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RE: Flat Earth - The End Debate

in #science7 years ago

I am sorry to the "Flat erfers" but the Earth is spherical, you can watch ships sail over the horizon, the Sun set over the Horizon, etc. Never mind all the other obvious evidence mentioned above or in this playlist I compiled and just added @mobbs video to:


The Sun does not go over the horizon.

Yes they do:

1 Video proving this:

2nd Video Repeating the Observation:

My own Personal Video Repeating the Observation:

Titus I have a lot of respect for the great work you're doing so I'm not debating this for any other reason than to get to the Truth of the world we live In, I honestly feel we are deceived on a massive scale, larger than most can comprehend. I feel what Is shown In these videos Is just a product of perspective.

This article that we are debating on Is a deception there Is an all seeing eye at the very top of the post with a one eye human eye with the ball Earth In the pupil. Then the person writing the article Is using one eyed symbolism for his profile picture. Please look with open eyes at this particular article. I'm convinced their taught model of the world we live In Is a control system.

My friend took that picture of my eye years ago in Vietnam to show me the cool macro lens. I liked the photo. It stands out on steemit. That's it. I mean obviously you wont believe me but if I was working hard to deceive I don't think it would be very efficient to go on Steemit of all things with 15,000 users and have one single debate about the science.

I suggest you go out in the world and actually do experiments yourself. They're very easy to do and anybody can do it. The only reason people believe the flat earth theory is because they are people who haven't actually tested it and spent too much time sharing YouTube videos with each other

You are a NWO paid troll that Is obvious for anybody who has eyes to see, you are full of It. We will expose all of you deceivers. The Earth Is flat the horizon always rises to eye level and the experiment below clearly disproves the freemason ficion of gravity. Density Is the Truth.

Well you sure exposed me!

Next time pull the zoom lens closer on the ship and watch it come back into view. LOL.

Ever here of the Nikon P900? You can find dozens if not hundreds of videos of "ships that sailed over the horizon" out of sight, that when viewed thru the zoom lens of the P900 they sunddenly appear again. I mean either the curvature math is wrong OR this camera has magical powers that can pull oceanliners back over the horizon.

My video completely addresses this, if you look. Only 13 have viewed it so it's unlikely, given that you seem to have not addressed it at all. It also addresses the video below in great detail

No, it's just your math is wrong lolz. Go back and take trigonometry again please.

Here is a video that was just released today. Go ahead and see if you can find any errors in the math presented.

Ok I see this is a different argument about the horizon. The answer: The devil is in the details.

1 - On that very website, it says

any attempt to increase the distance is still possible if atmospheric conditions are especially favorable refractive exceptional transparency

Implying they took advantage of some refraction. So what's that? Let's find out. Take a look at this picture:

The sun here is in fact below the horizon.

Since the density of the atmosphere varies at different altitudes, light and other electromagnetic waves are refracted (denser air has a higher refractive index).

Again it's easy to accuse us of lying about refraction, but then you're denying a whole field of physics again, which is absurd. You can read more about refraction here:

Refraction is very real and substantial, which is why sailors, when navigating with stars, don’t use stars below 20 degrees to the horizon, for example.

It's also why astronomers and photographers schedule their plans accordingly. These people in the video planned their photo in order to get the world record. If it was an every day phenomenon, it wouldn't be much of a world record, would it?

You can actually use my video to demonstrate this exact photo. As stated, there is no atmosphere on Google Earth so no refraction. The mountains are accurately placed including altitude, so if you read up on exactly how much refraction, compensate by closing the distance accordingly on google earth, you would see roughly the same peaks as the photo.

The weird thing is, is the guy in the video is actually admitting that there is a curvature of the earth by showing how you can only see the peaks of the mountains. Take a look at some of the mountains, they aren't small!

Stop using reason with these people, they are not going to take anything you present as evidence because they don't even bother to look at it. They will present the same tired and completely debunked arguments over and over again. No matter how obvious it is they are wrong, they will never admit it.

I know. I'm not trying to convert anyone, I learnt that many years ago. It's just a thought exercise, something for a follow up post, something to address philosophically. And I'm learning as I go, too!

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