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RE: The strange case for human beings having descended from ....?

in #science7 years ago

English version below

Excellent post! J'aime me questionner et là j'ai été servi! :-) J'adore ta façon de mettre de la vie dans ton texte comme par exemple ces quelques perles:

«Ever felt inspired to sign up for a 135 mile ultra-marathon across death valley in mid July?»

«But guess who does?» Quand tu parles des cheveux et de la barbe.

«You can actually find tons of pictures of pig labias, but I think I'll let you do that on your own time.»

Tu m'as fait sourire et rire!! Merci . Et surtout, je partage ton opinion, à savoir qu'il est vraiment essentiel de se questionner et de réaliser que la science est loin d'avoir les réponses, elle observe et suggère tout simplement.
J'ai bien hâte de lire d'autres post comme celui-ci! Merci d'avoir pris le temps de l'écrire et bonne journée!

Excellent post! I like to question myself and there I was served! :-) I love your way of putting life into your text as for example these few pearls:

«Ever felt inspired to sign up for a 135 mile ultra-marathon across death valley in mid July?»

«But guess who does?» When you talk about hair and beard.

«You can actually find tons of pictures of pig labias, but I think I'll let you do that on your own time.»

You made me smile and laugh !! Thank you . Above all, I share your opinion that it is truly essential to question oneself and realize that science is far from having the answers, it simply observes and suggests.
I can not wait to read other posts like this!Thank you for taking the time to write it and good day!


awwwwww!! thanks nature =) thats great to hear, I'm glad you found it worth your while. You make me wish I could speak French!!!