Daydreamers are often smarter
Thought-free times speak for creativity and high cognitive capacity
Wandering thoughts: Those who often get caught up in daydreaming need not be concerned - on the contrary. For the thought-lingering digression can be a sign of high intelligence and creativity, as a study reveals. Researchers found in this a close connection between the frequent day dreaming and a particularly good networking of the brain. In the tests of cognitive performance and creativity the daydreamers moreover perform particularly well.

Thought-free daydreaming can be a sign that the brain has a lot of free capacity. © agsandrew / thinkstock
Whether in a moderately exciting meeting, at school or on the road to work: Often we catch ourselves with our thoughts that we are quite somewhere else instead in the here and now. For a long time this daydreaming was a sign of lack of concentration and attention. Above all, parents are sometimes worried when their children are often daydreaming like lost in their thoughts.
Stronger connected brain areas
But as Christine Godwin from the Georgia Institute of Technology and her colleagues have now found out, daydreaming is by no means negative - rather the contrary. For their study, they had asked 100 subjects about how often their thoughts were digressing in everyday life. They were then given the task of fixing a point for five minutes, while their brain activity was recorded by means of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI).
Brain activity in this task gives us an idea of what brain areas work together during the awake, relaxed state, explains Godwin.
In the course of the day, participants were informed about frequent daytime dreams. The Default Mode Network (DMN), which is important for the attention, was particularly closely linked to the Frontoparietal Control Network, the area that controls our mental focus.
More intelligent and creative?

Areas of the default mode network (DMN). They are particularly well connected with other brain centers for daydreamers. © John Graner / Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
Interestingly, there is evidence that this pattern of linking also plays a role for different cognitive abilities, says Godwin.
For this reason, the researchers then subjected the participants to several standardized tests of the so-called fluid intelligence - problem-solving, logical thinking - and creativity.
The surprising result: The subjects, who tended to frequent daydreams, performed better in these tests than their supposedly more concentrated fellows.
We have identified significant positive correlations between daydreaming and fluid intelligence, as well as creativity, Godwin and her colleagues report.
More efficient brain more likely to digress
People tend to see daydreaming as a bad thing, but our data show that this does not have to be the case, says Godwins colleague Eric Schumacher.
Instead, the daydreamers' brains seem to be particularly efficient: they can be idle because their brains have enough free capacity.
This is reminiscent of an absent-minded professor - someone who is brilliant but often seems to be sunk into his own world, says Schumacher. Or to particularly talented school children: While their schoolmates need five minutes to learn something new, they have understood it after a minute and then start to daydream.
Godwin and Schumacher want to further explore the phenomenon of daydreaming in order to find out when the digression of thoughts can be helpful and when it may have a negative impact.
It seems clear that certain cases of daydreaming can be a very positive sign, the researchers said.
Source: Neuropsychologia, 2017; doi: 10.1016

Yeah, they always criticised me when I was a kid for that..
Me too! He who laughs last, laughs best. :-)
Hahaha, love that! :D
of course we are!! lol!! now I just got to show my family this article hahaha!! "Told ya so!!" hahaha
Just an This is the first time I have ever upvoted a comment... Love the comment.
It's my pleasure :-)
Interesting! Upvoted and Resteemed
Thank you!
That is be great dreamer....:-)
That is great News. I daydream all day long. In fact I am daydreaming right now as I read your post and type this comment. Up-Voted, Followed and Resteemed.
Seems your brain has plenty of time to idle :-). I daydream a lot too.
It can be dangerous though ..... just this morning I was walking down the street daydreaming and a Construction Worker had to stop me because I didn't notice a Truck backing up onto the Sidewalk. I didn't have headphones on, I was not reading my phone or text I was just walking along staring ahead at a building and dreaming about something.
Now everyone will think they're a daydreamer
Haha, that's a good one :-D
Wow this is amazing, i never knew.
Yes indeed, this is very interesting...
Maybe i will start day dreaming too 😂😂
Maybe i will start day dreaming too 😂😂
This is good info you posted here, they say daydreaming is good for the mind and body. Example Albert Einstein would sit and daydream for hours and see what he did for the world. The school use to call me and say my son would sit and daydream and I would say and your point My son is now home schooled and at 8 years old he can program games on roblox and do all sorts of things i would have never dreamed of at his age. Anyway thanks for this amazing post, and keep up the great work.
Thank you, for your additional info. This topic is really interesting for me as I was daydreaming a lot as a child...
You should definitely hand over the study to your school :-).
I think i will just do that, schools now days are not what they was when I was a I think I am going to print this and take it to the school board.
Haha, that would be awesome man!
Well I had to give you a follow, and to anyone else here that is not following I think you should. Please keep up the good content.
I am very pleased with the conclusions of this study.
Clearly I am a daydreamer. lol
Thank you!
You are welcome!
Definitely worth an upvote and a resteem :]
Thank you!