Ocean acidification an evil twin of global warming causing coral reefs to dissolve.

in #science6 years ago (edited)

Many people don't know what ocean acidification is but it's something that is happening all over the world and should be taken likely as this can affect our lives. In today's topic I would write about the definition, chemical equation, the problems, possible solutions etc.

Ocean acidification definition: it is a term which describes significant changes to the chemistry of the ocean. It occurs when CO2 is absorbed by the ocean and reacts with sea water to produce acid.Despite the fact that CO2 Gas normally moves between the environment and the seas, the expanded measures of Co2 gas discharged into the air, essentially because of human activities (e.g. Consuming of non-renewable energy sources and also burning of fossil fuels ) has been expanding the measure of CO2 consumed by the sea which brings about seawater that is more acidic.

When a change is made to the waters of the world's oceans, it can have a big impact on sea life and life and on people who eat fish. Scientists now know that such a change is happening today. Oceans are taking more carbon dioxide thereby causing more ocean acidification.

Seas require a specific level of pH to keep up the common biochemistry expected to enable a healthy ecosystem to stay in place for the species living in the water. At the point when seas absorbs abnormal amounts of carbon dioxide, the acidity levels raise and the natural request of the ocean progresses toward becoming undermined ,Which is called. Ocean acidification, I hope you understand now?

## Facts:

Presently, every year the sea retains around 25% of all the CO2 produced by human activities.

The hidden ocean service has been estimated to represent an annual subsidy to the global economy of Us$86 billion per year, though there is considerable uncertainty around this figure.

Many of the foremost cognizant species are directly or indirectly of nice ennobling, economic or ecological importance, for examples : warm water corals that reduce marginal erosion and supply home ground for several species.

Ocean acidity has increased about 30% since the start of the modern insurgency and if CO2 emissions keep on growing, the rate of acidification will quicken in coming decades.

The present rate of ocean acidification is over 10times quicker than any time within the last 55million years.

The ocean assimilates 24million tons of CO2 daily.

About a 170% projected increase in ocean acidity by 2100 compared with preindustrial levels if high greenhouse gas emissions continue.

Causes of Ocean Acidification

  • Burning of fossils fuels
  • The great dying (Permian-Triassic mass extinction)
  • The industrial revolution
  • Cement manufacturing
  • Changes of land use.
  • High concentration of carbon dioxide
  • Loss of biodiversity
  • Lack of environmental friendly laws and regulations.
  • Decrease in carbonate ions.

The process of Ocean acidification

As CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels are making the worlds ocean more acidic. In water, CO2 responds to some carbonic acid and throughout the years , the ocean's acidity has 30% as a result of so of the excessive man made CO2 which is being drawn into water. These reconstruct in ocean chemistry may have far spreading ramifications. Some marine species that uses carbonate to construct their skeletons and shells and so forth perhaps are harmed in light of the fact that the acid formed in the water expends this carbonate and makes it less open to these organisms.
In the event that CO2 in the climate keep on rising, scientists suspect coral reefs could start to vanish within the following 50 years.

Effects of ocean acidification

Clown fish lose their hearing in water as the ocean's acidity keep raising thereby making them vulnerable to predators.
Sea urchins hard parts dissolving more quickly thereby putting them at greater risk.
Plankton process calcium carbonate bodies and are therefore in danger as their shells weakens in acidifying oceans.
The shellfish which includes oysters, mussels and clams would produce thinner and more brittle and also take longer to grow.

I know this could sound confusing but with time you'd understand my point and why we should all come together to proffer possible solution to this. Yes it's possible and don't doubt your self.

Possible solutions

  • Try and reduce your energy use at home. (Turning off unused lights)
  • Lower how much carbon dioxide you use everyday.
  • Instead of driving, use public transportation
  • Support clean energy (e.g. Solar, wind etc.)
  • Check tire pressure






possible solutions to ocean acidification.

Effects of ocean acidification on organisms.

All images are labeled for reuse. Thanks.


Ocean acidification is a new term i am reading for the first time today. I guess a lot of devastating effects of our CO2 emissions is going on at an increasing rate.

In my own opinion, i believe policy makers are only paying lip service to reducing carbon emission. An example is the recent Paris agreement whereby most countries especially the United States one of the major Industrialized nations is yet to do any thing tangible in its respect.

It is left to we individuals to follow the solutions you listed above. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Right on! Nothing new, but while climate change deniers are spreading their bullshit everywhere even on steemit it's important to propagate the facts!

wow very amazing photos ,,

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