The Bizarre Power in Just Sharing a Kiss, The Positives and Negatives (the expediency of knowing)

in #science8 years ago

Kissing (locking lips) is something everyone is familiar with and does, It involves the touching or pressing of one’s lips against those of another or an object, It could either be sentiments of love, passion, romance, sexual attraction, sexual activity, sexual arousal, affection, respect, greeting, friendship, peace and good luck among many others.

We see it in the movies, in our environments, we engage in it, some love it, I remember sometime ago when a lady while we were talking dirty ;-) told me she loves kissing and wouldn’t mind kissing for an hour (lool). Most see it basically as normal to kiss at the slightest of opportunities, some as a way of expressing love and being romantic, others as the best way to get their game (mojo) on. Which ever way it’s viewed, I guess we all are right.

However do u know there are quite a number of things that go on when you kiss, the health benefits of kissing aside just getting lovey-duvy as well the negative (adverse) effect of engaging in the act?


We have both the light and deep kiss, expatiating on this might not be too necessary, as most of us are very familiar with the act or process, I know there are pro’s here (loool) that could even enlighten me way beyond this post, but in assumption of starters, it’s expedient to give a comprehensive and detailed breakdown :)

-Light kiss: This involves a brief closed mouth kiss which might not necessarily involve the use of the tongue, it could be on the fore head, the cheek, lips or even an object.

-Deep (French) kiss: This on the other hand also known as “french” kiss is way deeper as its done with the mouth open and with the tongue reaching into the mouth of the other person, here there is exchange of spit and its usually more passionate.


Here are some amazing unexpected benefits of kissing;

-Reduces high blood pressure: kissing (making out) helps reduce your blood pressure as it helps to accelerates your heartbeat in a healthy manner thereby dilating your blood vessels and enabling blood to flow easily to all vital organs, this helps lower the blood pressure.

-Results in the release of the happy hormones: If you are not in the best of mood or stressed, kissing could really do a lot of magic as it results in the release of some feel good/better chemicals known as serotinin, dopamine, oxytocin which would help you relax better and revitalize you.

-Helps burn calories: If you are looking forward to burning more calories, kiss at the slightest of opportunity, kiss 10 hours a day, never get tired of kissing, loool....Just joking though, but do u know you can actually burn calories from kissing, you might not burn loads of it as you do when you engage in exercises but an intense make out session can help you burn as much as 8-15/16 calories

-Good for your face muscles: Did you know kissing could help could help shape your jaw line?...Yeah it does because your mouth has a number facial muscles, kissing could help tighten and tone them thereby resulting in a face lift.

-Boosts your self esteem: Kissing helps people feel more loved, happier and productive. According to a German study, it was found that men who got a nice passionate kiss from their wifes before leaving for work made more money, that’s because he leaving the house feeling loved, happy and with a clear mind would improve his creativity and productivity at work. Want to increase you hubby’s chance of having a good day start and the chance of earning more, you now know what to do :)

As interesting and beneficial this article of kissing may seem, as much as i wouldn't want to spill, there are some negative effects kissing could have on your health. It’s always better to be aware rather than being ignorant or in dark as regards topics like this.


There are some negative things that could happen in your body when you kiss, most times this occurs from deep kissing basically because it's more intimates, the waggle of tongues which takes place leads to transfer of saliva and fluids. This could result in mononucleosis commonly known as kissing disease. Kissing leaves one at the risk of having sore throat, high fever, flu, swelling of the glands. Other diseases include Hepatitis b, Herpes which occur when the blood or saliva of an infected person has direct contact with another persons bloodstream or mucous membrane.

Best way to avoid the occurrence or lower your risk of such is to avoid kissing just anybody, know your partner well, their sexual history, and their health status.

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@berniesanders will crash the price of Steem

Nice post :-)

I do not enjoy all the kissing that people think has to happen when it's your birthday or when they wish you a happy new year. Nope, I'd rather just stick to my boyfriend :/

That's good, choosing to stick to your boyfriend is a great choice, reduces the tendency of any unanticipated surprises at the long run :)

Hah, exactly :-)

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