Myths in the Sky: the Virgin and the Scales

in #science8 years ago

The Virgin (lat. Virgo)

This ancient zodiac constellation is associated with the myth of Astrea — the daughter of Zeus and Themis. In ancient mythology she personified the Goddess of Justice, Purity and Virginity.

According to another version Zeus' sister, the Goddess of Fertility Demeter with her daughter Persephone were in the act of picking flowers. Pluto — God of the subteranian kingdom — kidnapped Persephone. The inconsolable mother forbade all plants to grow. Famine broke out on the Earth. Zeus, who was alarmed by this, sent Hermes to the subteranian kingdom and ordered him to take Persephone to her mother, but she had already tasted the magic grass and was no more able to return to the Earth for ever. Nevertheless she could return for a while. Whenever she appears on the Earth, vegetation blossoms luxurantly, the grass becomes green, and the ears of cereals ripen. Time passes and winter sets in. This is the myth that is depicted in the constellation of the Virgin holding ears, and appears in the sky in spring.

Johannes Hevelius, atlas Firmamentum Sobiescianum, Map 31

The Scales (lat. Libra)

This is the only lifeless Zodiacal constellation, a symbol of justice, which belonged to the Goddess Astrea, depicted on the previous map.

Johannes Hevelius, atlas Firmamentum Sobiescianum, Map 32

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