Our Bodies Our Love

in #science4 years ago

It is unfortunate,
especially at this time in history when humanity is on the brink of
its own “new form” - a kind of interconnectedness never before
known on Earth – that people have been misguided into believing
themselves vulnerable to a tiny, tiny microorganism. That one belief
(theory) has led many to submit to the whims of a small group of
ungodly, unhinged, wealthy individuals I call the “overlords.”

Our bodies, each of our
individual bodies, and the bodies of all living things, are UNIVERSES
of microorganisms, trillions of bacteria and so-called viruses, all
working in harmony to maintain LIFE, in infinite harmonious
expression, until it is time for its transition into intangible,
though no less alive, forms.

Per Einstein: “Energy
cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be changed from one form
to another.”

The “germs” we have
been taught to fear and ”kill” over the past 150 years or so are
integral and necessary members of our microbiome, the universe
contained within our miraculous bodies. Every cell has a function
and purpose within the whole. Holistic medicine recognizes this
truth and thus attempts to determine how best to mend dysfunctions,
discomfort, diseases that may seem to be caused by external,
predatory organisms but in reality such malfunctions are mostly the
result of imbalances the microbiome attempts to set right via

It should be noted that modern allopathic medicine does not seem interested in the toxic
effects of the many human-made poisons that pervade our homes and
environment, very much including medicines and vaccines! The
“experts” claimed victory over polio, for example, when, in fact,
polio was caused by prevalent use of DDT pesticide. DDT was lauded by
agriculturalists like my grandfather, who was the County Ag Agent in
Orlando, Florida. Over a few decades prior to the introduction of
polio vaccines DDT (lead arsenate poison) was used on our food
supply. DDT use was diminished and ultimately banned, so, when there
was less and less arsenic and lead in our foods, polio largely
disappeared, like magic! What continues to be falsely hailed as a
medical miracle was instead the result of removing poison from our
natural world, cleaning our larger home.

Similarly, the polio
vaccines distributed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in
India earlier this century also caused hundreds of thousands of
adverse reactions. Innocent, trusting parents were encouraged and
forced to bring in their children for the shots. But later, the
still-existant polio “virus,” harmless in the wild, caused
cytokine storms in the vaccinated youths, disabling (paralyzing)
nearly 500,000 children. Per RFK, Jr., by 2018, an estimated ¾ of
global polio cases have been traced back to the strain of the Gates
vaccines. Is it possible that Gates still imagines he did a great
kindness when, in fact, it was no kindness at all? Is this not one
of the symptoms of psychopathy: utter blindness to ones own sadistic

We laughed in school when
we were taught about the ignorance of past generations. They
believed the earth was flat! They believed the sun revolved around
the earth! They believed that sacrificing newborns and virgins would
appease the gods and bring rain! But now we have “science” to
correct the misinformation! We are smart now. We have a new
religion. Instead of ministers, we go to doctors. Instead of gods,
we have scientists looking out for our welfare. Americans dutifully
take their children to doctors for vaccines, now mandated in several
US states, believing they are doing the right thing, not doubting or
questioning the ingredients in the vaccines or the potential side
effects (disability or death) or the potential long term outcomes of
the “modern” ritual of vaccination (asthma, autoimmune disorders,
autism, chronic disease). They believe they are doing the right
thing to protect their children. The smart thing. The modern thing.

No, we do not believe the
earth is flat. In fact, neither did the ancients, as is proven by
records of world travel by Vikings and others. But by convincing
citizens to be afraid of venturing into oceans or far away lands,
rulers kept people under control. People could be used to gather
resources, build cities, tend animals and farms, make more babies,
fight for more territory, work daily until they died early deaths.
They could be told to give the fruits of their labors, including
their children, to the church or state in order to assure themseles
of places in Heaven or to gain community status (tribal status).
And they believed, with all their hearts and minds, there really were
sea monsters waiting at the edge of their flat earth to gobble them
up, so they remained in their “safe” villages as slaves.

We no longer believe the
sun revolves around the earth or that the earth is the center of the
universe. We have “science” to thank for enlightening us on
these facts. Science has helped us to understand how things grow,
how to heal some diseases and injuries, what foods contain nutrients
that promote health and longevity, and more recently, the amazing
existence of DNA and RNA. Science is indeed humanity's new religion
and scientists are the new priests. Science has brought us
technology and bombs for our defense. Science has allowed us to
travel far and wide. Science has given us instant communication with
strangers on the other side of the planet and even enabled us to
explore the solar system and beyond. Science has given us endless
entertainment. We worship and obey science and scientists now.
“Love” itself is now a 4-letter word, explained in terms of
hormones and delusion, though absence of love is the root cause of
all addiction (research “rat park” experiment), suicide and
misery! People go to church out of habit, to socialize, maintain
business connections and obtain help from fellow believers –
carpenters, teachers, doctors, lawyers, plumbers, babysitters,
farmers and shopkeepers. But most would admit they do not look to
God for a new roof, for food or clothing, for help raising their
children, for healing from sickness. We pray and it is usually a
human who answers.

That said, we humans
seemingly need to have faith in something beyond ourselves. While we
claim “faith” in the invisible God of our holy books, when it
comes to practicality, we look to other humans and science for
answers to most of our problems. If science could offer us eternal
life and abundance, and it may someday, what purpose would religion
then serve? (This is addressed in Arthur C. Clarke's book
Childhood's End.)

