Top 10 Bizarre Superstitions From Around The World

in #science7 years ago


Superstition is an old belief from traditions and religions but still widely practice to this day. It also stems from fear or ignorance of an unknown force usually related to the supernatural. In my opinion, the more you believe, the higher the chance of the unknown affects you. Just like luck, when you make an uncalculated action you just hope for the best and be lucky. It acts as a permission slip to fill in the gap of why you are successful or failing in something. A great reason to blame on something if it doesn't turn out well. There also are cases of parents using mythical tales to scare or warn children so they behave. The common old wive's tale we all know are black cats,breaking mirrors, knocking on wood and keeping fingers crossed. Here are 10 bizarre superstitions from around the globe.



1 : The number 4

Especially in Chinese culture, the number 4, is associated with death. The reason being is that 4 in Mandarin sounds similar to death. You would typically find Chinese hotel's elevator removing the 4th floor button . The floor sequence goes from 1,2,3,5 and so on. Whether it is on cars , hotels, or lucky numbers, it is greatly avoided whereas the number 8 is sought after because it represents prosperity. Number 13 is considered unlucky to America and certain parts of Europe.


2: Sleeping with Fan

In South Korea, there has been multiple cases reported of people dying when they slept with fans on. The doctors proposed that hyperthermia, hypothermia and asphyxiation are the main causes of it. The supermarkets only sell electrical fans with timer to switch off. Are you thinking what I am thinking? Final destination !


3: Whistling at Night

The Japanese believes that whistling at night is link to criminal activities. Back in the old days, criminals such as burglars used whistling as a form of communication and then it became a superstition. What happens then? Japanese believes it will attract burglar to your house or even snake. For those who desires snakes as pets, try it out !



4: Breaking of dishes

Who doesn't like breaking stuff ? Smashing things around to vent out anger. In this case, the Danish collects porcelain plates and dishes to throw at friends or families doorstep at the end of the year because it brings good luck. What about mugs though?



5: Witch window

In the 19th century in Vermont , farm houses windows were built in 45 degree way slanted down to keep the witches away. It is said that they cannot fly their brooms tilted that way. In other words, the witches lack the skill. They should enroll to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and learn how to fly.. smh...


6: 12 Grapes = Good Luck

Spaniards eat 12 grapes at 12 midnight on new years eve for better luck and prosperity. I guess grapes in supermarket would be sold out during new years eve. Portugal is similar to it with 12 raisins at 12 midnight. It said that one raisin or grape represents each month.


7: Leaving handbags on the floor

The Polish believes laying handbags on the ground brings bad luck or money disappears. Yeah if you leave them long enough without supervision, the entire handbag will disappear too. In Brazil, it applies the same too, you will become poor. Sucks to be ladies then since guys don't carry anything.


8: The Broom

Now this is weird and outright hilarious. If a Nigerian man hits another man with a broom, it will render him impotent or his genitals will disappear (damn son). Maybe if you hit hard enough at the private area, then sure it will rip him off his masculinity. However it is reversible, the victim has to use the broom to hit the attacker back 7 times. I think 7 is too little if he messes with my manhood, I'll make sure to make his disappear too.


9: Chewing Gums at Night

So in Singapore, chewing gum is banned. In turkey and hungary, chewing gums at night is to chew the flesh of dead. What has a gum ever done wrong? A tip is to avoid eating pungent food at night or just get a mouth wash if you ever breath stinks.


10: Bird's excrement

In Russia , bird pooping on your properties like car and house brings good luck and prosperity. The more poo = the richer you get. So why am I still poor despite the countless bird shit on my car ?


Did I miss out any bizarre superstitions? Well I probably did, this is a strange world. Comment below what other weird superstitions you have heard. Thanks for reading !


I heard this one where the state/government's absence will bring about wanton murder, rape and theft, yet for over 2000 years Zomia has lived without government, while government has not stopped people from murdering or robbing anyway and has otherwise imprisoned many for not harming anyone.

I equate government with magic, fairies, and pixie dust. In the western world all governments are corporations and thus are dead entities. Somehow governments manage to rape pillage and steal and because they are dead I call this magic. I figure really it is just a group of men and women wearing costumes thus confusing us by throwing pixie dust in our eyes. All the fairies put on robes and uniforms to make us think that our fellow human being gave them authorities none of us have to give in the first place. Sure wish people would stop being superstitious, so all the magical fairies would run out of the blinding pixie dust and the dead could stay in their resting place.

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