The Differences Between Men and Women's Brain Are Perceived!
Today's technology is doing research in every field. The research done this time is quite different. In a study conducted by scientists, it was determined that the neural networks in the brains of men and women were different.
The male brains were found to be located between the posterior and anterior lobes of the same lobe of the nerve ligaments of the brain. What is "Lob"?
The most basic management center of the nervous system in our body.
It has emerged that the nervous system found in males is linked to the anterior and posterior parts. This situation is different in women. While the lobes in men are connected from the front and back, women are connected to the right and left sides. This makes women more successful in verbal areas, and men are successful in locating areas such as navigating on a map. The reason is that the connections of the nervous system are different.
In previous surveys, psychological differences appeared for more men and women. However, this research has been determined as a result of a complete physical investigation. A total of 521 women aged 8-22 years, a total of 428 men aged 8-22 years, male and female brains, nervous system has come to a conclusion that is a nodular difference. It is different after puberty and occurs at the end of the experiment.