Faster Than Light

in #science8 years ago

I wonder how many people know that we have already exceeded the speed of light?

Seems like a bold claim to some, but to those in the know, from scientists and electrical engineers to physicists and mathematicians and many others, it's easier to understand than you might think and is leading the way in the future of quantum computing and information storage and distribution , propulsion, health and wellness, communication systems, and much more.

The idea is simple. Imagine a wave, like a sine wave. We're all familiar with this concept of the universe (and its constituents). Waves move in time. This relates the idea of 'space-time' where each of these ideas cannot be extricated from one another. If something is moving from one 'place' to another, this is where time/duration is naturally implied. The reverse is also true. If there is time/duration, there is a measurement of action/'happening' (whether 'something' is actually in 'the space' or not). So these two ideas are intertwined. Similar to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, or 'The Measurement Problem', where you cannot simultaneously know the position and speed of an entity. Simply, if you think of an arrow being fired from a bow, if you want to know how 'fast' it's going, the position is indeterminate (because it's flying through space) and if you want to know the position (in space), the speed is indeterminate. Another example of how 'time' and 'space' are intimately linked. Anyway, with the idea and nature of waves in mind, there are two aspects of the wave that relate directly to 'space' and 'time'; that is, the wave length and the wave frequency. It's interesting to note here that all of our measurements for 'time' come from measurements of 'frequency'. From the sub-atomic reckoning of the second for our most sensitive clocks sensing atomic 'fluctuation' (another name for frequency), to our concept for day and night based on the appearance (and disappearance) of the sun, to our reckoning of the year. Think about it, if the sun never went down, or if nothing ever changed, you wouldn't know 'what time it is'. I'm not convinced we 'know' what time it is right now, but that's another topic.

When waves travel through space/medium, the encounter resistance. This process is well understood in electrical engineering and the production of electricity; that is, you only get power output (voltage) when current/flow meets resistance. It forms a nice analogy about life in general, don't you think? Anyway, the answer to faster-than-light travel comes in the answer to 'How do I reduce, or even eliminate resistance?' There are only three outcomes: If something is in a frictioned environment at a coefficient of friction 'greater than' the speed of light, that thing/wave will eventually slow down and stop (with no additional 'push', 'power', whatever); If the object moves at a coefficient of friction EQUAL to the speed of light, it will continue on unabated, but it will never exceed that speed; If you have a coefficient of friction less than the speed of light, than your wave movement can actually move faster than the speed of light.

But how is this possible? There is another idea that we should be aware of, and that is 'wave interference'. Interference, connotatively, means something bad. But in actuality, or at least the study wave mechanics, is a neutral term. This is denoted by the distinction between 'constructive' and 'destructive' wave interference. If the resultant of the addition of two, or more, waves is greater than either alone, the result is deemed 'constructive interference'. If the resultant of the two is less than either of the two. Think of a piano. When you press the keys together and they produce a 'bbbrrrrrriiiinnnnnng' sound, there is constructive interference. When you press the keys together and get that 'bbblllllllaaaaaaaarrrrrrggggggg' sound, that is destructive interference. Scientific words, those two, I know. Kidding aside, there is a lot of physics and mathematics going on when these concepts are followed seriously. So we need to answer the question of 'How do we get to a form of maximum, or better yet infinite, constructive wave interference?' This is the quadrillion-dollar question.

There is, actually, a mathematics (a physical construction) that allows for waves in a system not only to interfere coherently, whether it is optical waves, magnetic waves, electric waves, or sound waves, but even to find that not only the wave speed but also the wave VELOCITY can interfere coherently (which is exactly what leads us to FTL and potentially to infinite speed). It is well-known and seen everywhere, and it is colloquially known as 'the golden spiral' or 'the golden ratio'. This shape, the shape of water going down the toilet, but also spiral galaxies, human fetuses, your ear, a balled up fist (top-down view) and much more apparently shows up in so many places for a reason.

