Do UFOs and Aliens really exist?

in #science7 years ago

For a long time now, there have been a heated debate about whether or not UFOs and aliens are real with persons supporting either claims with very cogent and concrete points and evidences.

This is not another argument for or against the existence of Aliens and UFOs. Rather, this is an attempt to present the theories and facts that have been gathered on this controversial subject matter. What you think or don't think is left to the discretion of the reader.

Facts and evidences gathered on the existence of UFOs and aliens

From Roswell to Suffolk’s Rendlesham Forest, these are the sightings which UFO hunters have hailed as proof of extra-terrestrial life.

‘Do aliens exist?’ One of life’s great unanswered questions


‘Do aliens exist?’ One of life’s great unanswered questions

How many alien and UFO sightings have there been?
The number of UFO sightings is currently flying at an all-time high, according to data cruncher and blogger Sam Monfort.

The alien expert reckons there have been more than 100,000 recorded UFO sightings in the past 100-plus years.

And Sam is far from the only believer on our planet.

From an “alien autopsy” video dating back to 1995 to a video of fighter jets apparently chasing a UFO over the M5, there are hundreds of videos which people have claimed to be proof of alien life.

There’s even a clip of a UFO supposedly attacking a Taliban compound, as well as ‘sightings’ in Peckham and Warminster.

Most of the videos have been debunked by experts. In the M5 clip, for example, the motorway lorries look like models.

While the Peckham UFOs were “almost certainly Chinese lanterns”, former Ministry of Defence UFO investigator Nick Pope told the Sun Online.

He added that “true believers wouldn’t be dissuaded” by evidence the videos are fake.

Meanwhile, popstar Peter Andre claims to have seen “several UFOs” on a family trip to the Nevada desert.

The desert is also the site of America’s famous Area 51 – a highly classified military base at the centre of alien conspiracy theories due to scores of of UFO sightings in the area.

Many people believe that aliens live on Mars – while one man claimed there were secret child sex slaves on the planet


Eye witnesses claimed they saw UFOs in Roswell in 1947, and in Rendlesham Forest in 1980

Many people believe that aliens live on Mars – while one man claimed there were secret child sex slaves on the planet
Artist Dave Huggins believes he lost his virginity to a busty alien called Crescent – and has fathered 60 ‘hybrid’ babies.

Some people even believe this picture of Jesus’ crucifixion – which hangs on the walls of the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral in Georgia – is proof that aliens visited Earth thousands of years ago.

In July 2017, new research was published that suggested “free-floating” earth sized plants could exist and that some of them may even be able to harbour life.

And at the end of August, alien hunters from the Breakthrough Listen project detected “fast radio bursts” coming from a mysterious cluster of stars – which may have been produced by “extraterrestrial civilizations”.

In October 2017, an Australian woman took a picture of what she believed was a ‘flying saucer’ hovering over the Great Barrier Reef. Far North Queensland is considered a UFO hotspot, with several sightings of mystery aircraft in the sky over several decades.

The Roswell UFO incident is a world-renowned conspiracy theory about the existence of aliens.

In the summer of 1947, a farmer discovered unidentifiable debris in his sheep fields just outside Roswell, New Mexico.

A local Air Force base claimed the debris came from a crashed hot air balloon, but many people reckon it’s really the remains of a flying saucer.

The debate rumbles on, with people continuing to make claims about “leaked US government documents”, which supposedly prove it was a cover-up.

Eye witnesses claim they saw UFOs in Roswell in 1947, and in Rendlesham Forest in 1980.

What happened at Rendlesham Forest?

Dubbed the “British Roswell”, a similar incident happened in Rendlesham Forest in 1980.

On December 26, Military personnel from RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge, in Suffolk, saw strange lights in a nearby forest – and three of them were sent out to investigate.

Two of them encountered a small, triangular shaped craft – which they later drew images of.

One man, Jim Penniston, got close enough to touch the side of the object.

Two nights later, Deputy Base Commander Lieutenant Colonel Charles Halt and his team also encountered the UFO – and were left baffled by the entire experience.

Are there any other alien conspiracy theories?

Marilyn Monroe’s death remains shrouded in mystery, and a new conspiracy theory claims the actress was murdered by the US government -after threatening to reveal top-secret information about aliens.

The bonkers theory was revealed in UFO documentary Unacknowledged.

It is claimed that Marilyn made the threats after having affairs with both President JFK and Bobby Kennedy, and was seeking revenge as they both simultaneously ended things with her.


A newspaper report about the Roswell Saucer

More Research on the existence of UFOs and aliens

Chuck Zukowski and Debbie Ziegelmeyer have spent years travelling across the US investigating hundreds of UFO sightings and other paranormal occurrences.

The pair believe that the 37th latitude line is a kind of UFO or paranormal “highway” along which extra terrestrial craft enter and exit the earth.

Their theory is now the subject of a book called the 37th Parallel – and is about to be made into a Hollywood blockbuster in the next few months.

