Scientists can find extraterrestrial life within 10 years

in #science8 years ago

Astronomers have opened two exoplanets of the size of Earth on which water availability is possible

MOSCOW, on July 22. / TASS/. Astronomers confirmed existence near a star of Trappist-1 of two exoplanets similar to Earth, and called terms of detection of possible life on them.

Reports the The Independent edition about it.

Both planets are located in a so-called manned zone - that is on such removal from a star on which there are conditions for existence of water on a surface.

Exoplanets were open in May, however interest in them at scientists arose right now when it became clear that these celestial bodies on the structure are similar to Mars, Venus or Earth, but not to gas giants like Jupiter or Saturn.

The following step - research of the atmosphere of exoplanets for the purpose of detection of gases which arise only due to activity of live organisms. Such research are carried out by means of the spectral analysis.

Three key parameters

"We for the first time found planets for which three key parameters coincided: they of the size of Earth; temperature is suitable for existence of water for surfaces; planets are located rather close that it was possible to establish existence of life on them", - declared to the edition Julienne Vit from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA).

According to the astronomer, more details it will be possible to learn after start of Webb Space Telescope - the space telescope of James Webb (orbital infrared observatory which, allegedly, will replace the Hubble space telescope). Start shall take place in 2018.

"From five to ten years will leave on understanding whether there can potentially be on these planets life", - the scientist has told, having noted that he during this time will become clear whether there is on planets water, and what temperature condition at them. "Research of the atmosphere of planets on what from 10 to 25 more years will leave will become the following step", - I have told Vit.

At the same time he has noted that if availability of life proves to be true, it will be extremely difficult to determine existence of forms of intelligent life. "For example, it can appear the biomass consisting of bacteria", - has told Vit. Perhaps, he has noted, it will be something considerably different from the life forms which are available on Earth.

About star system

Trappist-1 is at distance of 39 light years from Earth and is a "supercold" dwarf, that is radiates energy in the infrared range, such light is invisible to a human eye.

Both exoplanets are attached to the star by the "lunar" principle, that is always turned to a star by one party - the same as the Moon in relation to Earth. Respectively, on one side of planets eternal day, on another - eternal night.

 "If on these planets there is life, it shall be very unusual", - the scientist has concluded.

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