have independent exploration of mars.

A government which keeps big secrets invites conspiracy theories...

certainly, yes - and rightly so.

I followed you btw ;)

Proof of an ancient and advanced civilization on Mars is lying around all over the place as seen in rolling probe images.

@ura-soul Thanks for this informative post on one of my favourite subjects, looking forward to watching the video later. The universe certainly seems to have a beautiful mathematical equation woven into it's very fabric. Again thanks for sharing this knowledge.

I've seen that video from Munck. It's really interesting. I don't remember it prove a culture on Mars though. It's far in my memories.

The video is so long in length that it is possible that you never made it to the end or just couldn't hold it all in memory - I actually forgot about the Mars part until I rewatched it recently. I knew about the structures and layout on Mars anyway but just forgot about it being in this documentary. Its a video that can easily be watched 10 times and still need to be watched again, I would make a modern version of it if I had time and a team to help. I just followed you, since - well people who have watched carl munck are few and far between :)

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