
- What is the ripe pulp? ➟ Emile acetate
- What is the ripe pineapple? ➟ Ethyl acetate
- What is the ripe orange? ➟ Octal acetate
- What is acid in tomato? ➟ Malic acid
- What is the acid in lemon juice? ➟ citric acid
- What acid is in apple? ➟ Malic acid
- What type of acid contains tamarind? ➟ Tartaric acid
- What acid is there in amalike? ➟ oxalic acid
- There is no acid in grapes? ➟ Tartaric acid
- Are there any acid in orange? ➟ Escorbic Acid
- There is no acid in milk? Lactic Acid
- What is the throat scratching of the bacon? ➟ The reason is that the calcium oxalate is rich.
- Who is the idea of the size of the Earth? ➟ Pythagoras
- What is the fullness of DDT? ➟ Die-Claro-Die-Finele-Tri-Chloro-Ethane
- What is TNT? ➟ Triay Nitro Toluin
- What is the chemical name of saban? ➟ Sodium steerate
- What is the chemical name of the testing salts? ➟ Sodium monogutamate
- What is the name of the petrol? ➟ gasoline
- What acid is there in sirka? Acetic Acid
- What is the world's radius? ➟ 6434 km

- How old is the world? ➟ An estimated 450 million years.
- What is laughing gas? ➟ Nitrous oxide is called a laughing gas. It's laughing enthusiast.
- What is the philosopher's wool? ➟ Zinc oxide philosopher known as ul.
- Is there any metal on snake poison? ➟ Zink
- When is the smallest day in the northern hemisphere? ➟ December 22nd
- Which is the only part of the action which is acting as a surplus? ➟ Carbon
- What is stupid gold? ➟ Iron de Sulfide
- What is the most active metal? ➟ potassium
- Which taste is sweet but not carbohydrate? Glycerin
- Which scientist prepares organic compounds for the first time in the laboratory? ➟ German
Scientist Uhlar
- What is the name of pure sulfuric acid? ➟ Sulfon
- What is the smell that comes from urine? ➟ Emoner
- What is the number of cells in an adult body? ➟ Six million to ten million
- Where is the protein synthesized in the cell? মে Protein synthesized proteins produced by ray proteins.
- Which zombie has the least number of chromosomes? ➟ One kind of male ants and two in the wife's ants
- Which plant contains the maximum chromosome? ➟ There are about 1260 fennel plants
- How many chromosomes contain fish? ➟ 12
- How many chromosomes contain? ➟ 78
- How many chromosomes are there in cow goats? ➟ 60
- How many chromosomes are there in rice plants? ➟ 24

- How many chromosomes contain frogs? ➟ 22
- How many chromosomes contain chicken? ➟ 78
- How many chromosomes have a sheep? ➟ 54
- Does DNA contain? ➟ does not contain uracil
- What is the main function of the RNA? Prepare protein
- Does not contain RNA? ➟ Thiamin does not exist
- What is the number of genes in the human body? ➟ 40000
- What are the viral diseases? ➟ Hum, spring, polio, influenza,
Rabies, herpes, mumps, AIDS, hepatitis etc.
- What are the bacterial diseases? ➟ Cholera, typhoid, leprosy, tuberculosis, diphtheria, pneumonia etc.
- What does the plant in the desert say? ➟ Jerofite
- What is the rate of the rate of photosynthesis of rice tree in sunlight? ত্ব Carbon dioxide concentration
- What is the reason for litter loss? ➟ Fear comes to the lizard's tail
- What is the name of the poisonous organism in the world? ➟ Sea wasp or sea wasp is a kind of jellyfish
- What is the meaning of amba word? ➟ Always changing.
- What is the meaning of protozoan? ➟ The first animal
- Which animal can not sound? ➟ giraffe
- What is the indirect cause of pneumonia? ➟ rounds
- Why do cats and dogs shine at night? ের Due to the tapeatome pigment cell.
- What is the name of the brain screen? ➟ Maninjes
- What is the name of the heart of the heart? ➟ Pericardium
- What is the name of the lung screen? ➟ Plura
- What is the name of the liver screen? ➟ Glisons capsule
- What is the name of the restless screen? ➟ Perry Astium
- What is the name of the screen of the young? ➟ Pericardium
- What is the structural unit of the nervous system? ➟ Neurons
- What is the structural unit of the cortex? ➟ Nefran
- What is the structural unit of skeleton? ➟ bone
- What is the liver structural unit? ➟ Hepatocytes
- The longest day in the Northern Hemisphere? ➟ 21 June
- What is the structure of the lungs? ➟ LVOI
- What percentage of the water in the human body? ➟ 60% to 70%
- Which controls the temperature in the human body? Hypothalamus
- Which juice that digest both sugar and sugar? ➟ pancreatic juice
- What enzymes are there in human laxity? ➟ Tylines
- Does any chemically stomach break milk in the stomach? ➟ Ranin
- HCL is released from which cell? ➟ parative cells
- How many milk teeth? ➟ 20
- What is the length of the little distance? ➟ 6 meters
- What is responsible for the color of the bile? ➟ Bilirubin
- Where Bilirubin is made? ➟ Plot

- Which type of lens exists in the human eye? ➟ Both sides
- What is the number of nephrons in an adolescent? ➟ About 1 million
- What is the total number of bones in the human body? ➟ 206
- What is the universal donor group of blood? ➟ O
- What group is the universal recipient of blood? ➟ AB
- What is the amount of blood in a human body? ➟ 7 percent of body weight
- What is the disease of people due to lack of protein? ➟ Quasyaarakara
- Are there scurvy disorders due to lack of vitamins? ➟ Vitamin C
- What is a night blindness due to lack of vitamins? Vitamin A
- Are there any diseases of Vitamin due to berry disease? ➟ Vitamin B
- Due to the absence of any vitamins in the disease? ➟ Vitamin D.
- On which date is the day and night of the whole world? ➟ 21 March and 23 September
- Where is Diphtheria? ➟ Throat
- Where is Piari? ➟ Dentists
- What is the name of milk protein? ➟ Casein
- Does the dabe have more minerals? ➟ potassium
- What is the safe level of arsenic prescribed by the World Health Organization? ➟ 0.01 mg / L
- What percentage of the fresh water of the world is saline? ➟ 97%
- In the day when the sun rises in the sky and twice in the sky, which planet? ➟ Jupiter
- Which planet's satellite is the most? ➟ Saturn

God bless you.