Are there Aliens? Will we ever see them? ~TnkTheories

in #science7 years ago

     Many of us stay awake at night wondering about the vast unknown parts of the universe. And many of us wonder, are we alone? Well today we will discuss anything alien related. If they exist or not, where are they, if they are on earth, if they will ever visit us, etc.

  • Do Aliens Exist?     

     Technically yes. According to NASA it is believed that they found bacteria originating from Mars. Bacteria are living organisms thus aliens. Indeed, not what you expected but this counts. Since this is how life begins, by the evolution theory, with micro organisms evolving and merging to become one big organism. The organisms that were found were fossils which would mean dead, so we can say that 100%, aliens at least existed. 


     "Yes Tsinik, but we want to know about the ones we see on TV". Really? Who uses a TV in our days. Anyways. For that we are gonna use rough math. Completely wrong and miscalculated math just to present our point. As Google would say "Recent estimates of the number of galaxies in the observable universe range from 200 billion (2^1011) to 2 trillion (2^1012) or more ". So let's take the minimum number, let's assume we only have 200 billion galaxies. That would mean that for each galaxy to have ZERO survivable planets except ours is 1 in 200 billion. If the six numbers on a ticket match the numbers drawn by the lottery, the ticket holder is a jackpot winner, regardless of the order of the numbers. The probability of this happening is 1 in 13,983,816. 1 in 14 million VS 1 in 200 billion. Do you get my point? The numbers used here of course are wrong, but I am just passing a point here. Then again, probabilities are only probabilities and can go both ways. However I am betting on the favorable horse. 

     For the "If they look green with black eyes", well, that's a matter of evolution. If evolution favored that growth, it will be like that, otherwise they can take any form. If there planet is similar to ours then there is a big probability they look like the animals you see here on earth with minor differences.

FUN FACT: Some claim that octopuses are actually aliens. I mean, look at that beautiful slimy beast!

  • Will they visit us?

     My personal opinion, probably not. First of all they would have to be more advanced than us. Movies might present them as more advanced than us but that isn't necessarily the case. They have to have had life before us, and by random chance one of their species must have evolved into having intelligence and then having enough years ahead of it to evolve technology for intergalactic flight. Which might not be possible or might take millions of years. The light speed travel you see in movies is used so they can fast travel their characters. In real life that might be impossible. So even if someone can create a ship that can travel through galaxies, it might actually take impossible amount of time. Thus life on earth might cease to exist until they come. And who knows, we might be the most advanced creatures in the universe. Having random chance give you intellect is extremely rare as we can see. Every animal has some but none has such an advanced one.

  • What about the lizard people

     Time to put our tin foil hats on. After everything I have said, possibilities are possibilities. They might be already here. So where are they. If they managed to come here that means their technology is completely advanced, that would mean they would probably monitor us first. They would come to the conclusion of who runs most of the planet and visit them. And if that person or those people are clever enough they would keep it hidden. Why? Because people are dumb. We keep fighting for religions and for football. A great deal of people are uneducated and fanatics. They would not accept the idea of a more intelligent being among us. They need to be on top. That would create conflict and war. And most probably the end of all human race as we know it. So of course they would keep aliens hidden, and of course they would try and blend them into society, and most definitely they would try to keep such an intelligent being close to the head. So if they are so advanced that they came here without a huge ship that would have to carry a civilization for millions of years, then they would remain hidden here and you wouldn't know. Maybe the octopuses are actually these aliens and are just blending in.

Fun Fact: Did you know that the master of camouflage on earth is the octopus? It can change colors in an instant.


     That is it for today's theory. I hope you have been freaked out and are now looking in your basement for aliens. Please do not go around killing octopuses and have a pleasant day. Once again I am Tsinik and welcome to my brain. Goodbye.

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The universe and outer space Is a fiction created by the Freemason Pedophiles that run this world and try and make everybody feel small. Its not working anymore we know what's going on. Wake Up people.

There are no aliens.
There are only factions of time traveling humans attempting to change the past for world domination. The Fermi Paradox show us, that we are alone.

Oh no i feel lonely!

Knowledge can be lonely.

Good post, thanks @tsinik I believe that if they do exist (aliens, demons, entities, whatever you want to call them) they have no need for fast spaceships, or over coming light years of travel. They simply step from one dimension, into the next. No need for any "matter based technology" or following any laws of physics. People throughout history have seen people, angels, ghosts, appear and disappear...maybe they all did the same? Interesting stuff for sure!

Is it reallity or madness?! Who knows!

Anyone believe in Ancient Aliens? haha

Wverything becomes ancient at some point

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