Oh, the good old science
From time to time I read fascinating articles about some new scientific discoveries which explain the complex factors that (allegedly) influence the choices we do when we choose our mates. For instance, something I read recently (sorry, I can't seem to find the reference) - did you know that women on the pill risk choosing a mate who is not genetically suitable!!? Hnmmmmm……
Credit: pixabay
I am amused when I read science's tries to explain something that is placed beyond rationality and logic. When will science realize that some things in life simply cannot be explained by numbers, diagrams or structures and that sometimes the way to understand things is to NOT exercise the mind?! It seems that the more our technology develops the more people try to solve the mystery of life through it. Someone needs to wake them up and tell them that life is much simpler than they believe.
Whatever the case may be I do salute the scientists who relentlessly strive to understand our reality. They do the routine and somewhat Sisyphean work while setting a good example for the youth to ask questions and show the necessary curiosity. I look forward to the day when science proves the existence of a soul!

Well, the analytical mind is surely brilliant but quintessential Truth thrives in silence, at least that is how it was for me ;)
Btw, I sent you a discord messages concerning my TF, if you are interested.
Indeed. I value my relationships with people by our abilities to speak with no words. Bypassing the mind. Very rewarding for the heart. :)
Thanks for the discord message.🙏 Will read it!
I do understand what you meant by science cant understand everything. But from my own experience the more you learn the more hungry you get.
Because when you learn something new its like a drug you get excited and addicted to something new.
What we start to do is explore even more until it satisfies you or do the opposite.
Depends on individual at the end of the day no right or wrong answer so far.
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The mind knows no satisfaction, that's why curiosity had no limits. But does curiosity alone bring answers to life's mysterious phenomena? 🤔 I think not.
True we just have to wait and see :)
Posted using Partiko Android
Sometimes we need to stop looking in order to see beyond. Science cannot have answers to all.
We have to pause, because finding an ideal life partner has become an enduring "lifestyle". With tertiary education, associating without looking at race is a privilege to be able to take small steps in determining what life partner we want. However, choosing an ideal life partner, however, is not as easy as writing a shopping list on paper.
Thanks fot this My Theacer @nomad-magus
Interesting topic/theory on the birth control and partners. Possibly some lackadaisical choosing's if one isn't afraid of, or planning a pregnancy?
As I've grown older and have had my children (no desire for more) I do experience a shifting perspective as to what I find attractive in a partner.
As far as choosing a love partner, I've found the relationships ripe for most growth often present themselves to both in a sort of synchronistic fashion rather than a carefully planned set of qualities/attributes, and really even any thinking/planning by either partner.
I do have friends and family who've chosen their partners in the same way they do a career and these are safe and often times work w/o a lot of extreme up's and down's, but seem to lack real passion when it comes to spiritual/soul growth.