in #science8 years ago

"Psychic" refers to a person who professes an ability to perceive information hidden from the normal senses by the means of ESP(Extrasensory Perception)

in other word psychics are the people who can tap into the sub conscious mind. Most people have some psychic abilities , however they may be clouded by too much clutter or haven't figured out how to enhance or use them.

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clairvoyance is the ability to see the future but true clairvoyance does not require crystal ball.

For some clairvoyance is innate , while for most people it can be developed through various psychic development exercises ,meditations and Clairvoyance Lessons .

To understand how all psychic abilities work, is to understand the nature of reality as a consciousness hologram, in which we vicarious experience. The human brain is an electrochemical machine (computer) forever viewing streaming consciousness for experience and interpretation. It is programmed by binary code with patterns of experience based on one's DNA codes. To become more clairvoyant is to focus your mind to see into the endless consciousness grids that comprise the realities in which you experience simultaneously.

Clairvoyance today falls under the heading of pseudoscience or Paranormal Psychology. There have been anecdotal reports of clairvoyance and 'clear' abilities throughout history in most cultures. Often clairvoyance has been associated with religious or shamanic figures, offices and practices. For example, ancient Hindu religious texts list clairvoyance amongst other forms of 'clear' experiencing, as siddhis, or 'perfections', skills that are yielded through appropriate meditation and personal discipline.

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