Hawking's death, and Pi Day: what does it all mean?

All in all, is there some mysterious hypothesis clarifying how noted astrophysicist Stephen Hawking passed on around the same time Albert Einstein was conceived, which additionally happens to be the day we respect the numerical steady Pi?
Probably not. It's simply each of the one mammoth incident.
Peddling passed on at 76, his family affirmed early Wednesday. He was viewed as one of the world's first hypothetical physicists, creating basic speculations on dark gaps and composing.
Stephen Hawking was conceived January 8, 1942, on the 300th commemoration of Galileo's passing. He passed on today, March fourteenth, on the commemoration of Einstein's introduction to the world. Time is roundabout - no starting, no end.
3 monsters of present day cosmology.
How emblematic.
Working in a self-imposed bubble all day and had no idea. Thank you for the best way I could have heard it.
Same here. Until I saw a post in a social network that its all coincidence, I stopped and just agreed to it. Lol
“Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays” changed my perspective one summer while vacationing at Lake Tahoe. Hawking had a way of explaining things that I'm pretty sure I shouldn't be able to comprehend. ;)