Frognoid: The Beginning (Chapter 1)
The little boy was safely and snugly tucked up in bed. His mother sat on a chair beside the bed holding a book.
Johnny waited patiently while his mother opened the book, found the story she was looking for and began to read...
“Once upon a time, there were three frogs trying to find a pond to bathe and drink in. They had travelled far and the land was dry. The three frogs entered a farm, saw a barn and headed towards it for some shade and rest.
Earlier that day, the farmer had been milking one of his cows in the shed and after carrying out the pails of milk he had drawn from his cow, had finished, led the cow from the barn. By chance he had forgotten to take the last pail of milk from the barn.
The three frogs could smell the milk inside the pail and all three hopped into the pail of milk. They began to drink the milk and it felt so cool and refreshing on their skin. Unfortunately, the frogs soon realised that they were stuck in the pail and could not leap out of it. The three frogs became tired and were worried they would drown.
So, the three frogs kicked their legs trying to stay afloat. The first frog grew tired and began to sink. His tired legs could kick no more and the poor frog drowned and sank to the bottom of the pail of milk.
The second frog tried to stay afloat but his legs also succumbed and he sunk to the bottom of the pail and drowned.
However, the third frog would not give in and kept kicking his legs as hard as he could.
All the kicking had slowly started to turn the milk to butter, and the third frog could feel the milk becoming firmer. He continued to kick his legs until all the milk had turned to butter. Whereupon the fortunate frog was able to leap out of the pail of milk.
The moral of the story is to never give up Johnny. You are that frog".
Johnny's mother closed the book, and saw johnny was asleep.
“Never give up johnny”
She stood up and kissed him, turned off the lights and left the room.
Chapter 2:
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.