Myth or Fact? #29 - Chicken or Egg, what came first?

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Welcome my Steemian friends to a new episode of Myth or Fact?

Chicken or egg, what came first? It's a pretty simple question to answer dear Steemians. At first there was an egg. Out of this egg a chicken hatched. See, pretty simple right? If there was no egg there would be no chicken! But wait a second – where does that egg come from? A chicken must have laid the egg. No chicken, no egg.

Even back in the good old days people struggled to answer this question. Aristotles (384 – 322 BC) tried to figure out what was first and came to the conclusion that both must always have existed. More than 2000 years later we now know better. In today's article we will finally solve this puzzle and make things clear. Or worse.

Before you continue to read I would like you to take a second and try to answer the question on your own first. Let us know in the comments what you think. The three funniest comments will win 10 SBD!

Reproduction and egg formation

In order to answer whether the chicken or egg was first we will have a look at reproduction of cells and egg formation. Both will help us in understanding the scientific part behind our answer. The following part of reproduction is taken from my article Life Explorers – The Science Academy – Bacteria and Viruses. Biological reproduction follows a certain mechanism we will investigate: Mitosis and Meiosis.


Mitosis is a stage in the cell cycle which produces two identical daughter cells from one mother cell. The mitosis runs in 6 stages:

Interphase: Is the phase between two mitoses and serves the preparation of the next mitosis. Is the longest phase which takes up to 90% of the cell division cycle. The interphase itself is not part of the mitosis, but is responsible for the DNA replication.

Prophase: The DNA in the nucleus has the form of a double helix. This double helix is wrapped around certain proteins. During the prophase the DNA is packed more densely and changes it appearance. The process is called DNA condensation. The chromosomes are now visible under a light microscope (See figure below). Mitotic spindles are built, which will later separate the chromosomes.

Metaphase: The spindles align the chromosomes in the equatorial plane. This is important to make sure that the next phase works correctly.

Anaphase: The two chromosomes are separated in the middle (kinetochores) and pulled towards the opposite sides of the cell.

Telophase: The separated chromosomes reached the opposite side of the cell and the daughter cells start to build their own membrane. The DNA condensation is reversed.

Cytokinesis: Two daughter cells with an own nucleus each are produced. The mitosis is finished.

Fig.1 Stages of cell replication. Credits

A short note about the DNA packing. As told DNA is a double helix string which however has different appearance. During mitosis the condensation of DNA happens which puts the double helix into the form of chromosomes.

Fig.2 DNA condensation. Credits

The meiosis is also a form of cell reproduction, but the daughter cells are not identical. Meiosis plays a great role in sexual reproduction where we need to mix the chromosomes to create a new and unique individual. If sexual reproduction by humans would follow only mitosis we all would look the same and there would be no different genders.

Fig.3 Stages of mitosis, meiosis and binary fission. Credits

Once there was a chicken-like animal. This chickenlike-chicken laid some chicken-like eggs from which other chickenlike-chickens hatched. (Too many chicken-like chickens here) With every new generation mutations and changes in the DNA occur. Over a long period these mutations in the DNA caused that inside an egg a real chicken developed. And there we go, our first real chicken that hatched from an not chicken egg.

OC 17

British scientists from the Sheffield University found new evidence that chickens must have existed first. Inside the chicken ovaries they found a protein that is responsible for egg formation. Ovocledidin-17 turns calcium carbonate into calcite crystals, a molecule that makes up the egg shell. Without this protein the chickens were not able to produce eggs. Therefore, chickens must have been first since the protein is needed to build the egg shell.

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Thanks for reading this episode of Myth or Fact! If you enjoyed it feel free to resteem and leave a comment! I would love to know what you think about this philosophical question!

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"A chicken is an egg's way of making another egg."

-VM Varga on Fargo Season 3


Thanks for reminding me i need to start watching Fargo again!

This season was not as good as the last but Noah Hawley is killing it between Fargo and Legion. Also he incorporated the Rebirth Brass Band's music into this Fargo season, so he's the man.

Finally it's solved then. And the noble prize goes to @timsaid!!!
By the way, I also heard about this specific egg protein which only a chicken can produce, so yes most probably chicken came first.

and then the question will be.... Better an egg today or a chicken tomorrow???

Well if I still can earn 10 SBD, here have my comment!

I actually asked this question to my dad when I was young
Me : Dad, what came first, Chicken or Egg?
Dad : I guessed you would come with the complicated question today, of cause Chicken
Me : Why!?
Dad : Don't you see Chicken starts with "C" but Egg starts with "E" So Chicken came first!
Me : Very goose dad! @#$!%

Who else is trying to give a cool comment in way to take some upvotes :D ?

Chicken first..

Nice post..

Well @timsaid kinda egged us on to do it. So the yolks keep rolling in.

🐔 vs 🥚 Mistery solved!

No research and heavy analysis needed! The answer is very simple

I actually wanted to know this! You always seem to answer questions I didn't even know I had - well done!

It is so nice to see that you have done whole research regarding it, and then come to a conclusion!!

It is indeed a great article!!

Oh, I have been waiting for this one! I think we must turn to quantum mechanics for a proper explanation: at the beginning of it all, both the chicken and the egg were existing in a quantum superposition until a conscious being made an observation. Thanks for providing us with such detailed articles on important topics like this one :))

Really tho, I'm gonna go biblical on this one. Bear with me for just a bit. I feel that at the point of Noah's Ark that two animals of each kind was loaded onto the Ark made it clear that chickens had to be there, not eggs - of course this does not mean they came first. Then we have to ask the question, did God create eggs when He spoke of creating the beasts of the lands and seas. Okay that's all I got. Very well explained, Tim. Thank you for bearing with my ranting. Cheers!

I think God would have created the animals and not the eggs, because the animal / chicken would have been necessary to sit on the egg for it to hatch.

I would therefore say the chicken was first.

then it's decided, it is proven through science and now even on a biblical level haha!

Thats what I was thinking too. I mean i know this is a science post lol, but the bible says God created the animals so thats what I picture 😁

You're on the ball with this one boss ladeyyyyhhhh

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