Think about the shape of water going down a toilet, and think about our earlier example of a sine wave. One of the keys of understanding comes from the understanding that while we derive a multitude of information from the display and interpretation of the sine wave, it is a two-dimensional projects/representation (of the/our reality). What we don't see in the sine wave is the third dimension, the 'rotation' or 'tourque'. Imagine, if you can, your typical oscilloscope or sine wave going up and down from left to right. Imagine that activity to be taking place on your left hand (thumb up, four fingers facing right). Now imagine taking the left side of your left hand where the thumb is, and turn it so that your four fingers are facing away from the body and you left end of your hand, with thumb facing up, is now facing your body..turning it to look 'down the channel'. Now, with this view, add in the 'rotation' and imagine circles, or spiraling, through space. You can see how in the old 2-D view, each peak and trough is representing the X- and Y- components of the 3-D spiral wave, but the Z- is left out (due to the limitation of dimensions). Once you understand that every sine wave is just a 2-D representation of a 3-D spiral, you can rethink the toilet and much more.

Back to wave length and wave speed. Wave length and wave speed/frequency are related to space and time. This, we know. The now interesting thing to look at is that they are actually the same thing. Up above, and conventionally, space and time are said to be 'inextricably' linked. But what is left often said and what I would like to point your attention to is that the my are actually the same thing. Back to our 3-D sine wave or whirlpool. When the water is rotating at the top of the whirlpool, two things can be noted. The wave length is at its' longest, and the wave speed is at its' slowest. This becomes intuitive when we say that waves with a long wavelength have a lower frequency/time/occurrence than those with short wavelengths. This, we all understand. So at the top of the whirlpool, the wavelength is long and the wave speed is slow. But as we travel further down the rabbit/worm/black hole, the wave length shortens and the speed increases. That is to say, our only definition for time is frequency (of a particular wave or rotation) and our only definition for space/existence/mass, is conserved inertia (of rotation). Ostensibly, any one 'level' of rotation, in our whirlpool, can have both its' space and time (wave length and wave speed) defined by the same phenomenon. This is why space and time are not only inextricably linked but are, in fact, the same thing.

To move on, there are two more concepts that we need to introduce, and that is the two types of waves. There are what are known as 'transverse' waves and what are known as 'longitudinal' waves. Transverse waves waves that move perpendicular to the direction of force/flow..basically everything you know..from X-rays/waves, to WiFi, to radio. This is represented, usually, by the sine wave..but we got into that earlier. Then there are longitudinal waves which move parallel to the force or flow. So to relate that to our whirlpool, the transverse waves are those that are traveling in a circle..rotational energy. There are long wave lengths at the top, like radio waves, and short ones at the bottom, like gamma rays and X-rays. These are our transverse waves. Some are slow, and some are fast, but mine exceed the speed of light. To do that, we have to call upon our longitudinal waves. Think of another example: If you and I are both holding a rope, and I begin to wave that rope up and down, then we produce our 'sine wave' that takes 'time' for the energy/information/whatever to travel to you. This is transverse waves. The waves is moving perpendicular to the direction of the force. Now imagine that we are holding a meter stick between us, palm to palm and suspended in air, and I push. How much faster did you receive that information? How much 'time' did it take? This is longitudinal waves. The energy/information moves parallel to the direction of force. Now imagine that you have a million mile/meter stick, and repeat. This is the physics, and mathematics, of why your local physicists (or even international ones) will tell you that 'information can communicate with itself across vast distances of the universe at seemingly instantaneous speed', but may not be able to explain exactly why. Now, you know. In our whirlpool example, this comes in the form of 'down the hole'. This is the point, in the water and in physics, when rotational energy is transformed into linear energy ( the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, right?). It's no coincidence that this shape and metaphor is the one that is standard in science fiction and science textbooks alike in depictions of 'worm holes' and 'black holes' and 'traveling across the universe'. Back to our wave mechanics. The problem posed is 'What is the mathematics of this shape that allows for waves to converge constructively towards center/unity/infinity? What mathematics allows us to constructively interfere/add waves together towards infinity? What system of wave interference allows there to be 100% coherence and, therefore, no resistance?'

