Can we really live forever?
As,far We know humans death is inevitable.could it really possible to achieve immortality?This growing technological and scientific advancement has shifted the average lifespan of the human being to an increasing side or in other words lifespan continuously increased.
Some of the scientists believe that in near future almost 50 years immortality will be in grasp.Well,wait!This is just an idea.
To,answer such questions, there is a clear argument.In, physics,there are four laws of thermodynamics,that applies to all macroscopic bodies.Out of these four laws,the second law of Thermodynamics states that the state of entropy of the entire universe, as an isolated system, will always increase over time or randomly,
towards increasing disorderness
Well,there is no such law to stop us from reversing those process.
The dying cells of our body seems to do exactly the same thing.For,a cell to maintain its youthfulness,
they should have the ability to detect and repair DNA damage,keep up energy production,waste disposal and chemical interaction,and contact inhibition(if not than those cell become cancerous or neoplastic cell which will grow and starve normal cell for nutrition and latter cause cancer)
Though,we have discovered the cells, elaborated its various organelles but still cells are very complex.Mitochondria,is present in almost all eukaryotic cell with some exception,they are specialized for energy production,there number varies from cell to cell.They are often called power house of the cell.Decrease in their number are the beginning of our body decay mechanism.
An interesting experiment
An, interesting experiment was performed by a scientist Valter Longo,on saccharomyces cerevisiae i.e brewer's yeast.They are used for bread making and is used in fermenting the malted cereals and fruit juices.This is a unicellular,simple cell organism.Moving two genes out from their cell it was seen that their life increases upto ten times aaccordingly,of sixty lifespan.Interestingly,it is equivalent to 800 years of humans or homo sapiens.
Animal that had their DNA manipulated to possess and express an extra gene are known as transgenic animals.Out of them,95%(nearly) of all existing transgenic animal are mice.
Practicing a similar experiment on mice it had been seen that their lifespan get doubled.
95%of the disease causing gene are same in human and mice.
Till now, scientists are thinking that we can maximize maximum our lifespan to 115 years though there are few human who crossed this and survived to 120 years.
One of the researchers like Aubrey de Greyer and many other scientists thinks that we can even increase our lifespan upto 800 to 1000 years.But,I will say it again,this is just an idea.
As,per the different religions voice,it is impossible for us to become immortal.Thats sounds challenging and researches are continuously going on this field.
People also believed that,may be within upcoming years we may see such an amazing and exclusively exceptional advancement in artificial intelligence (AI),as we are seeing now.With their help,may be we could find something to reverses the aging process.As,death is pre planned in our gene.
Sciencetist is taking their help in monitoring and navigating the gene interection phenomenon and their impact.
Do you ever hear the name zombie cell,these cell refuse to die.To kill such cell sciencetist are using special type of drugs based on small molecules called senolytic.This is a good thing because this cell emit chemical which are harmfull for healthy cell and causes their inflammation which is one of the basic mechanism of ageing.In simple sentence to remain youth and young their death is necessary.But this is not ultimate,this might be one of them.
We still don't sure, whether it will be successful or not?
But,if this happens then only few people like superstars and sciencetist Will get these benefits or if the population break out the nature 's carrying capacity,then ...
So many questions are there.
May,be..A new era of civilization.
Information source:
NCERT class 12 biology.
Reference video link: unveiled channel
With all of the radiation, pollution and destruction to our surrounding, it's pretty difficult to live past a hundred years old, let alone, immortality.
Well,sir, I agree with you but who knows what's our future is going to bring .The first person who created the robot itself got killed by that.
This is the biological basis,we all know the power of gene. Peacock can tolerate the snake poison and many species of prokaryotes still survive deep sea hydro thermal vent ,some fish and marine invertebrate survive and can tolerate more than 100 times the atmospheric pressure.
Who knows science of bioinformatics and genetic may make a real spiderman.
Well,as I think we can just may make ourselves younger but can't become immortal.
Well, honesty I will choose to rest in peace.!