Reintroducing the MystiFACT-or-FICTION Challenge!

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Over the past few months, the dynamic of Steemit has changed quite a lot. As a result, the aim of this article to re-introduce the MystiFACT-or-FICTION challenge, that you may have participated in, in the past! For those who have not heard of this challenge before, you have my word that it is incredibly fun and interactive. From participating, you can reap the rewards and no doubts will you look to participate again and again in the future!


As promised, this challenge will be fun. It will require a level of creativity that will not only help you win this challenge, but will also improve your writing in the long run.

Introduction to the Challenge

To start the challenge off, I will release an article with a title similar to:

MystiFACT-or-FICTION challenge #1 – Name of Article

In this article, I will place a subtle scientific mistake. Your task is to find this mistake, correct it, then write an article related to the corrected mistake. The most creative, well-presented responses will be chosen as winners of the challenge. Here is an example:

Example response

Let’s say the first challenge I release has the title: MystiFACT-or-FICTION challenge #1 – Why Can We See Through Glass?. As mentioned, your first task is to find the Scientific error, which could be:

Glass is made by melting salt, and cooling it into the shape you want.

After doing some research, you would find that the correction is:

Glass is made by melting sand, and cooling it into the shape you want.

Now, your task is to come up with a creative article based around this corrected mistake. Here are some examples for you:

  • Where does sand come from?
  • How do glasses correct blurred vision?
  • Why is the beach windy?

Do you see how the examples I have given of potential responses are almost completely unrelated to the corrected mistake? This is exactly what I am looking for. This is where your creativity and good writing can win you the challenge!

There are some important things to note here:

  • A hint for the mistake will be provided at the end of each challenge article.
  • The Scientific error will be released in the comments, by myself, 3 days after the challenge has been released so that everyone can participate.

Once you have chosen what your article response will be, you must title the response in this format: MystiFACT-or-FICTION response #1 – Your article name.

Challenge rules

To successfully enter the challenge there are a few ground rules.

  1. The title of your response must be of the format: MystiFACT-or-FICTION response #1 – Name of your article
  2. You must add the tag #mystifact to your article before you publish it. This is important as otherwise I won’t be able to find it!
  3. Re-steem the challenge article containing the scientific mistake – in the example I have given, it would be the article: MystiFACT-or-FICTION challenge #1 - Why Can We See Through Glass?
  4. Your response must be submitted within the following 7 days of the article release date.


There will be three winners for every challenge post released.


20% of the SBD generated from challenge post


10% of the SBD generated from challenge post


5% of the SBD generated from challenge post


Since your articles will be STEM related, you may want to add ‘SteemSTEM’ as a tag, as well as ‘Mystifact’. The reason I say this is because SteemSTEM is the biggest Science community on Steemit. By using the tag, the administrators may curate your articles if they like what they read. This means that everyone could be a winner by participating!

Please note, if challenge post exceeds 50SBD, rewards become fixed

What is SteemSTEM?

SteemSTEM is currently the biggest Science community on Steemit. It is a welcoming community full of people who love Science. I strongly advise you to join this community and get involved.

Please see the links below to previously released challenges to have an idea of what's going on. Keep a look out for the first challenge of the series. Try to be as creative as possible and remember to have fun!

If you have any questions, leave them below and until next time, take care.

~ Mystifact

Please note; no copyright infringement is intended. All images used have been labelled for re-use on Google Images. If any artist or designer has any issues with any of the content used in this article, please don’t hesitate to contact me to correct the issue.

Previous challenge posts:
MystiFACT-or-FICTION challenge #1 - Can stress eventually KILL you?
MystiFACT-or-FICTION challenge #2 - Our Solar System, Our Home

Previous response posts:
MystiFACT-or-FICTION response #1 – Orgasmic Oxytocin
MystiFACT-or-FICTION response #2 - The Dwarf Planet And The Young Man From Kansas

Follow me on: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and be sure to subscribe to my website!


This is a test comment, notify @kryzsec on discord if there are any errors please.

GuidelinesProject Update

Being A SteemStem Member

that's great, can't wait for this challenge :)

I can't wait for you to participate in it!

cool~ hope i have time for this one XD

You sure will this time round!

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