Chuck told Sun Online: “Back in 2006 I was looking at my cattle mutilation investigations – there were huge similarities between them all – most of them were laying on their right side, they’re laying east to west and then I noticed that lots of them were on the 37 degree latitude.

“I called my sister at midnight and I said, ‘Didn’t you have cattle mutilations on the 37 degree latitude in Missouri?’

“And she said, ‘Yes’ and we started looking more into it. We soon realized it wasn’t just cattle mutilations – there were all kind of events.

“We we’re up until 2:30 in the morning going through all these cases and started seeing these amazing patterns.”

The 37th latitude line runs from California through Nevada, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky and across to Virginia.

A recent Roswell sighting was on on February 24.

Two passenger jet pilots reported spotting an “object” shoot above them at 40,000ft – just 500 miles from the so-called Roswell UFO crash.

Meanwhile it has also emerged Paul O’Grady is too terrified to go to sleep just in case he wakes up surrounded by aliens.

The 62-year-old presenter even fears he is being watched by extra-terrestrial beings from outer space after first realising it when listening to an interview with 80s pop singer Kim Wilde.

What has Buzz Aldrin said about aliens and UFOs

In April 2018, it was reported that Buzz Aldrin, along with three other astronauts, had passed lie detector tests over claims they had experienced alien encounters.

Allegedly, Aldrin, Al Worden, Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper all took part in the study which took place at the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology in Albany, Ohio, the Daily Star reported.

Aldrin, now 88, claimed he was a spaceship on his way to the moon, adding: “There was something out there that was close enough to be observed… sort of L-shaped.”

The tests, reportedly more reliable than standard lie detector tests, showed he was telling the truth.

What has Pentagon said about UFOs and aliens

The former head of a secret government program to investigate UFO sightings told several media outlets that extraterrestrial life may exist. Simultaneously, the public benefit corporation he is affiliated with has raised more than $2.2 million to research "exotic technologies" affiliated with "unidentified aerial phenomena."

"My personal belief is that there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone," said Luis Elizondo, the person who formerly managed the Pentagon Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program, in an interview with CNN.

Elizondo said the program had found "a lot" of strange aircraft while it was in existence. "These aircraft — we'll call them aircraft — are displaying characteristics that are not currently within the U.S. inventory nor in any foreign inventory that we are aware of," He said.

Elizondo and two other former Defense Department officials — Christopher K. Mellon and Harold E. Puthoff — have created a venture called To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science, which aims to investigate "exotic science and technologies", according to its website.

"We believe there is sufficient credible evidence of unidentified aerial phenomena that proves exotic technologies exist that could revolutionize the human experience," the organization's website states. The company has fundraised more than $2.2 million from nearly 2,500 individual investors.

Elizondo's remarks come amid recent revelations that the U.S. government had a secret, $22 million program to seek out UFOs that ran between 2007 and 2012. The Times reports the program is still ongoing, although the Defense Department said a lack of funding shut the effort down.

Also, in recent days, Navy pilots reported that they spotted a UFO during a training mission off the coast of San Diego in 2004. "It accelerated like nothing I've ever seen," said Cmdr. David Fravor in an interview with the Times, adding that he was "pretty weirded out." To the Stars references these reports frequently on its website.

To the Stars' mission is to examine science that was "suffocated by mainstream ideology and bureaucratic constraint," the venture's website says. It plans a fusion of science, aerospace and entertainment to "work collectively to allow gifted researchers the freedom to explore exotic science and technologies," according to the organisation's website.


Given the volume of facts and evidences that have been gathered over the years coupled with personal experiences of several people across the globe, there is a near accurate possibility that UFOs and aliens exist and that humans are not alone in this world.

If this assertion is true, it may pose serious security breach on us as we are not aware of the level of sophistication of these life forms and the impact they will have if peradventure there is an invasion which many theorists have predicted will happen in no distant time.

Again, I emphasise on the fact that this article is not meant to change your thought pattern but rather it is to make you explore the fact that the existence of these strange bodies is in fact very possible.

At this point, I want to really appreciate @greenrun for motivating me to write this science post as I believe that the key toninderstanding our world and environment lies in science.

Kind Regards,



To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Most likely

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The best evidence for UFOs is to gather people together on a starlit night, away from city lights. All look to the skies and wait and watch for the tiny lights zipping along at phenomenal speed while performing extraordinary loops, squares, triangles etc. ...Nothing Identifiable, so they must all be Unidentified Flying Objects. Whether the operators of such magnificent machines are alien, human, humanoid or remotely controlled- that is the question.

That's right.
I have no doubt that these beings have a degree of intelligence that even rivals that of humans. At this point, I fear an invasion by these beings. And when that happens, it will change the course of the world as we know it

It could be far or even near. But I know science is capable of unraveling many miseries.

So in time we will be able to draw the right conclusions.

Thanks for sharing.

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