Japan scientists Create ice cream that doesn't Melt

in #science8 years ago

Many great discoveries in the field of culinary happened accidentally. Microwave, for example, created by a man who plays with the new vacuum tube. Popsicle or popsicle was found by a man who left the equipment manufacture of soda in the cold air.

Another example, potato chips were found when chef dikomplain customers that the potatoes he served too mushy, and then he starred with frying the slices.

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Now Japan, scientists who want to make the stuffing the latest pastry instead ended with creating ice cream that doesn't melt.

Researchers at Japan's Biotherapy Development Research Center was asked by Chef pastry to make a new dessert with the use of polyphenols, the liquid extracted from strawberries.

The chef noted that each time he added polyphenols to cream milk, then instantly dense instantly. That's when researchers began to realize that they may have discovered something revolutionary.

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According to Tomihisa Ota, a professor emeritus of Pharmacy at the University of Kanazawa, polyphenols have properties that make it difficult for oil and water separated. By adding these substances onto ice cream, they realized, making the desert remains on its shape longer than usual.

One of the main factors that cause the ice cream melts is the destabilization of fats. The use of polyphenols can protect it — even in hot weather. Not just for a few minutes, even ice cream remains durable for up to three hours.

Other trials reported that let it in a temperature of 82 degrees Fahrenheit also doesn't make it melt.

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Japan scientists Create ice cream that doesn't Melt.jpg

OTA worked with research centers to develop this new substance into the ice cream that doesn't melt and so far they are quite big success in Japan. Despite the new technology, the price is quite affordable popsicles, sells for about $4.50 one piece. So, if you are tired of having to lick ice cream every few minutes, go to Japan and feel the future.


Mie Akhirat adalah mie yang memiliki keunikan dengan menggunakan dua varian warna, yaitu warna putih berarti surga dan warna hitam berarti neraka. Tema yang diangkat dari tempat ini adalah tidak jauh-jauh dengan urusan dunia setelah kematian yaitu akhirat.

Cara yang digunakan untuk menarik pelanggan pun juga cukup menarik, mulai dari menggratiskan bagi pembeli yang berbuka puasa setiap hari senin dan kamis, atau diskon menarik buat kamu yang sedang jomblo menahun.

I like this word Mr. Revitarahim
According to Tomihisa Ota, a professor emeritus of Pharmacy at the University of Kanazawa, polyphenols have properties that make it difficult for oil and water separated. By adding these substances onto ice cream, they realized, making the desert remains on its shape longer than usual.
One of the main factors that cause the ice cream melts is the destabilization of fats. The use of polyphenols can protect it — even in hot weather. Not just for a few minutes, even ice cream remains durable for up to three hours.

Other trials reported that let it in a temperature of 82 degrees Fahrenheit also doesn't make it melt.

Hai @lauranajwa, bek neutuleh mr tp neutuleh miss hai. Dukong sesama ta dukong @revitarahim

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