A new problem has arisen,
however. It is a problem that could render all the marvels of modern
science dangerous and thus useless where it concerns our survival as
a species. The new god of science has come with an awful price. It
does not ask that you sacrifice your firstborn, per se. But it does
demand unquestioning obedience. It does demand that you and your
children serve as its experimental beasts. The priests of science
need your faith. They need you to believe they are God's
representatives. They are well paid to provide “proof” that they
are omniscient and always right. They speak in a foreign language,
like the Latin Bibles of old, so that people will deem them special
and intelligent. Their believers are legion and the believers'
rewards are hope, community status and self esteem. The rest of
humanity is old fashioned, unenlightened, ignorant, primitive,
deplorable, untouchable, unworthy of the benefits the priests of
science have bestowed upon us. Unbelievers in science are subhuman!

The new physicists, the
high priests, are close to providing answers as to our origin and
destiny. Indeed, it could be said they almost see God, as they now
seek what is called the”God particle.” Their work is fascinating
and mathematically provable. They are brilliant. They are worthy of
our respect and consideration. They do not work among us but in
remote sanctuaries, like the Pope! They will provide us with a
perfect life, anti-gravity vehicles, energy devices that will set us
free from fossil fuels, foods that will make starvation a thing of
the past, weather control as reliable as your home thermostat. But
most importantly, they insist you believe they can and will
genetically modify our bodies and eliminate disease, deformity and
disability, make us all “love” one another. Better than God!!

Our problem is not with
the high priests of science. They mostly support themselves. Their
brilliance is unquestioned even by their wealthy benefactors, much
like the religious high priests of old were rewarded by kings and
queens, and they even had power over kings and queens. Our problem
is with the lower priesthood of science, the laboratory researchers
who do the bidding of their corporate overlords. In order to sustain
their status as priests they must assist the overlords' profit-driven
agenda, however nefarious. If they fail to perform, if they dare to
argue in terms of morality or potentially hazardous outcomes (such as
the Monsanto/Bayer GMO crops and poisonous herbicides known to cause
cancer, or the Bill Gates vaccine experiments in India and Africa)
those scientists are defunded, discredited, and banished from the
priesthood or even killed. They are kept on leashes like circus
performers, presented to the public as “experts” but doing the
bidding of their masters before returning to their cages. These are
the people who CREATED Covid-19 and who have developed the
experimental RNA “vaccine” which is now being shoved down the
brains of trusting humanity. They are not beneficent. They are not
gods. They do what they are told while well-paid barkers tout the
“safety” and “effectiveness” of the latest snake oil, which
is neither safe nor effective.

This is about money, to
be certain, as anyone can plainly see. It is also about power and
control of us all. Though the overlords and their priests present
themselves as concerned humanitarians, and some have received awards
to “prove” it, they are far from it. They are not God. They do
not want people to be free and healthy. In fact, they do not want
most of us humans to live out happy lives. They do not care about
giving us the exact information necessary for our consent, per the
Nuremburg Code “Informed Consent” clause concerning the
experimental vaccines. What information? The risks. The
side-effects. The actual benefit. Long term issues that might arise.
Who and how to sue. Because, believe me, you and I are part of a
ghastly experiment. For that reason they must acquire your Informed
Consent before experimenting on you, per Nuremburg, to prevent
Capitalism, Fascism and Totalitarianism from sadistic, greedy,
corporate or state experimentation on human bodies for any reason!!

Perhaps it should be
pointed out that according to our ancient scriptures, it is implied
that our Creator has given us “free will.” This concept is the
foundation of the United States Constitution. The god of science,
however, does not allow for this. The awful price we are being asked
to pay at this time in US history is sacrifice of our free will. We
are told we are not free to choose our healing modality, including
prayer. We are told we will not be able to travel or move from place
to place without vaccine certification. What we are really being
told is that we are lab rats in cages. We will be vaccinated with an
experimental vaccine and we will be tracked and studied and
repeat-vaccinated for the rest of our lives, as the priests demand.
If we do not cooperate we will be forbidden to interact with others,
which for many will mean certain death. The powers-that-be have
created new sea monsters to keep us from venturing into new healing

The new priests represent
their sadistic overlords. They do not have our best interests at
heart. They have exaggerated the danger of a tiny microorganism.
They have understated the ability of our fantastic bodies to
incorporate and neutralize most threats, however malicious its
design. They have purposely misidentified the real threat of
bacterial pneumonia which is the result of breathing dirty indoor and
outdoor air and specifically, of obstructing the breathing process
with masks. They have purposely maligned successful therapeutic drugs
such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin and even simple high doses
of vitamin C! They did not test the vaccine on older people and yet
they are experimenting on the older population first, out of
“concern.” Many have already died and information concerning
those deaths has been censored and even laughed at!

We are witnessing
genocide, in real time, every bit as awful as Nazi Germany.

It might be appropriate to
suggest that we beg the forgiveness of our God of Love for allowing
Him, Her or It to be replaced with this sinister, deceptive false
deity who frankly looks more like the legendary opposite of Love,
seeking power over all that lives, with a goal of placing obscene
restrictions on personal freedom of any kind. Unwelcome invasion of
our bodies is medical rape. After all, who in their Right Mind
does not value freedom over slavery and imprisonment?

We need to regain our
inner peace and wisdom (discernment) and reclaim our God-given right
to seek our own pathways to health, recclaim sovereignty over our
bodies and minds, return to the spirit of Love waiting with open arms
throughout our Earthly struggles.

Those who are herding
humanity with fear and divisiveness must call off their priests and
state and media dogs. We must return to normalcy before the absence
of masks and vaccine certificates becomes a black armband and chains.
Now is the time for REAL scientists, REAL doctors, REAL priests
(devotees of Divine Love and of the latent love within humanity...per
George Harrison, “...the love there that's sleeping...” our true
power to right all wrongs, to heal all ailments). It is time for
those of us who are awake to demand an end to the manufactured
pandemic and its slippery slope into worldwide experimental
vaccination decreed by corporate overlords who have no accountability
or concern toward sick or dead lab rats.

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