When you take an addition sequence of the golden ratio, starting from the terms 1 and 1.618, you get [2.618, 4.236, 6.854, 11.09, 17.944, 46.978, ...]. When you take the multiplication series produced by the golden ratio starting with 1 and 1.618, you get [1.618, 2.618, 4.236, 11.09, and 46.97]. These numbers are rounded, but more decimal places yields more accuracy/wave coherence. This demonstrates in simple mathematics how nodal points can be set up to find phase coherence towards infinity. It also shows that not only the wave lengths can be added to infinity, creating a 'unified field' effect, but through the multiplication sequence resonating/coordinating with the addition sequence, we can see and understand that this geometric sequence allows for us to exceed the speed of light by many factors (potentially and probably infinity) due to the increase not only in wave speed, but wave VELOCITY (an increasing RATE).

This is the math, physics, and science behind future computer systems. Imagine a system that is so well designed/interconnected, that it represents a 'unified field' type of system, according to the mathematics above. 'Retrieval' or 'access' time in such a system would be zero, because since there is no 'space' or 'distance' between the points in the system, 'time' also drops to zero. The potential for propulsion systems is redundant, but, nevertheless, it is the key to opening our path to far away stars. And if you think that's a little too crazy, ask plasma physicists, or even just Google, about 'X-Points'..intersection of coherent magnetic fields, for example between the Earth and the Sun, that create an unimpeded path 93 million miles from here to there.

There are many other implications, investigations, and stories to be told from this. I hope to meet like-minded folks who can help to explore these possibilities and rewrite our future presently based on oil and 'explosive' technology/physics to one based on 'implosive' and 'harmonic' technology.


Very interesting... and way over my head.

One note: A picture is worth a thousand words. :)

Even if you don't think it'll help the article, an image makes a difference in its appeal. You can find plenty of good free images on Pixabay.

Thank you for the advice. I wanted to add pictures, but some people are so 'picky', by that I mean they like to pick things apart because it looks too 'metaphysical' or whatever. They shoot the messenger instead of focusing on the message, and I didn't want to add to much controversy in my first post (though a lot of what I said is still socially contorversial, but not factually wrong..🙃). Anyway, point well taken on the 'picture is worth a thousand words'.

It would be good to post an #introduceyourself, to help others have more confidence about who you are. Check out the trending feed to see what does well and see what you might pick up. You have way with words, so your writing should do well. But aesthetics matter on platforms like this, so crafting for the eyes is important too.
Be bold and speak the truth. Some won't like it. Some will. You'll find a following.

Thank you, sir.

I will take your advice to introduce myself, and also to be more mindful of asthetics..👍🙂🙏

Could you link to someone somewhere saying so ?
Never ever have i seen /heard any scientist allow for even suggestion of the idea that FTL might be possible.
Academic scientist seem religiously prejudiced against the idea of FTL.
Only thing ever, is the assertion that the universe expands faster than light because the space in it also expands, and therefor to the left and right of us 0.6 c +0.6 c =1.2 c could be true.
Other than that, only Eric Dollard ever demonstrated a radio signal , not an electromagnetic sinewave signal, but a dielectric pulsetrain of n pulses-per-meter (thus skipping space beteen pulses) to be able to exceed lightspeed, and he's not an 'acknowledged' or 'recognised' scientist.

Hello, and thank you for your response.

You can find some more information in 'mainstream' physics by searching for 'quantum tunneling'.

Here are some links:

The first link contains quite a few citations.

I agree that academicians are religiously tied to the idea of nothing moving FTL. I'm also familiar with Eric Dollard. I like him very much. If for nothing else, because he is shining new light and new perspectives on long-held (but not necessarily entirely correct) theories of wave propagation.

The idea of the dielectric is very interesting. The question of 'How can we increase the dielectric constant?' is central to the conversation. To do this, we must focus on a 'phase conjugate dielectric'. When we create such a dielectric, the wave propagation distribution efficiency will rise, and this allow for 'faster' travel through the medium and 'less resistance'. The climax form of which is golden ratio optimized, and therefore fractal, distribution of charge/wave activity. The fractal nature of the golden ratio can be seen here:


But to your point, isn't radio a type of EM wave? Since the answer is 'yes', I would propose that we have, in fact, 'sent' an electromagnetic sine wave signal faster than the speed of light.

This is such fasinating stuff, though most of it is way over my head.
Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for reading. 😊

I will be more mindful of asthetics in the future. As someone kindly reminded me, 'A picture is worth a thousand word.'

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